• 0

the problem with logging to the server


Hello . I often see on a server connected - disconnected. what is the problem . and how can I fix it. where and how to set that people can more easily get the server.Whether the change BattlEye to 0 in config.cfg anything will change .I have  infistar

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5 answers to this question

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Most of the time when it says "Player connected", "Player uses modified data", "Player disconnected" is because they used the wrong mods. 

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I hope that's what you mean


== C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\arma3server.exe
== "C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\arma3server.exe" -servermod=@ExileServer;@infiSTAR_Exile;@Exile_FPS; -mod=@Exile; -config=C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@ExileServer\config.cfg -ip= -port=2302 -profiles=config -cfg=C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@ExileServer\basic.cfg -name=config

Original output filename: Arma3Retail_Server
Exe timestamp: 2015/08/25 16:06:38
Current time:  2015/09/27 17:49:10

Type: Public
Branch: Stable
Version: 1.50.131969

Allocator: C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll

17:49:10 Updating base class ->Base, by a3\dubbing_radio_f\config.bin/CfgHQIdentities/PAPA_BEAR/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->Base, by a3\dubbing_radio_f\config.bin/CfgHQIdentities/AirBase/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->Wreck, by a3\data_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/PlaneWreck/
17:49:10 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Controls/B_OK/
17:49:10 Updating base class RscSliderH->RscXSliderH, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Slider/
17:49:10 Updating base class RscText->RscPicture, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Preview/
17:49:10 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMissionLoad/Controls/B_OK/
17:49:10 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMissionSave/Controls/B_OK/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoVScrollbars/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscLine/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscActiveText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscActivePicture/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonTextOnly/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscShortcutButtonMain/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonEditor/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIShortcutButton/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscGearShortcutButton/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenu/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuOK/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuCancel/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuSteam/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscLoadingText/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscListBox, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIListBox/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscListNBox, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIListNBox/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackground/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUI/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUILeft/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIRight/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIBottom/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUITop/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIDark/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundLogo/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscMapControl, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMapControlEmpty/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Mainback/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Back/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Title_Back/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Black_Back/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscTitle, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Title/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Logo/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->CA_Logo, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Logo_Small/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_RscButton/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->CA_RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_RscButton_dialog/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscActiveText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_image/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_image2/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_text/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscVignette/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMapControlTooltip/
17:49:10 Updating base class RscUnitInfo->RscUnitInfoAirNoWeapon, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscUnitInfoAir/
17:49:10 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_OK/
17:49:10 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_Cancel/
17:49:10 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_Clear/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/TimeLines/
17:49:10 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonAverages/
17:49:10 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonSavePreviousData/
17:49:10 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonPreviousData/
17:49:10 Updating base class RscControlsGroup->RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/controls/ModIcons/
17:49:10 Updating base class RscPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/IconPicture/
17:49:10 Updating base class IconPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/DlcOwnedIconPicture/
17:49:10 Updating base class IconPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/DlcIconPicture/
17:49:10 Updating base class RscListBox->RscCombo, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCustomizeController/Steepness/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscStandardDisplay, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/
17:49:10 Updating base class ButtonOK->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/controls/ButtonCancel/
17:49:10 Updating base class RscButton->RscButtonMenuOK, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/controls/ButtonOK/
17:49:10 Updating base class RscPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayFileSelectImage/controls/OverviewPicture/
17:49:10 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayFieldManual/controls/ButtonCancel/
17:49:10 Cannot delete class B_KickOff, it is referenced somewhere (used as a base class probably).
