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[Solved] CfgSounds

4 posts in this topic

I add this to description

class CfgSounds

sounds[] = {};
	class ryanzombiesmoan1
		name = "Zombie Moan 1";
		sound[] = {"\sounds\moaning1.ogg",0.6,"0.925 + random 0.15"};
		titles[] = {};
	class ryanzombiesmoan2
		name = "Zombie Moan 2";
		sound[] = {"\sounds\moaning2.ogg",0.6,"0.925 + random 0.15"};
		titles[] = {};
	class ryanzombiesmoan3
		name = "Zombie Moan 3";
		sound[] = {"\sounds\moaning3.ogg",0.6,"0.925 + random 0.15"};
		titles[] = {};
	class ryanzombiesmoan4
		name = "Zombie Moan 4";
		sound[] = {"\sounds\moaning4.ogg",0.6,"0.925 + random 0.15"};
		titles[] = {};
	class ryanzombiesmoan5
		name = "Zombie Moan 5";
		sound[] = {"\sounds\moaning5.ogg",0.6,"0.925 + random 0.15"};
		titles[] = {};
	class ryanzombiesmoan6
		name = "Zombie Moan 6";
		sound[] = {"\sounds\moaning6.ogg",0.6,"0.925 + random 0.15"};
		titles[] = {};
	class ryanzombiesmoan7
		name = "Zombie Moan 7";
		sound[] = {"\sounds\moaning7.ogg",0.6,"0.925 + random 0.15"};
		titles[] = {};

But i have still this issue... i try to find everywhere where he could be another CfgSounds but I did not find anything .

15:09:58 Warning Message: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus_2035\description.ext, line 166: .CfgSounds: Member already defined.


My full description

#define true 1
#define false 0
// Required for the XM8, do not remove!
#include "RscDefines.hpp"

// Server Settings - Modify at will
author = "Inspired by A2 dayzmod";
onLoadName = "Dayz Epoch";
onLoadMission= "";
loadScreen = "logo.paa"; 
//disableChannels[] = {0, 2};
disableChannels[]={{0, true, true},{1, true, true},{2, true, true},{3, false, false},{4, false, false},{5, false, false},{6, true, true}};
//0 = Global 1 = Side 2 = Command 3 = Group 4 = Vehicle 5 = Direct  6 = System
OnLoadIntro = "";
OnLoadIntroTime = false;
OnLoadMissionTime = false;

class Header
    gameType = Survive; // Do NOT change this
    minPlayers = 1;
    maxPlayers = 100;

// Exile Settings - Do not change these!
forceRotorLibSimulation = 2;
skipLobby = 1;
joinUnassigned = 1;
respawn = "BASE";
respawnDelay = 120;
respawnDialog = 0;
respawnOnStart = 0;
respawnButton = 1; 
respawnTemplates[] = {"Exile"};
corpseManagerMode = 0;
corpseLimit = 20;
corpseRemovalMinTime = 1800;
corpseRemovalMaxTime = 3600;
wreckManagerMode = 0;
wreckLimit = 2;
wreckRemovalMinTime = 60;
wreckRemovalMaxTime = 360;
scriptedPlayer = 1;
disabledAI = 1;
enableItemsDropping = 0;
briefing = 0;
debriefing = 0;
allowFunctionsLog = 1;
enableDebugConsole = 1; 
//enableDebugConsole[] = {""};
allowFunctionsRecompile = 0;
showSquadRadar = 0;
showUAVFeed = 0;
reviveDelay = 6;
reviveForceRespawnDelay = 3;
reviveBleedOutDelay = 120;

showHUD[] = 
    true,   // Scripted HUD (same as showHUD command)
    true,   // Vehicle + soldier info
    true,   // Vehicle radar 
    true,   // Vehicle compass
    true,   // Tank direction indicator
    true,  // Commanding menu
    false,  // Group Bar
    true,   // HUD Weapon Cursors
    true   // Squad Radar

#include "config.cpp"

	#include "CfgRemoteExec.hpp"
	#include "infiSTAR_defines.hpp"
	#include "infiSTAR_AdminMenu.hpp"
	#include "infiSTAR_chat.hpp"
	#include "infiSTAR_KeyBinds.hpp"

#include "ExAdClient\ExAd.cpp"
#include "Custom\ServerInfoMenu\hpp\CfgServerInfoMenu.hpp"
#include "Custom\ServerInfoMenu\hpp\RscDisplayServerInfoMenu.hpp"
#include "R3F_LOG\desc_include.h"
#include "MarXet\dialog\RscMarXetDefines.hpp"
#include "MarXet\dialog\RscMarXetDialog.hpp"
#include "addons\defines.hpp"

class CfgFunctions
    #include "ExAdClient\CfgFunctions.cpp"
    #include "Custom\meds\cfgFunctions.cpp"
	#include "HaloParachute\config.cpp"	

class RscTitles
        #include "ExAdClient\RscTitles.cpp"
        #include "Custom\statusIcons\StatusIcons.hpp"
        #include "addons\defines2.hpp"		

class CfgHints
        #include "ExAdClient\CfgHints.cpp"

class CfgNetworkMessages
        #include "ExAdClient\CfgNetworkMessages.cpp"
        #include "Custom\Humanity\cfg\CfgNetworkMessages.hpp" // Humanity	
        #include "Custom\meds\CfgNetworkMessages.hpp"
        #include "MarXet\CfgMarXetNetworkMessages.hpp"		

class CfgSounds

sounds[] = {};
	class ryanzombiesmoan1
		name = "Zombie Moan 1";
		sound[] = {"\sounds\moaning1.ogg",0.6,"0.925 + random 0.15"};
		titles[] = {};
	class ryanzombiesmoan2
		name = "Zombie Moan 2";
		sound[] = {"\sounds\moaning2.ogg",0.6,"0.925 + random 0.15"};
		titles[] = {};
	class ryanzombiesmoan3
		name = "Zombie Moan 3";
		sound[] = {"\sounds\moaning3.ogg",0.6,"0.925 + random 0.15"};
		titles[] = {};
	class ryanzombiesmoan4
		name = "Zombie Moan 4";
		sound[] = {"\sounds\moaning4.ogg",0.6,"0.925 + random 0.15"};
		titles[] = {};
	class ryanzombiesmoan5
		name = "Zombie Moan 5";
		sound[] = {"\sounds\moaning5.ogg",0.6,"0.925 + random 0.15"};
		titles[] = {};
	class ryanzombiesmoan6
		name = "Zombie Moan 6";
		sound[] = {"\sounds\moaning6.ogg",0.6,"0.925 + random 0.15"};
		titles[] = {};
	class ryanzombiesmoan7
		name = "Zombie Moan 7";
		sound[] = {"\sounds\moaning7.ogg",0.6,"0.925 + random 0.15"};
		titles[] = {};

class Params
	#include "\a3\functions_f\Params\paramDebugConsole.hpp"


Edited by NeverAgain

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Check your mission folder (root) for a file called sounds.hpp or something similar and add the sounds to that file instead of in your description.ext.

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5 hours ago, MetalHead said:

Check your mission folder (root) for a file called sounds.hpp or something similar and add the sounds to that file instead of in your description.ext.

I use blowout...he use cfgsounds..i remove them and working :-) Thanks

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