[RG] Salutesh

Exile Expansion - A Community Expansion Mod for Exile

49 posts in this topic


The Exile Expansion Project aims at customizing and expanding the gameplay content and possibilities of the Exile Mod with various additions.

So far the mod includes assets and configurations for the following content:

Mod Content:
3 Flag Textures
12 New Map Markers (Eden Editor Asset Browser Support)
6 New Gameobjects (Eden Editor Asset Browser Support)
5 Different Sign Textures
18 Hold-Action Icons
12 Statusbar Icons
9 Exile Toast-Notifcation Icons
6 Exile XM8 App Icons
So you may ask yourself what can you do with the Exile Expansion Mod so far?

Using new types of map marker icons:


ExileExpansionMissionIcon mission_marker_ca.png

ExileExpansionQuestIcon quest_marker_ca.png

ExileExpansionLootIcon loot_marker_ca.png

ExileExpansionBattleZoneIcon battlezone_marker_ca.png

ExileExpansionEventIcon event_marker_ca.png

ExileExpansionWinIcon win_marker_ca.png

ExileExpansionLoseIcon lose_marker_ca.png

ExileExpansionTargetIcon target_marker_ca.png



ExileExpansionAirdropIcon airdrop_marker_ca.png


Using new types of Exile Toast notifications with icon display:


QuestTitleAndText quest.jpg

ParadropTitleAndText paradrop.jpg

VehicleTitleAndText vehicle.jpg

EventTitleAndText event.jpg

WelcomeTitleAndText welcome.jpg

InfosTitleAndText infos.jpg

Use the Exile Expansion Container Loot System and also the holdAction icons and function:


Project GitHub: https://github.com/salutesh/Exile_Expansion

Instructions: https://github.com/salutesh/Exile_Expansion/blob/master/Exile_Expansion_CLS/README.md

Video of the CLS system in its development phase:


You can use these icons with the Exile Expansion Mod in combination with the CLS_fnc_AddHoldAction function:



Use the Exile Expansion Statusbar Icons:

Latest update informations about Exile Expansion CLS:


- Support for Exile Mod 1.0.3.
- Rewriten functions.
- Full customizable and easy to configure!
- Added optional override for ExileServer_system_lootManager_spawnLootInBuilding to replace the dafault Exile loot spawn with a full container loot spawn system. The system uses the Exile loot tables and building positions to spawn interactable containers with the loot inside like the custom spawn system does.
- Added new configurations for new type of hold action icons (Exile Expansion Client Mod update).


Latest update informations about Exile Expansion Client Mod:


- Added 3 new container objects (Loot Container).
- Added one new XM8 App icon (Virtual Garage). 
- Added Eden Editor asset browser support for all mod map markers.
- Added new unit Exile Expansion Drones Trader.
Example for Drones trader setup:


class CfgExileArsenal
	// Drones
	class I_UAV_01_F 								{ quality = 1; price = 20; };
	class I_UAV_06_F								{ quality = 1; price = 20; };
	class I_UAV_06_medical_F						{ quality = 1; price = 20; };
	class I_UGV_01_F								{ quality = 1; price = 20; };

class CfgTraderCategories
	class Drones
		name = "Drones";
		icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
		items[] =

class CfgTraders
	 * Exile Expansion Traders
	class Exile_Expansion_Trader_Drones
		name = "DRONES";
		showWeaponFilter = 0;
		categories[] = 


- Added new sign objects for drones trader.
- Added new sign object for trader zones.

You can find all objects, units and markers of the Exile Expansion Mod in the Eden Editor Asset Browser! 


Extra Images of concept proofs:








More is coming soon and regular updates are planed!

If you need some examples how to use the new content just let me know!



Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=832000537 

or download the Mod with the A3Launcher.



Please Note!

If you want to use the Exile Expansion Mod for your server then every client/player needs this Mod and they have to load it like the normal Exile Mod.

The server also have to load the mod normal, not as server mod.

This is the correct load order:




Add the provided key to your servers keys directory!


