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triggers... a never ending story


hey there.... a short question about "how to fuck around with triggers"

for our exile server i wanted to split chernarus in half for pvp zone and pve zone... and want to get the players a message when they enter the red zone or leave it....

now when one player enters... all players get the message... not only the one who enters


_ZoneTrigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [3500,8200,0], false];
_ZoneTrigger setTriggerActivation ["ANYPLAYER", "PRESENT", true];
_ZoneTrigger setTriggerArea [3500, 8200, 0, true, 500];
_ZoneTrigger setTriggerStatements
    "['ErrorTitleAndText', ['PVP-Zone', 'Du bist nun in der PVP-Zone! Feuer Frei!!']] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;",
    "['SuccessTitleAndText', ['PVE-Zone', 'Du bist nun in der PVE-Zone! Pass auf worauf du schiesst!!']] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;"

ideas? also i set the trigger to LOCAL with the false in the first line... where true would be global... at least thats what the wiki says...



EDIT: got a solution in BIS forums now...

_ZoneTrigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [3500,8200,0], false];
_ZoneTrigger setTriggerActivation ["ANYPLAYER", "PRESENT", true]; // or what you want (not used)
_ZoneTrigger setTriggerArea [3500, 8200, 0, true, 500];
_ZoneTrigger setTriggerStatements
	"player inArea thisTrigger",
	"['ErrorTitleAndText', ['PVP-Zone', 'Du bist nun in der PVP-Zone! Feuer Frei!!']] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;",
	"['SuccessTitleAndText', ['PVE-Zone', 'Du bist nun in der PVE-Zone! Pass auf worauf du schiesst!!']] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;"

did the trick

Edited by AFC~Gagi2~

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1 answer to this question

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I've created a entry/exit messages this way:

Add this to Mission.sqm:
* Change position[]=  where you want your trigger to be.
* Change onActivation sqf script to be executed on entry to trigger zone.
* Change onDeactivation sqf script to be executed on leaving the trigger zone.
* Don't forget to change class Item#  to a proper one, so you don't have duplicates and increase the overall class Entities    >        items= ;

class Item13
			class Attributes
				condition="call{this && (local player) && (vehicle player in thisList)}";
				onActivation="call{LocationPvPvE = [] execVM ""enterpvp.sqf"";}";
				onDeactivation="call{LocationPvPvE = [] execVM ""exitpvp.sqf"";}";


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