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Division Devin

Changing vehicle loadouts in Exile

10 posts in this topic

I've been getting asked by a few people on my server about using dynamic loadouts to change a vehicles configuration. Is there currently  a method, for example, to change what weapons a Pawnee has after/before someone buys it? I've looked all over and cannot find an answer.

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Hello Division Devin,

There was a script about one year ago that would let you attach weapons to any vehicle.  Problem is you have to remove the current weapon first.  As they come 'default', it PROBABLY would mean re-writing all configs for all vehicles, or just using vehicles that contain no weapons.

Either way, it would be a mess of work that you would not be paid for in full, even if donations rolled in.


With the above script, you might be able to ADD weapons to any vehicle.  The other?  Personally, I think the work involved would not pay off in the end as well as your 'customers' having to download a 'special' Exile/mods because of the changes you made.






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You never stated using ARMA's built-in mechanism for such.  ;)


I THINK, the vehicles must support such.  How do you know if a vehicle does?  Load up the editor, place said unit down and look at it's properties.  If it can or can not be done, is up to the vehicle 'construction'.  Also the page below always mentions 'pylons' and 'planes/helis'.  Pylons are only found on aircraft.



Also, Bohemia's SitRep also states the EXACT SAME THING:

"...One of these is Dynamic Loadouts, which allows for in-game customization of a vehicle's armament, which changes the way that airplanes operate in different situations. The ability to select the loadout for each pylon was requested by our community for a long time, and we're glad to finally be able to implement this alongside Jets' new premium assets..."

Sitrep Link:



There is another script which DOES allow one to change stuff on SUPPORTED units in 'real time'.  To my knowledge, everyone of these are planes/helis.

See here for info/link to script:


To use this feature REQUIRES SCRIPTING - PERIOD!  There is NO getting around this!  A script MUST reside somewhere!  The commands to use such features are listed in the 1st and 3rd links.


Without re-designing all of your vehicles as well as creating scripts, I think you are out-of-luck.



I think my idea of having a 'blank' vehicle and then using the 'add weapon' script mentioned in my first reply, is going to be about as close as you will get with what is 'in-use/out' now.



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Hey guys I found this script on armaholic yesterday. I tested in in Arma 3 and it words amazingly. But it’s a little outside my wheel house to port over into exile. My idea is to walk up to a laptop that u place at you’re base. Just like cctv. Open the edit aircraft and do your thing. Here is the link. Please post the final product for all.

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I was able to get it somewhat working. I had to install laptop as in the mission file of the script to my exile mission file and with hemitt ammo, repair, and refuel. was able to rearm, and repair a pawnee as for removing the weapons on the pylons that was unsuccessful as was changing any of the pylons. if someone can port this script to be used my a player based laptop and use thru the interactions menu then that would be great. Also if using infistar I found that I had to add the idd's to allow the screen to work they are 66, 57, //GOM Aircraft Loadout Editor

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On 10/23/2017 at 6:35 PM, jmayr2000 said:

I was able to get it somewhat working. I had to install laptop as in the mission file of the script to my exile mission file and with hemitt ammo, repair, and refuel. was able to rearm, and repair a pawnee as for removing the weapons on the pylons that was unsuccessful as was changing any of the pylons. if someone can port this script to be used my a player based laptop and use thru the interactions menu then that would be great. Also if using infistar I found that I had to add the idd's to allow the screen to work they are 66, 57, //GOM Aircraft Loadout Editor

in witch file did you placed the laptop with init?

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This is an old thread but I figure people come here to find an empty answer.

Since I've had extensive experience with this I thought I'd give people some information to go on.

First off the function is quite handy and makes for some interesting gameplay on our server and has for a while.

We have it working in a "ductaped" fashion and still finding better ways to use it.

I'll point out that this script does have it's cons however and I'll cover this now so you can know this upfront. By default this removes ALL AMMO, FUEL, and REPAIR cargo. What does this mean? Meaning it will not allow you to fuel across map, nor will it allow you to rearm/repair normally off vehicles and other sources. While we got the rearm/repair/fuel ability to work off Huron Crates, it removes it from ANY service vehicle. 

When you open the script and go to GOM\Functions\GOM_fnc_aircraftLoadoutParameters.sqf you will notice there's param's that need to be set. If you want to enable fueling at fuel stations etc, you need to define GOM_fnc_removeFuelFromMapObjects = false;

Not doing so will disable standard refuel capability, depending on your intent, this can be evil to find.


Secondly, what about Repair and Rearm? Hosed! Without breaking apart the GOM_fnc_aircraftLoadoutInit.sqf and finding a way to disable the "setAmmoCargo" and "setRepairCargo" functions without breaking the script, this can not be undone.

(The script basically does a nearEntities check and then wipes the content using the above BIS functions. There's other parts that look to wipe and I'm currently isolating)

What this means is you will NOT be able to service other vehicles (ground vehicles) off your service trucks if they are in your mission. 

I'm currently wrangling this and finding a method to disable this from happening as this is effecting our ground capability. While this might not be much to some, since we run a Full Militarized server with ground vehicles that eventually need logistics, this represents a challenge.

To circumvent this, I have looked at leveraging igiload to load Huron Crates onto the HEMTT "mover" (the one with a 5th wheel) and use them as service trucks. Something about the script does not touch these crates as I'm guessing they look at these as buildings.


Thought this might help a few of you and those who have implemented it and finding they have service vehicle issues.



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