This is just an expansion for the Exile Mod!  You still have to use the normal Exile Mod 1.0.3 in combination!

Edited by [RG] Salutesh
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1 hour ago, EEZY-E said:

The  12 Statusbar Icons could you show us a screenshot of those icons? I like the idea a lot!

Here is the full normal status-bar:


Every icon and the bar image are included in the mod.

Here is the code that i am using for them:




class StatusBarExile 
	idd = -1;
	onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['StatusBarExile', _this select 0]";
	fadein = 0;
	fadeout = 0;
	duration = 10e10;
	movingEnable = 0;
	objects[] = {};
	class controlsBackground
		class statusBarImage
			idc = 55557;
			type = 0;
			style = 48;
			x = safezoneX + safezoneW - 1.883;
			y = safezoneY + safezoneH - 0.095;
			w = 1.35;
			h = 0.1;
			colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
			sizeEx = 0.4;
			font = "PuristaLight";
			text = "exile_expansion_assets\texture\ui\statusbar\old\statusbar_background_ca.paa";
	class controls 
		class statusBarText 
			idc = 55554;
			//x = safezoneX + safezoneW - 1.90;
			x = safezoneX + safezoneW - 1.88;
			y = safezoneY + safezoneH - 0.055;
			w = 1.35;
			h = 0.06;
			shadow = 1;
			colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
			font = "PuristaSemibold";
			size = 0.032;
			type = 13;
			style = 2;
			class Attributes {
				color = "#fbfcfe";
				font = "PuristaLight";


Include this file to your RscTitles class within your description.ext like this:



class RscTitles
	// Statusbar
	#include "dialogs\ExileStatusbar.hpp"





    File: ExileStatusbar.sqf
    Written by Salutesh
	Displays a statusbar for players. 

waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))};

_rscLayer = "StatusBarExile" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer;
_rscLayer cutRsc["StatusBarExile","PLAIN"];

[] spawn {
	if (!isNil "toggleStatus") exitWith {};
	uiSleep 5;
	_uid = getPlayerUID player;	
	while {true} do 
		uiSleep 1;
		if(isNull ((uiNamespace getVariable "StatusBarExile")displayCtrl 55554)) then
			diag_log "Exile Statusbar is loading.";
			_rscLayer = "StatusBarExile" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer;
			_rscLayer cutRsc["StatusBarExile","PLAIN"];			

		//Initialize variables and set values
		_players = count playableUnits;
		_unit = _this select 0;
		_damage = round ((1 - (damage player)) * 100);
		_hunger = round (ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 2);
		_thirst = round (ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 3);
		_bodyTemp = round (ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 5);
		_ambientTemp = [ExileClientEnvironmentTemperature, 1] call ExileClient_util_math_round;
		_poptabs = (player getVariable ["ExileMoney", 0]);
		if (_poptabs > 999) then
			_poptabs = format ["%1k", floor (_poptabs / 1000)];
		_locker = (player getVariable ["ExileLocker", 0]);
		if (_locker > 999) then
			_locker = format ["%1k", floor (_locker / 1000)];
		_respect = ExileClientPlayerScore;
		if (_respect > 999) then
			_respect = format ["%1k", floor (_respect / 1000)];
		_serverFPS = round diag_fps;
		_pos = getPosATL player;
		_dir = round (getDir (vehicle player));
		_grid = mapGridPosition  player; 
		_xx = (format[_grid]) select  [0,3]; 
		_yy = (format[_grid]) select  [3,3];
		_serverRestartTime = getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "CfgStatusbar" >> "statusbarRestartTime");
		_time = (round(_serverRestartTime-(serverTime)/60));
		if(!isNil "timeToNextRestart") then 
			_time = timeToNextRestart;