17:49:10 Updating base class RscButton->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMission/controls/ButtonCancel/
17:49:10 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuOK, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMissionSelectTags/controls/ButtonOK/
17:49:10 Updating base class ButtonOK->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMissionSelectTags/controls/ButtonCancel/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RscSubmenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMainMenu/
17:49:10 Cannot update non class from class a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscCallSupport/Items/
17:49:10 Cannot update non class from class a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscRadio/Items/
17:49:10 Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by a3\ui_f_mp_mark\config.bin/RscDisplayRespawn/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->VehicleMagazine, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CfgMagazines/24Rnd_missiles/
17:49:10 Updating base class ->RocketPods, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/cfgWeapons/missiles_DAR/
17:49:11 Updating base class ->SlotInfo, by a3\weapons_f_mark\config.bin/UnderBarrelSlot/
17:49:11 Updating base class CutSceneAnimationBaseAbuse->CutSceneAnimationBase, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_Abuse_abuser/
17:49:11 Updating base class CutSceneAnimationBaseAbuse->CutSceneAnimationBase, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_Abuse_abusing/
17:49:11 Updating base class CutSceneAnimationBaseAbuse->CutSceneAnimationBase, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_Abuse_Akhanteros/
17:49:11 Updating base class CutSceneAnimationBaseAbuse->CutSceneAnimationBase, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_Abuse_Lacey/
17:49:11 Updating base class Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon01->Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon_loop, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon02/
17:49:11 Updating base class Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon01->Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon_loop, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon03/
17:49:11 Updating base class Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon01->Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon_loop, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon04/
17:49:11 Updating base class Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon01->Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon_loop, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon05/
17:49:11 Updating base class Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup01->Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup_loop, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup02/
17:49:11 Updating base class Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup01->Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup_loop, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup03/
17:49:11 Updating base class Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup01->Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup_loop, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup04/
17:49:11 Updating base class Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup01->Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup_loop, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup05/
17:49:11 Updating base class HitPoints->, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CAManBase/HitPoints/
17:49:11 Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by exile_client\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/
17:49:11 Updating base class RscPicture->RscText, by exile_client\config.bin/RscDisplayVoiceChat/controls/Picture/
17:49:12 ragdollHitDmgLimit (0.000000) is lower than minimum (0.010000) and it was set to min.
17:49:12 Initializing Steam Manager
17:49:12 Steam Manager initialized.
17:49:12 ==== Loaded addons ====
17:49:12 dta\bin.pbo - unknown
17:49:12 dta\core.pbo - 84186
17:49:12 dta\languagecore_f.pbo - 86295
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@Exile\addons\dbo_old_bike.pbo - unknown
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@Exile\addons\exile_client.pbo - unknown
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@Exile\addons\gnt_c185.pbo - unknown
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\anims_f_mark.ebo - 83739
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\characters_f_mark.ebo - 85641
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\data_f_mark.ebo - 84958
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\dubbing_f_mark.ebo - 81923
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\dubbing_f_mp_mark.ebo - 81923
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\functions_f_mark.ebo - 84594
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\functions_f_mp_mark.ebo - 85875
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\languagemissions_f_mark.ebo - 86295
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\languagemissions_f_mp_mark.ebo - 86295
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\language_f_mark.ebo - 86295
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\language_f_mp_mark.ebo - 86295
