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Admiral EliteSuicide

[(UN)SOLVED]ExileZ 2 - Set Altitude for Loot Crate ?


Hey Guys,

I´ve got an little question about the ExileZ Addon.


Is there a way to set an Altitude for the Loot Crate ??

I want to set it inside a Building in the 2rd Floor, but there are only X/Y Coordinations and the Mission Radius..

Desktop Screenshot 2017.12.08 -

Edited by Admiral EliteSuicide

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16 answers to this question

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Admiral is totally right.:

/* 15 Mission Radius */      0,                  // Up to how far from the center of the trigger the mission LOOT can spawn.

I'm not an expert but from what i see, you have to modify some parts of the script for triggerposition, adding a 4th value (Z).

How ever, if you only have ONE mission with a lootbox, you could circumvent the above step by giving a relative _position in zmissionloot.sqf - at least, i think so :D It's worth a try but that will only work if you'r running 1 lootbox mission!


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5 hours ago, WURSTKETTE said:

Admiral is totally right.:

/* 15 Mission Radius */      0,                  // Up to how far from the center of the trigger the mission LOOT can spawn.

I'm not an expert but from what i see, you have to modify some parts of the script for triggerposition, adding a 4th value (Z).

How ever, if you only have ONE mission with a lootbox, you could circumvent the above step by giving a relative _position in zmissionloot.sqf - at least, i think so :D It's worth a try but that will only work if you'r running 1 lootbox mission!


Thank you for you answer! :)

Yes I only have 1 Mission with a Crate in the ExileZ Addon, but I have more Loot Crates in the DMS Missions I think that doesnt matter ?

I´ve opened the zmissionloot.sqf now, where and how do I give a relative _position to this ?




// ExileZ 2.0 by Patrix87 of http:\\multi-jeux.quebec //

Private [

_lootqte = 50;
_maxOfEach = 2;
_position = _this select 0;

_items =[


// Loot in Crate


_cargoBox = [

] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

_lootBox = _cargoBox createvehicle _position;
_antiflag = "Exile_Construction_Flag_Static" createvehicle _position;

clearMagazineCargoGlobal _lootBox;
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _lootBox;
clearItemCargoGlobal _lootBox;
_lootBox enableRopeAttach false;
_lootBox setVariable ["permaLoot",true];
_lootBox allowDamage false;

for "_i" from 1 to _lootqte do {
    _item = _items call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _lootBox addItemCargoGlobal [_item, (ceil random _maxOfEach)];



Edited by Admiral EliteSuicide

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did you want to have the box up high so its not a, just grab and go, if so you can add a building to replace the flag or see what otherthings are in the editor that would make people have to get out of vehicles to go into a building.


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1 hour ago, WURSTKETTE said:

_position = _this select 0;


_position = [x,y,z];


It'll also create the "AntiFlag" at this position

I´ve edit this to my zmissionloot.sqf, where and how do I set the new Coordinations now ?

The Mission Crate should be have the Coord [X,Y,Z] [3987.55,11634.7,5],   

Edited by Admiral EliteSuicide

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