		_hours = (floor(_time/60));
		_minutes = (_time - (_hours * 60));
		_radiation = 0;
		if (!isNil "ExilePlayerRadiation") then 
			_radiation = ExilePlayerRadiation;
	    _statusRadiation = round (_radiation*100);
		switch(_minutes) do
			case 9: {_minutes = "09"};
			case 8: {_minutes = "08"};
			case 7: {_minutes = "07"};
			case 6: {_minutes = "06"};
			case 5: {_minutes = "05"};
			case 4: {_minutes = "04"};
			case 3: {_minutes = "03"};
			case 2: {_minutes = "02"};
			case 1: {_minutes = "01"};
			case 0: {_minutes = "00"};
		//Colour coding
		//Color Gradient Damage/Hunger/Thirst
		_colourDefault 		= parseText "#ffffff";
		_colour100			= parseText "#00ff36";
		_colour90 			= parseText "#00ff06";
		_colour80 			= parseText "#48ff00";
		_colour70 			= parseText "#7eff00";
		_colour60 			= parseText "#d8ff00";
		_colour50 			= parseText "#f6ff00";
		_colour40 			= parseText "#ffde00"; 
		_colour30 			= parseText "#ffc000";
		_colour20 			= parseText "#ff9c00";
		_colour10 			= parseText "#ff6600";
		_colour0 			= parseText "#ff1200";
		_colourDead 		= parseText "#000000";
		//Color Gradient Temerature
		_colourTempDefault 		= parseText "#ffffff";
		_colourTemp100			= parseText "#00ff36";
		_colourTemp90 			= parseText "#00ff06";
		_colourTemp80 			= parseText "#48ff00";
		_colourTemp70 			= parseText "#7eff00";
		_colourTemp60 			= parseText "#d8ff00";
		_colourTemp50 			= parseText "#f6ff00";
		_colourTemp40 			= parseText "#ffde00"; 
		_colourTemp30 			= parseText "#ffc000";
		_colourTemp20 			= parseText "#ff9c00";
		_colourTemp10 			= parseText "#ff6600";
		_colourTemp0 			= parseText "#ff1200";
		_colourMinus 			= parseText "#2efec8";
		//Color Gradient Radiation
		_colourRadiationDefault 	= parseText "#ffffff";
		_colourRadiation100			= parseText "#ff6000";
		_colourRadiation90 			= parseText "#ff7800";
		_colourRadiation80 			= parseText "#ff9c00";
		_colourRadiation70 			= parseText "#ffae00";
		_colourRadiation60 			= parseText "#ffc600";
		_colourRadiation50 			= parseText "#ffde00";
		_colourRadiation40 			= parseText "#ffea00"; 
		_colourRadiation30 			= parseText "#fffc00";
		_colourRadiation20 			= parseText "#f0ff00";
		_colourRadiation10 			= parseText "#f8ff82";
		_colourRadiation0 			= parseText "#ff1200";
		//Color Gradient for static icons
		_colourPlayers				= parseText "#217630";
		_colourPoptabs				= parseText "#db3b46";
		_colourLocker				= parseText "#db3b46";
		_colourFPS					= parseText "#217630";
		_colourRespect				= parseText "#db3b46";
		_colourLocation				= parseText "#217630";
		_colourRestart				= parseText "#217630";
		_colourDamage = _colourDefault;
		if(_damage >= 100) then{_colourDamage = _colour100;};
		if((_damage >= 90) && (_damage < 100)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour90;};
		if((_damage >= 80) && (_damage < 90)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour80;};
		if((_damage >= 70) && (_damage < 80)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour70;};
		if((_damage >= 60) && (_damage < 70)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour60;};
		if((_damage >= 50) && (_damage < 60)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour50;};
		if((_damage >= 40) && (_damage < 50)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour40;};
		if((_damage >= 30) && (_damage < 40)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour30;};
		if((_damage >= 20) && (_damage < 30)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour20;};
		if((_damage >= 10) && (_damage < 20)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour10;};
		if((_damage >= 1) && (_damage < 10)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour0;};
		if(_damage < 1) then{_colourDamage =  _colourDead;};

