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Starting new server need help

10 posts in this topic



Im starting a server for my brother on my dedicated server.

So problem is when I start the server its running with map Tanoa but it is showing every time players 0/0 so my brother cant connect. Im not playing this game so I dont know anything about it just googling but cant find any info about that.

Here is start command

-config=server.cfg -cfg=basic.cfg -profiles=profile -maxMem=7000 -port=2302 -maxplayers=50 -mod=@exile -servermod=@exileserver -autoinit \> stdout.log 2\> stderr.log \& 


Here is server.cfg

hostname = "New server";
password                             = "";
passwordAdmin = "dsad3scds";
serverCommandPassword                = "dsad3scds";
logFile                                = "server.log";
verifySignatures                       = 1; // Do NOT use verifySignatures=2! It costs too many FPS
BattlEye                            = 1;
requiredBuild                         = 143869; // 1.80 stable
allowedLoadFileExtensions[]         = {:};
allowedPreprocessFileExtensions[]     = {"sqf"};
allowedHTMLLoadExtensions[]         = {"html"};
motdInterval                         = 5;
maxPlayers = 50;
voteMissionPlayers                     = 200;
voteThreshold                         = 200;
allowedVoteCmds[]                     = {};
allowedVotedAdminCmds[]                = {};
disableVoN                            = 0;
vonCodecQuality                     = 30;
persistent                            = 1;
kickDuplicate                         = 1;
equalModRequired                     = 0;
kickClientsOnSlowNetwork            = 0;
timeStampFormat                     = "short";
onUserConnected                     = "";
onUserDisconnected                     = "";
doubleIdDetected                     = "";
onUnsignedData                         = "kick (_this select 0)";
onHackedData                         = "kick (_this select 0)";
onDifferentData                     = "kick (_this select 0)";
motd[]                                 = {"Welcome to Arma 3 Exile Mod!", "", "Enjoy your stay!" };

class Missions
    class Exile
        template = Exile.Tanoa;  // Exile.Namalsk, Exile.Altis, Exile.Tanoa, ExileEscape.Altis, ExileEscape.Tanoa

        // do NOT use custom difficulties!
        // Use either ExileRegular or ExileHardcore
        // or you will break Exile!
        difficulty = "ExileRegular";


He says that server popups in launcher but he got disconnected from server because its 0/0

I also connected to mySQL and extrated exile.sql to the database and connected to server.


Here is also log from console


5 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.ExileConcreteMixerZoneIcon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.color'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.ExileConcreteMixerZoneIcon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.icon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: '/' is not a value

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.size'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: '/' is not a value

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.color'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.ExileConcreteMixerZoneIcon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.color'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.ExileConcreteMixerZoneIcon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.icon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: '/' is not a value

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.size'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: '/' is not a value

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.color'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.ExileConcreteMixerZoneIcon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.color'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.ExileTraderZoneIcon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.icon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: '/' is not a value

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.size'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: '/' is not a value

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.color'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.ExileTraderZoneIcon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.color'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.ExileBoatTraderIcon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.icon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: '/' is not a value

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.size'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: '/' is not a value

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.color'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.ExileBoatTraderIcon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.color'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.ExileContaminatedZoneIcon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.icon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: '/' is not a value

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.size'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: '/' is not a value

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.color'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.ExileContaminatedZoneIcon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.color'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.ExileAircraftTraderIcon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.icon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: '/' is not a value

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.size'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: '/' is not a value

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.color'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.ExileAircraftTraderIcon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.color'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.ExileAircraftTraderIcon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.icon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: '/' is not a value

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.size'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: '/' is not a value

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.color'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.ExileAircraftTraderIcon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.color'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.ExileSpawnZoneIcon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.icon'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: '/' is not a value

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.size'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: '/' is not a value

22:31:45 Warning Message: No entry '.color'.

