
Totally unique exile server, L4 server rental and possibly help/advice/partner

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I'm looking for suggestions for the best server providers to rent from.  I'm looking for the best I can get for the best price.  Hoping something between 40-60 slots.  I'm going to be customizing myself, but I would also like to add to this project.  Really trying to create an exile experience that is unique to anything that is out there.  If I could make something as if tarkov, dayz and exile had a baby, that would be the goal.  Going to be totally custom loot tables and prices as well as well thought out items to be sold at the vendors.  

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If you want a server to be good, rent a dedicated server and go from there. No GSP can offer the performance a dedicated server can do.

With regards to your server being "totally unique", I'm curious as to how you'll achieve that without entirely custom content. I'm not being condescending, I am genuinely curious as "unique", "next best thing", "nothing else like this before", happens about once a week here somewhere and generally ends up being Exile, DMS Missions, a roaming AI system, and ZCP Capture Points. And DayZ homage servers end up being nothing but Exile on Chernarus. To achieve something like Tarkov meets DayZ will require an inordinate level of custom scripting.

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15 hours ago, kuplion said:

If you want a server to be good, rent a dedicated server and go from there. No GSP can offer the performance a dedicated server can do.

With regards to your server being "totally unique", I'm curious as to how you'll achieve that without entirely custom content. I'm not being condescending, I am genuinely curious as "unique", "next best thing", "nothing else like this before", happens about once a week here somewhere and generally ends up being Exile, DMS Missions, a roaming AI system, and ZCP Capture Points. And DayZ homage servers end up being nothing but Exile on Chernarus. To achieve something like Tarkov meets DayZ will require an inordinate level of custom scripting.

I have been writing down ideas for a while and a lot of it has to do with hand picking every item that can spawn, custom missions with hand picked equipment, this isn't going to be a server where everybody can be fully geared in 15 minutes.  Things like TWS will either be extremely hard to come buy or not in the server at all, LRPS will be extremely hard to acquire.  Loot tables are going to be fully customized.  It is going to be more like Dayz when it comes to what guns you can find and where as well as accessories and the items to buy in the vendor are going to be limited, expensive and based off custom reputation levels.  I want to build this experience from the ground up, im tired of the cookie cutter exile experiences.  this server isn't going to be up and running in just a few days, it won't be open to public for a while.  Anybody know if base building can be just as effective and fun without vector?  I have a buddy that used to help the FMG server with their server that might help me when he has time, but I'm also looking for somebody who has cool ideas and or skills with custom coding?  I have too many ideas to list

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Ok, you didn’t really respond to anything I said. So far you’ve detailed exactly what every other server does.

Best of luck.

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Basebuilding can be done without vector. do provide dedicated servers.

Keep us posted on how it is coming. Id like to see the finished product.

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8 hours ago, Kflo01 said:

Basebuilding can be done without vector. do provide dedicated servers.

Keep us posted on how it is coming. Id like to see the finished product.

They're not true dedicated servers, you can tell by the way they don't even list specs and still require you to select and pay for the number of slots, setup the RCON and more. A dedicated server lets the user configure that, not the host before purchase.

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48 minutes ago, kuplion said:

They're not true dedicated servers, you can tell by the way they don't even list specs and still require you to select and pay for the number of slots, setup the RCON and more. A dedicated server lets the user configure that, not the host before purchase.

Gotcha, didnt know that.

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Hello Hockeybear!

If you are so interested, I might be able to come to an arrangement with you that both of us would like. 

You are looking for a server host, I just recently bought our dedicated host for a year but I have been struggling on the setup as I am a rookie when it comes to Arma 3 server modding, and I fear I might have tossed myself into the deep end going right to Exile.

We have a fairly active 29 man discord that is more than interested in getting our own exile server up and going. A lot of us have unique ideas as for content. Here are just a few of our ideas. . .



So far we have ideas for a few custom missions - which a majority of other servers use. We are also looking at setting up setting up missions that fit into the assassination, rescue the hostage, and kidnap the officer categories. We are also looking into having random special named AI that spawn and wander the map. Some are special traders that sell unique items that are very hard to find, as well as hostile named AI that if killed give hard to find equipment. I have yet to check into the legality of the asset use, but several of us were considering using things like the terminator or the alien as some of the more difficult wandering AI. These special AI will take a considerable amount to take down but can be rewarding in the fact that they drop special items. 

We are also looking for a place where we can do a constant static site that resets on restart to run a hardcore event at. One that takes time, investment in both equipment and manpower, and planning in order to complete. This special mission takes a group to complete, and will be more than worth the trouble. 

We are also looking into running nautical missions, however things are not very clear on we will be setting this up yet. Just that we hope to give a real purpose to having a boat or sub on the server. 

Map Choice:

We are still working on deciding on what map to choose, so far we are trying to choose between Altis, Malden, and Panthera. Panthera is currently winning the vote. 


This has been a point of debate between our members, some want to do the classic trader system and others want to do a entirely player ran trade system. There also have been thoughts on doing a sort of hybrid of the system, which essentially involves using the static traders as the market value cap, and then let the players sell it for their own price up to the static trader price. "However, i am not a particular supporter of this idea"


What we want to do in this aspect, is have the majority of items available to buy including militarized vehicles. However prices will be in such a way as to prevent you from being able to purchase one in a hour of loot farming. Armed vehicles especially heavy vehicles like tanks and attack helicopters will be expensive - expect to spend time in gaining the tabs to buy one. Then we are also looking at having vehicles spawn on the map. Depending on the area you are in you can also find different tiers of vehicles. In towns and villages you can find your average civilian car and rarely a unarmed military vehicle. Civilian airfields have a chance of spawning your average civil helicopters and planes and potentially a chance to find a unarmed military helicopter. In order to find the better vehicles you need to check military sites. They will have better vehicles that spawn at their location, however, they will be significantly rarer, especially depending on if they are unarmed or armed. For instance you will have better odds of finding a lightly armed BTR compared to the extremely low chance of finding a tank. The same goes for airbases and airports. We are still debating on if the military sites should have AI spawns there in order to defend some of the equipment. 

We also want to re enable the roulette system, just for the fun of it!

Loot system:

This is fairly uniform to most servers, each building will be assigned to a category that dictates what loot can spawn there. Factories will spawn factory loot, Industrial will spawn industrial loot. The loot system will not be overly populated, to find decent equipment in any quantity you are going to have to go hunt down military sites.

And much much more. . .


If any of this interests you, you can contact us on our discord @


Hope to see you around. . .




Server spec:

Intel Xenon 4 core cpu, 64gb ecc ram, 250gb SSD, Access to gigabit fiber network out of Dallas TX.

Edited by Wilks Checkov

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