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High CPU usage

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Let me preface this by saying that I know that this could be potentially an issue on server provider's side but first I want to figure out if I didn't mess something up.

So recently my server has been randomly getting huge lag waves that make the game unplayable and my server provider's support claims that it's happening because of high CPU usage. Usually the server smoothly works under full load (60/60 players) for a full day and it just starts happening randomly but interestingly enough it once happened while there were 15 players on the server and the CPU usage was really low.

The mods I'm using are CUP_Terrains_Core, Chernarus_Redux, Ryanzombies, Extended_Base_Mod, RHSAFRF, RHSUSAF, RHSGREF. I'm also using DMS and ExileZ. The server is kinda new so there's not a lot of bases.

So far I tried turning off CP missions since I noticed CPU usage spikes when players interacted with them, I also significantly reduced amount of zombies (currently capped at 30 zombies), reduced radius and increased interval at which server checks for loot to spawn and increased server restart frequency from 4 to every 3 hours. I also just now turned off ExileZ Crashes but I don't know if it helped yet.

Is there anything else I can do to try and fix it or is it for sure a problem on hosting's side? Is it a common issue on GTXGaming?


EDIT: Let me add that we've bought a best server they had available, there's no room for upgrades.

Edited by norscal

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It's a regular game server rented on GTXGaming.

EDIT: I think it's just GTXGaming being a terrible hosting, they keep saying that it's because of high CPU usage but it's happening right now at 25% load.

Edited by norscal

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if the hosts are adding/removing other servers on the shared box you will often see huge lag and your cpu usage drop to almost nothing.

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I see, I'm just worried that even if I move to a dedi box the issue will persist since they keep saying that "25% CPU load is an insane amount" and I honestly have no idea what might be causing it since at this point I'm basically running vanilla Exile with zombies capped at 30 and 3 DMS missions at all times.

EDIT: What is the normal CPU usage for a 50-60 player server?

Edited by norscal

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Yeah, that's what I thought. I'm gonna definitely change hosting to some dedi box, it just sucks that my server is gonna loose our huge player influx because of that bullshit. Should've done my research better.

EDIT: With all that being said, CPU usage actually dropped by half when I removed DMS missions. Is that normal? I was running only 3 missions at the same time.

Edited by norscal

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On 18-3-2018 at 9:05 AM, norscal said:

Yeah, that's what I thought. I'm gonna definitely change hosting to some dedi box, it just sucks that my server is gonna loose our huge player influx because of that bullshit. Should've done my research better.

EDIT: With all that being said, CPU usage actually dropped by half when I removed DMS missions. Is that normal? I was running only 3 missions at the same time.

Yes. Ai use a lot of CPU power. If you have 60 players online you sure as hell want a dedicated server, my CPU was at 85-90% under full load (not wiped, 70 players with an E3 1245v2). 

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