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\missions_f_mark.ebo - 84276
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\missions_f_mark_data.ebo - 83115
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\missions_f_mark_video.ebo - 81429
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\missions_f_mp_mark.ebo - 85408
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\missions_f_mp_mark_data.ebo - 81558
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\modules_f_mark.ebo - 81710
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\modules_f_mp_mark.ebo - 85577
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\music_f_mark.ebo - 81958
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\music_f_mark_music.ebo - 81930
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\sounds_f_mark.ebo - 83408
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\static_f_mark.ebo - 84104
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\structures_f_mark.ebo - 85075
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\supplies_f_mark.ebo - 79552
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\ui_f_mark.ebo - 84397
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\ui_f_mp_mark.ebo - 85197
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\weapons_f_mark.ebo - 86051
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\air_f_heli.pbo - 85752
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\anims_f_heli.pbo - 80475
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\boat_f_heli.pbo - 82564
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\cargoposes_f_heli.pbo - 84953
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\data_f_heli.pbo - 80757
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\dubbing_f_heli.pbo - 75138
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\functions_f_heli.pbo - 84398
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\languagemissions_f_heli.pbo - 86295
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\language_f_heli.pbo - 86295
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\missions_f_heli.pbo - 84471
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\missions_f_heli_data.pbo - 75977
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\missions_f_heli_video.pbo - 75065
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\modules_f_heli.pbo - 84211
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\music_f_heli.pbo - 76012
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\music_f_heli_music.pbo - 76012
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\soft_f_heli.pbo - 82564
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\sounds_f_heli.pbo - 79398
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\structures_f_heli.pbo - 85075
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\supplies_f_heli.pbo - 84559
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\ui_f_heli.pbo - 76986
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\anims_f_kart.pbo - 80475
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\characters_f_kart.pbo - 85651
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\data_f_kart.pbo - 84958
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\languagemissions_f_kart.pbo - 86295
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\language_f_kart.pbo - 86295
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\missions_f_kart.pbo - 84471
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\missions_f_kart_data.pbo - 75687
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\modules_f_kart.pbo - 86208
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\modules_f_kart_data.pbo - 74588
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\soft_f_kart.pbo - 85476
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\sounds_f_kart.pbo - 79398
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\structures_f_kart.pbo - 85075
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\ui_f_kart.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\weapons_f_kart.pbo - 83573
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\curator\addons\data_f_curator.pbo - 84958
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\curator\addons\functions_f_curator.pbo - 85514
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\curator\addons\language_f_curator.pbo - 86295
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\curator\addons\missions_f_curator.pbo - 84999
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\curator\addons\modules_f_curator.pbo - 86131
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\curator\addons\ui_f_curator.pbo - 85573
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@Exile_FPS\addons\a3_infistar_exile_fps.pbo - unknown
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@infiSTAR_Exile\addons\a3_infistar_exile.pbo - unknown
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@ExileServer\addons\a3_dms.pbo - unknown
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@ExileServer\addons\custom_server.pbo - unknown
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@ExileServer\addons\exile_server.pbo - unknown
17:49:12 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@ExileServer\addons\exile_server_config.pbo - unknown
17:49:12 addons\a3.pbo - unknown
