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So since they updated Exile where Auto run no longer lets you sprint up hills, maybe this would be the perfect time to put in stamina? The way I see it, think of the game GTA, the more your character runs, jumps, climbs, etc. the more stamina he gets. For those unfortunate players that are either "bambi's" and/or don't have the money and luxury of buying heli's, boats, and big cars right off the bat and have to run everywhere, they will build up their stamina which will allow them to run faster for longer, where the people that fly from mission to mission, or just fly around in general, won't have as much stamina to sprint around. It would give people the choice, "I can fly or drive all over and get there faster, but the downfall is I will run slower if say a person shoots at me" where someone that just runs all over the map would have an Olympic athletes stamina, they may not get where they are going the fastest, but when it comes to a foot race, they will win. You could give a little stamina bar down by the health and make it kind of like the respect bar, the higher your stamina, the longer you can run up hills and run a little faster than other players on flat ground, nothing drastic on flat ground but maybe just a little faster, but the up hill battle would really show. Just some food for thought.

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I can understand your point, but with the new Exile update you have a choice of auto run. One choice is "ALLOW TERRAIN TO EFFECT AUTO RUN", the other is "DONT ALLOW TERRAIN TO EFFECT AUTO RUN". This is totally up to the server owners to choose this! The idea of them having a perk is a good idea but I still like the feeling of "coming from nothing to something".

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Hello tradewell20,

Stop and think what you said.  You start with nothing and you work your way up.  JUST LIKE THE OLDER PLAYERS HAD TO!


"...For those unfortunate players that are either "bambi's" and/or don't have the money and luxury of buying heli's, boats, and big cars right off the bat and have to run everywhere, they will build up their stamina which will allow them to run faster for longer, where the people that fly from mission to mission, or just fly around in general, won't have as much stamina to sprint around..."


So there would be no advantage to such.   All players start with basically NOTHING and must EARN it.


And how would you implement such on an existing server?  You could not fairly.  Also, if my friend wished to give me a 5k ride, why should I INSIST on running and taking 1 hour to get there instead of riding for 5 minutes?

Exile is not a 'running simulator', though at times, it can seem to be that way.


I compliment you on 'thinking', however, this idea is not well suited to Exile.



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It was merely an idea.. no need to come in and try and belittle me. I am just throwing out ideas I think that would be cool to possibly implement into the game. And I get having to work up to get the good stuff, I never once mentioned that a bambi should get a heli right off the bat did I? No, I did not, I simply said that for the people that DO end up running everywhere (like some of the people I play with that are "older players" that just flat out suck at driving and flying) maybe give them something extra to work for. As for why would you "insist on walking?" I didn't say you CAN'T accept a ride from someone, but that someone maybe isn't going to give you a ride around every day like a taxi service are they? And some servers don't have every vehicle know to the game on their server. If Exile is a "prisoner island mod" then why is the island geared to the teeth with military gear and vehicles anyways!? If this were anything like realism which its not, none of this would exist. Their lazy ass would have to walk everywhere they went and they would have to fight with a stick. Answer me this, would it really affect you that much if they did put this into the game? Because I really don't think it would. So on that note, that is your own opinion on this idea. All i said is that I think it would be a cool idea to implement something like this into the game, ITS NOT FOR EVERYONE  :P

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I think if you were going to do something like this, it would be dependent on being able to modify the ARMA 3 stamina system rather than just have it on or off. I'm not a developer so don't know what is possible but assuming for a minute that you could adjust the level of stamina a player has for the A3 inbuilt system then this might be possible.

You would  also have to track how long players were walking/running for in the game (not sure if that's possible/feasible) and also store it in the DB. You'd have to have numerous metrics to manage this but maybe it would be possible?

I don't think my player base would like this however it is an interesting idea and if ever implemented, I'd force them to give it a try before they made their final decision. I'll be interested to hear what other people think of it.

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I love the Stamina/Weapon Sway system in base Arma 3.  It constantly reminds me that I'm playing a game instead of a game that's also a realistic military simulator.



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I honestly think this would be a good idea. Because ideally the more you run/sprint and recover from it the higher your stamina would be normally. It could be implemented on current servers. At the start of it being implemented everyone would be on a level playing field just like start out as a Bambi. It could be reset when you die, thus giving an incentive to stay alive and not to play recklessly. However it seems that a lot pf people don't want the immersion of small things like that added in. 

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nice idea and it shouldn't be that hard to create with the stamina that arma uses you only need to adjust the weight of the toon when it has nothing as gear on, like a bambi that has the smaallest stamina bar possible it would be  like having a Navid on you and a Titan launcher ( not much stanima on the bar left)  and the more respect/ runnibng 1 does the lower your weight will become ( more stanima ).

concerning the speed of running it would also be the same a bambi will run full like a fully geared soldier and a more experienced player would run like a naked toon would run.


To bad im not good @ scripting otherwise i would've written it by now

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I mean, Epoch already had this system, you'd just have to steal their work.


Most disliked the system and it had a ton of complaints, but as my boy Cosby (who is innocent) likes to say, hey hey hey.

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