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

22:31:45 Warning Message


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for your start command try just

-config=server.cfg -cfg=basic.cfg -profiles=profile -maxMem=7000 -port=2302 -maxplayers=50 -mod=@exile -servermod=@exileserver -autoinit


also looks like your mission file might be missing few things if you post the mission.sqm can try help

Edited by Zze

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2 hours ago, Zze said:

for your start command try just

-config=server.cfg -cfg=basic.cfg -profiles=profile -maxMem=7000 -port=2302 -maxplayers=50 -mod=@exile -servermod=@exileserver -autoinit


also looks like your mission file might be missing few things if you post the mission.sqm can try help

here is some log maybe will help you


 1:04:33 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.217)
 1:04:33 Host identity created.
 1:04:33 Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303
 1:04:33 Mission Exile.Malden read from bank.
 1:04:34 Roles assigned.
 1:04:34 Reading mission ...
 1:04:34 No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.ExileTraderZoneIcon'.
 1:04:34 Mission Exile.Malden read from bank.
 1:04:34 Roles assigned.
 1:04:34 Reading mission ...
 1:04:34 No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.ExileTraderZoneIcon'.
 1:04:34 Mission Exile.Malden read from bank.
 1:04:35 Roles assigned.
 1:04:35 Reading mission ...


Also where can I find missions.sqm ? I first time installed this server


Thanks for helping :)


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On 7/30/2018 at 7:21 PM, emtex said:


Also where can I find missions.sqm ? I first time installed this server


Thanks for helping :)


Should be something like  "C:\Arma\Server\mpmissions\Exile.Malden.pbo -> mission.sqm"

and you'll need a pbo tool to extract/pack pbo's


And here is what a mission.sqm for malden should look like


version = 52;
class EditorData
	moveGridStep = 1.0;
	angleGridStep = 0.2617994;
	scaleGridStep = 1.0;
	autoGroupingDist = 10.0;
	toggles = 1;
	class ItemIDProvider
		nextID = 116;
	class MarkerIDProvider
		nextID = 15;
	class Camera
		pos[] = {6659.5127,411.93668,5919.339};
		dir[] = {-0.02530832,-0.76106095,0.64826554};
		up[] = {-0.029688863,0.6486722,0.76047516};
		aside[] = {0.9992851,-4.8790753e-008,0.039012156};
addons[] = {"exile_client","A3_Ui_F"};
class AddonsMetaData
	class List
		items = 2;
		class Item0
			className = "exile_client";
			name = "Exile Client";
			author = "Exile Mod Team";
			url = "";
		class Item1
			className = "A3_Ui_F";
			name = "Arma 3 - User Interface";
			author = "Bohemia Interactive";
			url = "";
randomSeed = 2218544;
class ScenarioData
	author = "[FPS]kuplion";

class Mission
	class Intel
		timeOfChanges = 1800.0002;
		startWeather = 0.3;
		startWind = 0.1;
		startWaves = 0.1;
		forecastWind = 0.1;
		forecastWaves = 0.1;
		forecastLightnings = 0.1;
		year = 2039;
		month = 6;
		day = 24;
		hour = 12;
		minute = 0;
		startFogBase = 5.0;
		forecastFogBase = 5.0;
		startFogDecay = 0.014;
		forecastFogDecay = 0.014;
	class Entities
		items = 33;