17:49:12 addons\air_f.pbo - 85882
17:49:12 addons\air_f_beta.pbo - 85523
17:49:12 addons\air_f_epb.pbo - 85592
17:49:12 addons\air_f_epc.pbo - 85583
17:49:12 addons\air_f_gamma.pbo - 82564
17:49:12 addons\animals_f.pbo - 86114
17:49:12 addons\animals_f_beta.pbo - 85786
17:49:12 addons\anims_f.pbo - 85695
17:49:12 addons\anims_f_bootcamp.pbo - 72362
17:49:12 addons\anims_f_data.pbo - 85891
17:49:12 addons\anims_f_epa.pbo - 78608
17:49:12 addons\anims_f_epc.pbo - 72362
17:49:12 addons\armor_f.pbo - 82564
17:49:12 addons\armor_f_beta.pbo - 86110
17:49:12 addons\armor_f_epb.pbo - 86110
17:49:12 addons\armor_f_epc.pbo - 84514
17:49:12 addons\armor_f_gamma.pbo - 86121
17:49:12 addons\baseconfig_f.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\boat_f.pbo - 85687
17:49:12 addons\boat_f_beta.pbo - 83805
17:49:12 addons\boat_f_epc.pbo - 82564
17:49:12 addons\boat_f_gamma.pbo - 85687
17:49:12 addons\cargoposes_f.pbo - 86243
17:49:12 addons\characters_f.pbo - 85752
17:49:12 addons\characters_f_beta.pbo - 83936
17:49:12 addons\characters_f_bootcamp.pbo - 85823
17:49:12 addons\characters_f_epa.pbo - 83523
17:49:12 addons\characters_f_epb.pbo - 85686
17:49:12 addons\characters_f_epc.pbo - 84064
17:49:12 addons\characters_f_gamma.pbo - 85675
17:49:12 addons\data_f.pbo - 85517
17:49:12 addons\data_f_bootcamp.pbo - 76960
17:49:12 addons\data_f_exp_b.pbo - 86189
17:49:12 addons\drones_f.pbo - 85481
17:49:12 addons\dubbing_f.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\dubbing_f_beta.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\dubbing_f_bootcamp.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\dubbing_f_epa.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\dubbing_f_epb.pbo - 76110
17:49:12 addons\dubbing_f_epc.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\dubbing_f_gamma.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\dubbing_radio_f.pbo - 78704
17:49:12 addons\dubbing_radio_f_data.pbo - 78762
17:49:12 addons\editor_f.pbo - 82563
17:49:12 addons\functions_f.pbo - 85893
17:49:12 addons\functions_f_bootcamp.pbo - 85813
17:49:12 addons\functions_f_epa.pbo - 84402
17:49:12 addons\functions_f_epc.pbo - 84400
17:49:12 addons\languagemissions_f.pbo - 86295
17:49:12 addons\languagemissions_f_beta.pbo - 86295
17:49:12 addons\languagemissions_f_bootcamp.pbo - 86295
17:49:12 addons\languagemissions_f_epa.pbo - 86295
17:49:12 addons\languagemissions_f_epb.pbo - 86295
17:49:12 addons\languagemissions_f_epc.pbo - 86295
17:49:12 addons\languagemissions_f_gamma.pbo - 86295
17:49:12 addons\language_f.pbo - 86295
17:49:12 addons\language_f_beta.pbo - 86295
17:49:12 addons\language_f_bootcamp.pbo - 86295
17:49:12 addons\language_f_epa.pbo - 86295
17:49:12 addons\language_f_epb.pbo - 86295
17:49:12 addons\language_f_epc.pbo - 86295
17:49:12 addons\language_f_gamma.pbo - 86295
17:49:12 addons\map_altis.pbo - 85518
17:49:12 addons\map_altis_data.pbo - 80737
17:49:12 addons\map_altis_data_layers.pbo - 79087
17:49:12 addons\map_altis_data_layers_00_00.pbo - 79087
17:49:12 addons\map_altis_data_layers_00_01.pbo - 79087
17:49:12 addons\map_altis_data_layers_01_00.pbo - 79087
17:49:12 addons\map_altis_data_layers_01_01.pbo - 79087
17:49:12 addons\map_altis_scenes_f.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\map_data.pbo - 81846
17:49:12 addons\map_stratis.pbo - 85518
17:49:12 addons\map_stratis_data.pbo - 80737
17:49:12 addons\map_stratis_data_layers.pbo - 79082
17:49:12 addons\map_stratis_scenes_f.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\map_vr.pbo - 82252
17:49:12 addons\map_vr_scenes_f.pbo - 82252
17:49:12 addons\misc_f.pbo - 85025
17:49:12 addons\missions_f.pbo - 78843
17:49:12 addons\missions_f_beta.pbo - 85797
17:49:12 addons\missions_f_beta_data.pbo - 85005
17:49:12 addons\missions_f_beta_video.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\missions_f_bootcamp.pbo - 85123
17:49:12 addons\missions_f_bootcamp_data.pbo - 72362
17:49:12 addons\missions_f_bootcamp_video.pbo - 75065
17:49:12 addons\missions_f_data.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\missions_f_epa.pbo - 86144
17:49:12 addons\missions_f_epa_data.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\missions_f_epa_video.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\missions_f_epb.pbo - 84766
17:49:12 addons\missions_f_epb_data.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\missions_f_epb_video.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\missions_f_epc.pbo - 85362
17:49:12 addons\missions_f_epc_data.pbo - 84724
17:49:12 addons\missions_f_epc_video.pbo - 84725
17:49:12 addons\missions_f_gamma.pbo - 85758
17:49:12 addons\missions_f_gamma_data.pbo - 85763
17:49:12 addons\missions_f_gamma_video.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\missions_f_video.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\modules_f.pbo - 85552
17:49:12 addons\modules_f_beta.pbo - 84471
17:49:12 addons\modules_f_beta_data.pbo - 80976
17:49:12 addons\modules_f_bootcamp.pbo - 79398
17:49:12 addons\modules_f_data.pbo - 85167
17:49:12 addons\modules_f_epb.pbo - 79398
