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Server only allows two players when it's set to 40

4 posts in this topic

I have a Kerama server I'm building and had it running vanilla.  Some of the buildings were elevated so that they couldn't be entered.  So I brought up my mission.sqm in the editor and deleted those buildings.   I saved that mission.sqm - unbinarized.   I added those buildings back in at the right elevation, also using 3den and exporting init.sqf.  So the map starts fine, the elevated buildings are gone, and my replacement buildings are in the right place.  But now I'm getting this in my server.RPT:


Mission Exile.Kerama: Number of roles (2) is different from 'description.ext::Header::maxPlayer' (40)

My max players is set to 40 in description.ext and players is set to 40 in @ExileServer\config.cfg.  Where's it getting the 2 players from?  There are a few other threads in here with this problem but none had viable solutions.

I'm also NOT getting these:


16:57:34 Successfull attempt to execute serverCommand '#kick 0' by server.
16:57:34 Successfull attempt to execute serverCommand '#kick 1' by server.
16:57:34 Successfull attempt to execute serverCommand '#kick 2' by server.
16:57:34 Successfull attempt to execute serverCommand '#kick 3' by server.

probably because it thinks only two players are allowed so there's no slots to kick.

I'm also getting nearly 500 of these in the server.RPT but I suspect these are an issue with the Kerama map itself since they were there before:


21:42:11 No more slot to add connection at 131965 (13125.4,16993.8)
21:42:11 No more slot to add connection at 131965 (13143.4,16994.1)
21:42:11 No more slot to add connection at 131965 (13125.2,16987.1)


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When I brought up the mission.sqm file in the editor, it said it needs to update and convert the mission.sqm file.  The resulting file - straight from the editor - with no other changes resulted in that.  The old and new mission.sqm files are considerably different.  A straight comparison isn't cutting the mustard on this one.

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51 minutes ago, Bob_the_K said:

When I brought up the mission.sqm file in the editor, it said it needs to update and convert the mission.sqm file.  The resulting file - straight from the editor - with no other changes resulted in that.  The old and new mission.sqm files are considerably different.  A straight comparison isn't cutting the mustard on this one.

Did you make sure you added the Exile player slots in Eden Editor?

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