		_colourHunger = _colourDefault;
		if(_hunger >= 100) then{_colourHunger = _colour100;};
		if((_hunger >= 90) && (_hunger < 100)) then {_colourHunger =  _colour90;};
		if((_hunger >= 80) && (_hunger < 90)) then {_colourHunger =  _colour80;};
		if((_hunger >= 70) && (_hunger < 80)) then {_colourHunger =  _colour70;};
		if((_hunger >= 60) && (_hunger < 70)) then {_colourHunger =  _colour60;};
		if((_hunger >= 50) && (_hunger < 60)) then {_colourHunger =  _colour50;};
		if((_hunger >= 40) && (_hunger < 50)) then {_colourHunger =  _colour40;};
		if((_hunger >= 30) && (_hunger < 40)) then {_colourHunger =  _colour30;};
		if((_hunger >= 20) && (_hunger < 30)) then {_colourHunger =  _colour20;};
		if((_hunger >= 10) && (_hunger < 20)) then {_colourHunger =  _colour10;};
		if((_hunger >= 1) && (_hunger < 10)) then {_colourHunger =  _colour0;};
		if(_hunger < 1) then{_colourHunger =  _colourDead;};

		_colourThirst = _colourDefault;
		switch true do
			case(_thirst >= 100) : {_colourThirst = _colour100;};
			case((_thirst >= 90) && (_thirst < 100)) :  {_colourThirst =  _colour90;};
			case((_thirst >= 80) && (_thirst < 90)) :  {_colourThirst =  _colour80;};
			case((_thirst >= 70) && (_thirst < 80)) :  {_colourThirst =  _colour70;};
			case((_thirst >= 60) && (_thirst < 70)) :  {_colourThirst =  _colour60;};
			case((_thirst >= 50) && (_thirst < 60)) :  {_colourThirst =  _colour50;};
			case((_thirst >= 40) && (_thirst < 50)) :  {_colourThirst =  _colour40;};
			case((_thirst >= 30) && (_thirst < 40)) :  {_colourThirst =  _colour30;};
			case((_thirst >= 20) && (_thirst < 30)) :  {_colourThirst =  _colour20;};
			case((_thirst >= 10) && (_thirst < 20)) :  {_colourThirst =  _colour10;};
			case((_thirst >= 1) && (_thirst < 10)) :  {_colourThirst =  _colour0;};
			case(_thirst < 1) : {_colourThirst =  _colourDead;};
		//Climate Temperature
		_colourAmbientTemp = _colourTempDefault;
		switch true do
			case(_ambientTemp >= 37) : {_colourAmbientTemp = _colourTempDefault;};
			case((_ambientTemp >= 37) && (_ambientTemp < 38)) :  {_colourAmbientTemp =  _colourTemp90;};
			case((_ambientTemp >= 36) && (_ambientTemp < 37)) :  {_colourAmbientTemp =  _colourTemp80;};
			case((_ambientTemp >= 35) && (_ambientTemp < 36)) :  {_colourAmbientTemp =  _colourTemp70;};
			case((_ambientTemp >= 34) && (_ambientTemp < 35)) :  {_colourAmbientTemp =  _colourTemp60;};
			case((_ambientTemp >= 34) && (_ambientTemp < 35)) :  {_colourAmbientTemp =  _colourTemp50;};
			case((_ambientTemp >= 33) && (_ambientTemp < 34)) :  {_colourAmbientTemp =  _colourTemp40;};
			case((_ambientTemp >= 33) && (_ambientTemp < 34)) :  {_colourAmbientTemp =  _colourTemp30;};
			case((_ambientTemp >= 32) && (_ambientTemp < 33)) :  {_colourAmbientTemp =  _colourTemp20;};
			case((_ambientTemp >= 31) && (_ambientTemp < 32)) :  {_colourAmbientTemp =  _colourTemp10;};
			case((_ambientTemp >= 1) && (_ambientTemp < 10)) :  {_colourAmbientTemp =  _colourTemp0;};
			case(_ambientTemp < 1) : {_colourAmbientTemp =  _colourMinus;};
		//Body Temerature
		_colourTemp = _colourTempDefault;
		switch true do
			case(_bodytemp >= 37) : {_colourTemp = _colourTempDefault;};
			case((_bodytemp >= 37) && (_bodytemp < 38)) :  {_colourTemp =  _colourTemp90;};
			case((_bodytemp >= 36) && (_bodytemp < 37)) :  {_colourTemp =  _colourTemp80;};
			case((_bodytemp >= 35) && (_bodytemp < 36)) :  {_colourTemp =  _colourTemp70;};
			case((_bodytemp >= 34) && (_bodytemp < 35)) :  {_colourTemp =  _colourTemp60;};
			case((_bodytemp >= 34) && (_bodytemp < 35)) :  {_colourTemp =  _colourTemp50;};
			case((_bodytemp >= 33) && (_bodytemp < 34)) :  {_colourTemp =  _colourTemp40;};
			case((_bodytemp >= 33) && (_bodytemp < 34)) :  {_colourTemp =  _colourTemp30;};