		class Item0
			dataType = "Group";
			side = "Independent";
			class Entities
				items = 100;
				class Item0
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6709.972,3.531064,6098.1816};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 7;
					class Attributes
						isPlayer = 1;
					id = 1;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item1
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6715.4106,3.3922372,6098.1035};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 2;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item2
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6719.6055,3.4349802,6097.948};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 3;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item3
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6723.723,3.422645,6097.948};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 4;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item4
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6727.7627,3.6749485,6098.1035};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 5;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item5
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6731.725,3.7201705,6098.1816};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 6;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item6
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6735.5313,3.7071872,6098.1816};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 7;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item7
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6735.454,3.7017417,6095.54};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 8;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item8
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6731.8804,3.7197568,6095.54};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 9;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item9
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6727.6074,3.6728733,6095.773};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 10;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item10
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6723.49,3.523696,6095.773};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 11;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item11
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6719.6055,3.5784287,6095.8516};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 12;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
					atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007;
				class Item12
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6715.1772,3.5535653,6095.773};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 13;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item13
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6709.817,3.6209357,6095.54};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 14;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item14
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6709.5835,3.8316061,6092.588};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 15;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item15
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6715.1772,3.7679167,6092.8213};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 16;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
					atlOffset = -4.7683716e-007;
				class Item16
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6719.6055,3.8106358,6092.9756};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 17;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item17
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6723.568,3.7655332,6092.588};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 18;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item18
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6727.7627,3.7048593,6092.8213};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 19;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item19
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6731.8027,3.6831174,6092.51};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 20;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item20
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6735.3765,3.6345065,6092.044};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 21;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item21
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6709.3506,4.043117,6090.0244};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 22;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item22
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6715.255,4.054649,6090.1787};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 23;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item23
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6719.45,4.07037,6090.3345};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 24;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item24
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6723.568,4.036174,6090.0244};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 25;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item25
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6727.53,3.8530452,6090.1787};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 26;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item26
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6731.5693,3.6259701,6090.0244};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 27;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item27
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6735.221,3.5528815,6089.713};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 28;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item28
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6709.273,4.2203193,6087.072};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 29;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item29
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6715.3325,4.2280865,6087.383};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 30;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item30
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6719.3726,4.2361555,6087.461};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 31;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item31
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6723.801,4.179105,6087.227};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 32;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item32
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6727.7627,3.9470174,6087.616};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 33;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item33
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6731.8804,3.6687315,6087.227};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 34;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item34
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6735.454,3.4354198,6087.5376};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 35;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item35
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6733.59,3.7151988,6098.1816};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 36;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item36
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6733.667,3.7149925,6095.54};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 37;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
					atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007;
				class Item37
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6733.59,3.662434,6092.2773};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 38;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
					atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007;
				class Item38
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6733.3564,3.590914,6089.7905};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 39;
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 40;
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 41;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 42;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6729.8604,3.6831393,6092.9756};
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					id = 43;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6729.628,3.6998143,6095.618};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
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					id = 44;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6729.8604,3.7029147,6098.1816};
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					id = 45;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6725.8984,3.56806,6098.1816};
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					id = 46;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6725.6655,3.549155,6095.773};
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					id = 47;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 48;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6725.6655,3.9456663,6090.0244};
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					id = 49;
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 50;
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					id = 51;
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 52;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6721.47,3.788275,6092.899};
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					id = 53;
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 54;
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 55;
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 56;
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 57;
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 58;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6717.508,4.044653,6090.49};
					side = "Independent";
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					id = 59;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 60;
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 61;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6713.235,4.0231752,6090.258};
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					id = 62;
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 63;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6713.313,3.5142488,6095.8516};
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					id = 64;
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 65;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6711.681,3.4490402,6098.1816};
					side = "Independent";
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					id = 66;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6711.448,3.5443122,6095.618};
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					id = 67;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 68;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6711.137,4.063869,6089.713};
					side = "Independent";
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					id = 69;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 70;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6708.108,3.6220624,6098.2593};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
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					id = 71;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
					atlOffset = -2.3841858e-007;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6707.8745,3.6828012,6095.54};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 72;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6707.719,3.7985682,6092.8213};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
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					id = 73;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
					atlOffset = 4.7683716e-007;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6707.4863,3.968409,6090.49};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
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					id = 74;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6707.1753,4.136737,6087.461};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
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					id = 75;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6705.311,4.0920444,6087.227};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
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					id = 76;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6705.388,3.8855479,6090.568};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 77;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item77
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6705.466,3.7471762,6092.9756};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 78;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item78
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6705.6216,3.6816964,6095.3066};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 79;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item79
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6705.777,3.6722946,6098.414};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 80;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item80
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6704.223,3.6915817,6098.6475};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 81;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item81
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6704.0674,3.6398313,6095.54};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 82;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item82
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6703.9897,3.6404772,6093.442};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 83;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
					atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007;
				class Item83
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6703.6787,3.7739534,6090.7236};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 84;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item84
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6703.524,3.9608529,6087.461};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 85;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item85
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6701.4263,3.809835,6087.461};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 86;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item86
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6701.5815,3.6341746,6090.49};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 87;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item87
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6701.5815,3.4745336,6093.753};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 88;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
					atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007;
				class Item88
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6701.815,3.5249119,6095.618};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 89;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item89
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6702.1255,3.633924,6098.7256};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 90;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item90
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6699.251,3.5699582,6087.305};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 91;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item91
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6699.4844,3.4161081,6090.3345};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 92;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item92
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6699.251,3.229837,6093.753};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 93;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
					atlOffset = -2.3841858e-007;
				class Item93
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6699.795,3.325084,6095.696};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 94;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
					atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007;
				class Item94
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6699.717,3.5755856,6098.88};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 95;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item95
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6737.6294,3.6904001,6098.1816};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 96;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item96
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6737.785,3.6634042,6095.618};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 97;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item97
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6737.552,3.5586863,6092.044};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 98;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item98
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6737.552,3.456661,6089.7905};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 99;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6737.474,3.307374,6087.227};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 100;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
			class Attributes{};
			id = 0;