17:49:12 addons\music_f.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\music_f_bootcamp.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\music_f_bootcamp_music.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\music_f_epa.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\music_f_epa_music.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\music_f_epb.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\music_f_epb_music.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\music_f_epc.pbo - 84723
17:49:12 addons\music_f_epc_music.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\music_f_music.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\plants_f.pbo - 85827
17:49:12 addons\roads_f.pbo - 82537
17:49:12 addons\rocks_f.pbo - 84519
17:49:12 addons\signs_f.pbo - 82967
17:49:12 addons\soft_f.pbo - 85752
17:49:12 addons\soft_f_beta.pbo - 85752
17:49:12 addons\soft_f_bootcamp.pbo - 85752
17:49:12 addons\soft_f_epc.pbo - 85340
17:49:12 addons\soft_f_gamma.pbo - 86082
17:49:12 addons\sounds_f.pbo - 85493
17:49:12 addons\sounds_f_bootcamp.pbo - 82576
17:49:12 addons\sounds_f_epb.pbo - 79398
17:49:12 addons\sounds_f_epc.pbo - 79398
17:49:12 addons\sounds_f_vehicles.pbo - 85560
17:49:12 addons\sounds_f_weapons.pbo - 84865
17:49:12 addons\static_f.pbo - 85125
17:49:12 addons\static_f_beta.pbo - 79398
17:49:12 addons\static_f_gamma.pbo - 82090
17:49:12 addons\structures_f.pbo - 86067
17:49:12 addons\structures_f_bootcamp.pbo - 85075
17:49:12 addons\structures_f_data.pbo - 85075
17:49:12 addons\structures_f_epa.pbo - 85075
17:49:12 addons\structures_f_epb.pbo - 85075
17:49:12 addons\structures_f_epc.pbo - 85252
17:49:12 addons\structures_f_households.pbo - 86055
17:49:12 addons\structures_f_ind.pbo - 85517
17:49:12 addons\structures_f_mil.pbo - 85518
17:49:12 addons\structures_f_wrecks.pbo - 85075
17:49:12 addons\uifonts_f.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\uifonts_f_data.pbo - 73106
17:49:12 addons\ui_f.pbo - 86227
17:49:12 addons\ui_f_bootcamp.pbo - 76325
17:49:12 addons\ui_f_data.pbo - 86227
17:49:12 addons\weapons_f.pbo - 86125
17:49:12 addons\weapons_f_beta.pbo - 86067
17:49:12 addons\weapons_f_bootcamp.pbo - 81923
17:49:12 addons\weapons_f_epa.pbo - 83667
17:49:12 addons\weapons_f_epb.pbo - 80958
17:49:12 addons\weapons_f_epc.pbo - 80374
17:49:12 addons\weapons_f_gamma.pbo - 83947
17:49:12 =======================
17:49:12 ============================================================================================= List of mods ===============================================================================================
17:49:12 modsReadOnly = true
17:49:12 safeModsActivated = false
17:49:12 customMods = true
17:49:12 hash = '9EBE0230A1E0F9308CE746831FC1DAA4DB85850A'
17:49:12 hashShort = '8b7ea477'
17:49:12                                               name |               modDir |    default |               origin |                                     hash | hashShort | fullPath
17:49:12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17:49:12                                          Exile Mod |               @Exile |      false |             GAME DIR | f7f4211a0630692bb84e4275160164d6793f9ea6 |  86fef58b | C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@Exile
17:49:12                                  Arma 3 DLC Bundle |            dlcbundle |       true |            NOT FOUND |                                          |           | 
17:49:12                                    Arma 3 Marksmen |                 mark |       true |             GAME DIR | 2ac91f318d5175e81ab7482fcf2a7aa8ae82a213 |  e93f1292 | C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark
17:49:12                                 Arma 3 Helicopters |                 heli |       true |             GAME DIR | a64ae24a6890d3240dad2baf3773e9240feebe5b |  47357fb6 | C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli
17:49:12                                       Arma 3 Karts |                 kart |       true |             GAME DIR | fde685d8a8f69d3e8c396ba1fd2e5727dc45f1f6 |  79fc1794 | C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart
17:49:12                                        Arma 3 Zeus |              curator |       true |             GAME DIR | 91164443d7c2b20cfc3826c614a14818171fbcb1 |  22b0ebcb | C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\curator
17:49:12                                             Arma 3 |                   A3 |       true |            NOT FOUND |                                          |           | 
17:49:12                                         @Exile_FPS |           @Exile_FPS |      false |             GAME DIR | da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 |  11fdd19c | C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@Exile_FPS
17:49:12                                    @infiSTAR_Exile |      @infiSTAR_Exile |      false |             GAME DIR | da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 |  11fdd19c | C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@infiSTAR_Exile
17:49:12                                       @ExileServer |         @ExileServer |      false |             GAME DIR | da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 |  11fdd19c | C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@ExileServer
17:49:12 ==========================================================================================================================================================================================================
17:49:12 InitSound ...