			case((_bodytemp >= 32) && (_bodytemp < 33)) :  {_colourTemp =  _colourTemp20;};
			case((_bodytemp >= 31) && (_bodytemp < 32)) :  {_colourTemp =  _colourTemp10;};
			case((_bodytemp >= 1) && (_bodytemp < 10)) :  {_colourTemp =  _colourTemp0;};
			case(_bodytemp < 1) : {_colourTemp =  _colourMinus;};
		_colourRadiation = _colourRadiationDefault;
		switch true do
			case(_statusRadiation >= 100) : {_colourRadiation = _colourRadiation100;};
			case((_statusRadiation >= 90) && (_statusRadiation < 100)) :  {_colourRadiation =  _colourRadiation90;};
			case((_statusRadiation >= 90) && (_statusRadiation < 100)) :  {_colourRadiation =  _colourRadiation90;};
			case((_statusRadiation >= 80) && (_statusRadiation < 90)) :  {_colourRadiation =  _colourRadiation80;};
			case((_statusRadiation >= 70) && (_statusRadiation < 80)) :  {_colourRadiation =  _colourRadiation70;};
			case((_statusRadiation >= 60) && (_statusRadiation < 70)) :  {_colourRadiation =  _colourRadiation60;};
			case((_statusRadiation >= 50) && (_statusRadiation < 60)) :  {_colourRadiation =  _colourRadiation50;};
			case((_statusRadiation >= 40) && (_statusRadiation < 50)) :  {_colourRadiation =  _colourRadiation40;};
			case((_statusRadiation >= 30) && (_statusRadiation < 40)) :  {_colourRadiation =  _colourRadiation30;};
			case((_statusRadiation >= 20) && (_statusRadiation < 30)) :  {_colourRadiation =  _colourRadiation20;};
			case((_statusRadiation >= 10) && (_statusRadiation < 20)) :  {_colourRadiation =  _colourRadiation10;};
			case((_statusRadiation >= 1) && (_statusRadiation < 10)) :  {_colourRadiation =  _colourRadiation0;};
			case(_statusRadiation < 1) : {_colourRadiation =  _colourDefault;};
		if(_damage < 1) then
			_colourHunger		= _colourDead;
			_colourThirst		= _colourDead;
			_colourAmbientTemp 	= _colourDead;
			_colourTemp			= _colourDead;
			_colourPlayers		= _colourDead;
			_colourPoptabs		= _colourDead;
			_colourLocker		= _colourDead;
			_colourFPS			= _colourDead;
			_colourRespect		= _colourDead;
			_colourLocation		= _colourDead;
			_colourRestart		= _colourDead;
			_colourRadiation    = _colourDead;
		// Display the icons and informations 
		((uiNamespace getVariable "StatusBarExile")displayCtrl 55554)ctrlSetStructuredText parseText 
			<t color='%10'><img size='1.5' image='exile_expansion_assets\texture\ui\statusbar\old\statusbar_health_ca.paa' color='%5'/> %4%1</t>
			<t color='%10'><img size='1.5' image='exile_expansion_assets\texture\ui\statusbar\old\statusbar_temp_ca.paa' color='%28'/> %27°C</t>
			<t color='%10'><img size='1.5' image='exile_expansion_assets\texture\ui\statusbar\old\statusbar_climate_ca.paa' color='%30'/> %29°C</t>			
			<t color='%10'><img size='1.5' image='exile_expansion_assets\texture\ui\statusbar\old\statusbar_hunger_ca.paa' color='%11'/> %10%1</t> 
			<t color='%10'><img size='1.5' image='exile_expansion_assets\texture\ui\statusbar\old\statusbar_thirst_ca.paa' color='%13'/> %12%1</t>
			<t color='%10'><img size='1.5' image='exile_expansion_assets\texture\ui\statusbar\old\statusbar_radiation_ca.paa' color='%26'/> %25%1</t> 			
			<t color='%10'><img size='1.5' image='exile_expansion_assets\texture\ui\statusbar\old\statusbar_poptabs_ca.paa' color='%7'/> %6</t>
			<t color='%10'><img size='1.5' image='exile_expansion_assets\texture\ui\statusbar\old\statusbar_locker_ca.paa' color='%9'/> %8</t> 			
			<t color='%10'><img size='1.5' image='exile_expansion_assets\texture\ui\statusbar\old\statusbar_respect_ca.paa' color='%17'/> %16</t>			
			<t color='%10'><img size='1.5' image='exile_expansion_assets\texture\ui\statusbar\old\statusbar_compass_ca.paa' color='%21'/> %19</t>
			<t color='%10'><img size='1.5' image='exile_expansion_assets\texture\ui\statusbar\old\statusbar_players_ca.paa' color='%3'/> %2</t>