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			a = 175;
			b = 175;
			drawBorder = 1;
			id = 113;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item14
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {7121.23, 0, 6079.1};
			name = "ExileMarker14";
			text = "";
			type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon";
			id = 114;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item15
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {5558.22, 0, 11197.1};
			name = "ExileMarker15";
			text = "Lolisse";
			markerType = "ELLIPSE";
			type = "ExileSpawnZone";
			colorName = "ColorBlack";
			alpha = 0;
			fillName = "Border";
			a = 150;
			b = 150;
			drawBorder = 1;
			id = 115;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item16
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {5558.22, 0, 11197.1};
			name = "ExileMarker16";
			text = "";
			type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon";
			id = 116;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item17
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {6010.19, 0, 8635.74};
			name = "ExileMarker17";
			text = "Larche";
			markerType = "ELLIPSE";
			type = "ExileSpawnZone";
			colorName = "ColorBlack";
			alpha = 0;
			fillName = "Border";
			a = 150;
			b = 150;
			drawBorder = 1;
			id = 117;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item18
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {6010.19, 0, 8635.74};
			name = "ExileMarker18";
			text = "";
			type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon";
			id = 118;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item19
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {4471.56, 0, 8347.63};
			name = "ExileMarker19";
			text = "";
			markerType = "ELLIPSE";
			type = "ExileConcreteMixerZone";
			colorName = "ColorBlack";
			fillName = "Border";
			alpha = 0;
			a = 100;
			b = 100;
			drawBorder = 1;
			id = 119;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item20
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {4471.56, 0, 8347.63};
			name = "ExileMarker20";
			text = "";
			type = "ExileConcreteMixerZoneIcon";
			id = 120;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item21
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {5170.02, 0, 1205.07};
			name = "ExileMarker21";
			text = "";
			markerType = "ELLIPSE";
			type = "ExileConcreteMixerZone";
			colorName = "ColorBlack";
			fillName = "Border";
			alpha = 0;
			a = 75;
			b = 75;
			drawBorder = 1;
			id = 121;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item22
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {5170.02, 0, 1205.07};
			name = "ExileMarker22";
			text = "";
			type = "ExileConcreteMixerZoneIcon";
			id = 122;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item23
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {7965.7, 0, 9636.44};
			name = "ExileMarker23";
			text = "";
			type = "ExileAircraftTraderIcon";
			id = 123;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item24
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {7716.59, 0, 5097.07};
			name = "ExileMarker24";
			text = "";
			type = "ExileBoatTraderIcon";
			id = 124;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item25
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {3227.38, 0, 8490.95};
			name = "ExileMarker25";
			text = "";
			markerType = "ELLIPSE";
			type = "ExileTraderZone";
			colorName = "ColorBlack";
			fillName = "Border";
			a = 50;
			b = 50;
			drawBorder = 1;
			id = 125;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item26
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {3227.38, 0, 8490.95};
			name = "ExileMarker26";
			text = "";
			type = "ExileRussianRouletteIcon";
			id = 126;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item27
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {4472.03, 0, 8347.41};
			name = "ExileMarker27";
			text = "";
			markerType = "ELLIPSE";
			type = "ExileNonConstructionZone";
			colorName = "ColorBlack";
			fillName = "Border";
			alpha = 0;
			a = 250;
			b = 250;
			drawBorder = 1;
			id = 127;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item28
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {7965.93, 0, 9636.34};
			name = "ExileMarker28";
			text = "";
			markerType = "ELLIPSE";
			type = "ExileNonConstructionZone";
			colorName = "ColorBlack";
			fillName = "Border";
			alpha = 0;
			a = 250;
			b = 250;
			drawBorder = 1;
			id = 128;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item29
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {3227.35, 0, 8490.98};
			name = "ExileMarker29";
			text = "";
			markerType = "ELLIPSE";
			type = "ExileNonConstructionZone";
			colorName = "ColorBlack";
			fillName = "Border";
			alpha = 0;
			a = 250;
			b = 250;
			drawBorder = 1;
			id = 129;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item30
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {7716.58, 0, 5097.04};
			name = "ExileMarker30";
			text = "";
			type = "ExileBoatTraderIcon";
			id = 130;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item31
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {5170.06, 0, 1205.09};
			name = "ExileMarker31";
			text = "";
			markerType = "ELLIPSE";
			type = "ExileConcreteMixerZone";
			colorName = "ColorBlack";
			fillName = "Border";
			alpha = 0;
			a = 250;
			b = 250;
			drawBorder = 1;
			id = 131;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item32
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {5170.06, 0, 1205.09};
			name = "ExileMarker32";
			text = "";
			type = "ExileConcreteMixerZoneIcon";
			id = 132;
			atlOffset = 0;


Edited by Zze

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On 8/2/2018 at 11:51 AM, Zze said:

Should be something like  "C:\Arma\Server\mpmissions\Exile.Malden.pbo -> mission.sqm"

and you'll need a pbo tool to extract/pack pbo's


And here is what a mission.sqm for malden should look like

  Reveal hidden contents

version = 52;
class EditorData
	moveGridStep = 1.0;
	angleGridStep = 0.2617994;
	scaleGridStep = 1.0;
	autoGroupingDist = 10.0;
	toggles = 1;
	class ItemIDProvider
		nextID = 116;
	class MarkerIDProvider
		nextID = 15;
	class Camera
		pos[] = {6659.5127,411.93668,5919.339};
		dir[] = {-0.02530832,-0.76106095,0.64826554};
		up[] = {-0.029688863,0.6486722,0.76047516};
		aside[] = {0.9992851,-4.8790753e-008,0.039012156};
addons[] = {"exile_client","A3_Ui_F"};
class AddonsMetaData
	class List
		items = 2;
		class Item0
			className = "exile_client";
			name = "Exile Client";
			author = "Exile Mod Team";
			url = "";
		class Item1
			className = "A3_Ui_F";
			name = "Arma 3 - User Interface";
			author = "Bohemia Interactive";
			url = "";
randomSeed = 2218544;
class ScenarioData
	author = "[FPS]kuplion";

class Mission
	class Intel
		timeOfChanges = 1800.0002;
		startWeather = 0.3;
		startWind = 0.1;
		startWaves = 0.1;
		forecastWind = 0.1;
		forecastWaves = 0.1;
		forecastLightnings = 0.1;
		year = 2039;
		month = 6;
		day = 24;
		hour = 12;
		minute = 0;
		startFogBase = 5.0;
		forecastFogBase = 5.0;
		startFogDecay = 0.014;
		forecastFogDecay = 0.014;
	class Entities
		items = 33;