Call this file from your missions init.sqf like this:



if (hasInterface && !isServer) then 
	waitUntil {alive vehicle player};	
	waitUntil {typeOF player != "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"};
	uiSleep 2;
	systemchat format["[Exile] Loading client for Player %1..",name player];
	[] call CompileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "core\scripts\ExileStatusbar.sqf";		// Statusbar
	systemchat format["[Exile] Client loaded for Player %1.",name player];



Edited by [RG] Salutesh
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Many many thanks for this addon! I will try just now, but as server admin (newbie!) i need to know just a pair of infos:

- it's only a client side addon? Nothing to do at server side?

- if i need to activate it at server side, i need to load in -servermod or in -mod?

- the player is obliged to have this mod? Or he can join without and play ad vanilla exile?

Many thanks,



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14 hours ago, Remoz said:

Many many thanks for this addon! I will try just now, but as server admin (newbie!) i need to know just a pair of infos:

- it's only a client side addon? Nothing to do at server side?

- if i need to activate it at server side, i need to load in -servermod or in -mod?

- the player is obliged to have this mod? Or he can join without and play ad vanilla exile?

Many thanks,



The Expansion Mod works like the normal Exile Mod.

Every Player or call it client needs this mod if you want to use the included content on your Server.

The Mod also have to be loaded by the server as -mod like the normal exile mod.

Edited by [RG] Salutesh

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43 minutes ago, Chainsaw Squirrel said:

Does it only spawn loot in containers.. or can it do both normal exile loot and PLP containers ? I would like both .. I already use PLP ..so that would be a nice little additional place to loot for players

Its a addinonal Loot system, so it dont changes anything on the normal exile loot spawn system.

You also have to add the containers manualy with the Eden Editor and the Exile Plugin where you want them, to create special loot places.

You can find a complete instruction for this here: https://github.com/salutesh/Exile_Expansion/blob/master/Exile_Expansion_CLS/README.md

Edited by [RG] Salutesh
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Added information about the CLS_fnc_AddHoldAction function.

You can now use the hold action system and the Exile Expansion Mod hold action icons for custom stuff.

Take a look into the updated first post!

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