		class Item0
			dataType = "Group";
			side = "Independent";
			class Entities
				items = 100;
				class Item0
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6709.972,3.531064,6098.1816};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 7;
					class Attributes
						isPlayer = 1;
					id = 1;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item1
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6715.4106,3.3922372,6098.1035};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 2;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item2
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6719.6055,3.4349802,6097.948};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 3;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item3
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6723.723,3.422645,6097.948};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 4;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item4
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6727.7627,3.6749485,6098.1035};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 5;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item5
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6731.725,3.7201705,6098.1816};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 6;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item6
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6735.5313,3.7071872,6098.1816};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 7;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item7
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6735.454,3.7017417,6095.54};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 8;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item8
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6731.8804,3.7197568,6095.54};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 9;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item9
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6727.6074,3.6728733,6095.773};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 10;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item10
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6723.49,3.523696,6095.773};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 11;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item11
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6719.6055,3.5784287,6095.8516};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 12;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
					atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007;
				class Item12
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6715.1772,3.5535653,6095.773};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 13;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item13
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6709.817,3.6209357,6095.54};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 14;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item14
					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6709.5835,3.8316061,6092.588};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
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					id = 15;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6715.1772,3.7679167,6092.8213};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
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					id = 16;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
					atlOffset = -4.7683716e-007;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6719.6055,3.8106358,6092.9756};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
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					id = 17;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6723.568,3.7655332,6092.588};
					side = "Independent";
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					id = 18;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6727.7627,3.7048593,6092.8213};
					side = "Independent";
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					id = 19;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6731.8027,3.6831174,6092.51};
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					id = 20;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6735.3765,3.6345065,6092.044};
					side = "Independent";
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					id = 21;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6709.3506,4.043117,6090.0244};
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					id = 22;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6715.255,4.054649,6090.1787};
					side = "Independent";
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					id = 23;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6719.45,4.07037,6090.3345};
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					id = 24;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6723.568,4.036174,6090.0244};
					side = "Independent";
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					id = 25;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6727.53,3.8530452,6090.1787};
					side = "Independent";
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					id = 26;
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					dataType = "Object";
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 29;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6715.3325,4.2280865,6087.383};
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						position[] = {6719.3726,4.2361555,6087.461};
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					id = 31;
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						position[] = {6723.801,4.179105,6087.227};
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					id = 32;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6727.7627,3.9470174,6087.616};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 33;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6731.8804,3.6687315,6087.227};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 34;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item34
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6735.454,3.4354198,6087.5376};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
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					id = 35;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item35
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6733.59,3.7151988,6098.1816};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 36;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item36
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6733.667,3.7149925,6095.54};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 37;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
					atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007;
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					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6733.59,3.662434,6092.2773};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 38;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
					atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6733.3564,3.590914,6089.7905};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 39;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item39
					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6733.8228,3.4741623,6087.461};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 40;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6729.628,3.8210554,6087.5376};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
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					id = 41;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
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					id = 42;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6729.8604,3.6831393,6092.9756};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
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					id = 43;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
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					id = 44;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
					atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007;
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					dataType = "Object";
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					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
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					id = 45;
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						position[] = {6725.8984,3.56806,6098.1816};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 46;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6725.6655,3.549155,6095.773};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
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					id = 47;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item47
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6725.432,3.6989472,6092.8213};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 48;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6725.6655,3.9456663,6090.0244};
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					id = 49;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6725.743,4.057861,6087.461};
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					id = 50;
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 51;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6721.392,4.0548944,6090.258};
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					id = 52;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6721.47,3.788275,6092.899};
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					id = 53;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6721.392,3.552219,6095.773};
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					id = 54;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6721.392,3.430637,6097.948};
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					id = 55;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6717.508,3.4027965,6098.026};
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					id = 56;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 57;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6717.43,3.7912202,6093.0547};
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					id = 58;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6717.508,4.044653,6090.49};
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					id = 59;
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 60;
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 61;
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 62;
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					id = 63;
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 64;
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					dataType = "Object";
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					id = 65;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6711.681,3.4490402,6098.1816};
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					id = 66;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6711.448,3.5443122,6095.618};
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					id = 67;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6711.215,3.748869,6092.8213};
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					id = 68;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6711.137,4.063869,6089.713};
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					id = 69;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6711.137,4.230616,6087.1504};
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					id = 70;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6708.108,3.6220624,6098.2593};
					side = "Independent";
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					id = 71;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6707.8745,3.6828012,6095.54};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 72;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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				class Item72
					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6707.719,3.7985682,6092.8213};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
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					id = 73;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
					atlOffset = 4.7683716e-007;
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6707.4863,3.968409,6090.49};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
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					id = 74;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6707.1753,4.136737,6087.461};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 75;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6705.311,4.0920444,6087.227};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 76;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6705.388,3.8855479,6090.568};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 77;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item77
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6705.466,3.7471762,6092.9756};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 78;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item78
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6705.6216,3.6816964,6095.3066};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 79;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item79
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6705.777,3.6722946,6098.414};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 80;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item80
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6704.223,3.6915817,6098.6475};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 81;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item81
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6704.0674,3.6398313,6095.54};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 82;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item82
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6703.9897,3.6404772,6093.442};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 83;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
					atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007;
				class Item83
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6703.6787,3.7739534,6090.7236};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 84;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item84
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6703.524,3.9608529,6087.461};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 85;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item85
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6701.4263,3.809835,6087.461};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 86;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item86
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6701.5815,3.6341746,6090.49};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 87;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item87
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6701.5815,3.4745336,6093.753};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 88;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
					atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007;
				class Item88
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6701.815,3.5249119,6095.618};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 89;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item89
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6702.1255,3.633924,6098.7256};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 90;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item90
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6699.251,3.5699582,6087.305};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 91;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item91
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6699.4844,3.4161081,6090.3345};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 92;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item92
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6699.251,3.229837,6093.753};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 93;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
					atlOffset = -2.3841858e-007;
				class Item93
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6699.795,3.325084,6095.696};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 94;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
					atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007;
				class Item94
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6699.717,3.5755856,6098.88};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 95;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item95
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6737.6294,3.6904001,6098.1816};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 96;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item96
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6737.785,3.6634042,6095.618};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 97;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item97
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6737.552,3.5586863,6092.044};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 98;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
				class Item98
					dataType = "Object";
					class PositionInfo
						position[] = {6737.552,3.456661,6089.7905};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 99;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
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					dataType = "Object";
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						position[] = {6737.474,3.307374,6087.227};
					side = "Independent";
					flags = 5;
					class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
					id = 100;
					type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
			class Attributes{};
			id = 0;

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			drawBorder = 1;
			id = 121;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item22
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {5170.02, 0, 1205.07};
			name = "ExileMarker22";
			text = "";
			type = "ExileConcreteMixerZoneIcon";
			id = 122;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item23
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			position[] = {7965.7, 0, 9636.44};
			name = "ExileMarker23";
			text = "";
			type = "ExileAircraftTraderIcon";
			id = 123;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item24
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {7716.59, 0, 5097.07};
			name = "ExileMarker24";
			text = "";
			type = "ExileBoatTraderIcon";
			id = 124;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item25
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {3227.38, 0, 8490.95};
			name = "ExileMarker25";
			text = "";
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			b = 50;
			drawBorder = 1;
			id = 125;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item26
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {3227.38, 0, 8490.95};
			name = "ExileMarker26";
			text = "";
			type = "ExileRussianRouletteIcon";
			id = 126;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item27
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {4472.03, 0, 8347.41};
			name = "ExileMarker27";
			text = "";
			markerType = "ELLIPSE";
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			colorName = "ColorBlack";
			fillName = "Border";
			alpha = 0;
			a = 250;
			b = 250;
			drawBorder = 1;
			id = 127;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item28
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {7965.93, 0, 9636.34};
			name = "ExileMarker28";
			text = "";
			markerType = "ELLIPSE";
			type = "ExileNonConstructionZone";
			colorName = "ColorBlack";
			fillName = "Border";
			alpha = 0;
			a = 250;
			b = 250;
			drawBorder = 1;
			id = 128;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item29
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {3227.35, 0, 8490.98};
			name = "ExileMarker29";
			text = "";
			markerType = "ELLIPSE";
			type = "ExileNonConstructionZone";
			colorName = "ColorBlack";
			fillName = "Border";
			alpha = 0;
			a = 250;
			b = 250;
			drawBorder = 1;
			id = 129;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item30
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {7716.58, 0, 5097.04};
			name = "ExileMarker30";
			text = "";
			type = "ExileBoatTraderIcon";
			id = 130;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item31
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {5170.06, 0, 1205.09};
			name = "ExileMarker31";
			text = "";
			markerType = "ELLIPSE";
			type = "ExileConcreteMixerZone";
			colorName = "ColorBlack";
			fillName = "Border";
			alpha = 0;
			a = 250;
			b = 250;
			drawBorder = 1;
			id = 131;
			atlOffset = 0;
		class Item32
			dataType = "Marker";
			position[] = {5170.06, 0, 1205.09};
			name = "ExileMarker32";
			text = "";
			type = "ExileConcreteMixerZoneIcon";
			id = 132;
			atlOffset = 0;



I used PBO manager. So here is mission.sqm for Malden

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So are you using Malden or Tanoa map?

i can see in your config is:


class Missions
    class Exile
        template = Exile.Tanoa;  // Exile.Namalsk, Exile.Altis, Exile.Tanoa, ExileEscape.Altis, ExileEscape.Tanoa

        // do NOT use custom difficulties!
        // Use either ExileRegular or ExileHardcore
        // or you will break Exile!
        difficulty = "ExileRegular";


but the console says:


1:04:33 Mission Exile.Malden read from bank.


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23 hours ago, Brenner said:

So are you using Malden or Tanoa map?

i can see in your config is:

  Hide contents

class Missions
    class Exile
        template = Exile.Tanoa;  // Exile.Namalsk, Exile.Altis, Exile.Tanoa, ExileEscape.Altis, ExileEscape.Tanoa

        // do NOT use custom difficulties!
        // Use either ExileRegular or ExileHardcore
        // or you will break Exile!
        difficulty = "ExileRegular";


but the console says:

  Hide contents

1:04:33 Mission Exile.Malden read from bank.


I changed to Malden 

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20 hours ago, Brenner said:

tried to put full dir path to

-config=server.cfg -cfg=basic.cfg



Didnt, but it is reading server.cfg dont know will that help.

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