17:49:12 InitSound - complete
17:49:12 PhysX3 SDK Init started ...
17:49:12 PhysX3 SDK Init ended.
17:49:13 Attempt to override final function - rscminimap_script
17:49:13 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
17:49:13 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
17:49:13 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
17:49:13 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script
17:49:13 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaysinglemission_script
17:49:13 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script
17:49:13 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayremotemissions_script
17:49:13 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
17:49:13 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script
17:49:13 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script
17:49:13 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaystrategicmap_script
17:49:13 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycommon_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycurator_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycommon_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaydebriefing_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:14 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
17:49:15 VoteThreshold must be in 0..1 range. Defaulting to 0.5
17:49:15 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303
17:49:16 Connected to Steam servers
17:49:42 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext, line 94: '/CfgMusic/intro.sound': Missing ';' prior '}'
17:49:45 Server error: Player without identity =VS= haremo (id 1053807645)
17:49:45 Server error: Player without identity =VS= haremo (id 1053807645)
17:49:45 Server error: Player without identity =VS= haremo (id 1053807645)
17:49:45 Server error: Player without identity =VS= haremo (id 1053807645)
17:49:45 Server error: Player without identity =VS= haremo (id 1053807645)
17:49:45 Server error: Player without identity =VS= haremo (id 1053807645)
17:49:45 Server error: Player without identity =VS= haremo (id 1053807645)
17:49:45 Server error: Player without identity =VS= haremo (id 1053807645)
17:49:45 Server error: Player without identity =VS= haremo (id 1053807645)
17:49:45 Server error: Player without identity =VS= haremo (id 1053807645)
17:49:45 Server error: Player without identity =VS= haremo (id 1053807645)
17:49:45 Server error: Player without identity =VS= haremo (id 1053807645)
17:49:45 Server error: Player without identity =VS= haremo (id 1053807645)
17:49:45 Server error: Player without identity =VS= haremo (id 1053807645)
17:49:45 Server error: Player without identity =VS= haremo (id 1053807645)
17:49:45 Server error: Player without identity =VS= haremo (id 1053807645)
17:49:45 Server error: Player without identity =VS= haremo (id 1053807645)
17:49:45 Server error: Player without identity =VS= haremo (id 1053807645)
17:49:45 Server error: Player without identity =VS= haremo (id 1053807645)
17:49:45 Server error: Player without identity =VS= haremo (id 1053807645)
17:49:56 Starting mission:
17:49:56  Mission file: Exile (__cur_mp)
17:49:56  Mission world: Altis
17:49:56  Mission directory: mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\
17:49:56 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext, line 94: '/CfgMusic/intro.sound': Missing ';' prior '}'
17:49:56 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext, line 94: '/CfgMusic/intro.sound': Missing ';' prior '}'
17:50:05 Strange convex component145 in a3\plants_f\tree\t_pinuss2s_b_f.p3d:geometryView
17:50:05 Strange convex component149 in a3\plants_f\tree\t_pinuss2s_b_f.p3d:geometryView
17:50:11 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list
17:50:11 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit
17:50:11 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit
17:50:11 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile
17:50:12 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [BIS_fnc_preload] ----- Initializing scripts in Exile -----"
17:50:12 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [recompile] recompile BIS_fnc_missionTasksLocal"
17:50:12 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal
17:50:12 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [recompile] recompile BIS_fnc_missionConversationsLocal"
17:50:12 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal
17:50:12 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [recompile] recompile BIS_fnc_missionFlow"
17:50:12 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow
17:50:12 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] BIS_fnc_diagKey (0 ms)"
17:50:12 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] BIS_fnc_feedbackMain (0.999451 ms)"
17:50:12 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] BIS_fnc_missionHandlers (0 ms)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - run.sqf - including AntiHack"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de> VERSION: 18092015 infiSTAR.de AHAT (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - STARTING"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_RandomGen: {
_fnc_actualGen = {
_abc = ['z','y','x','w','v','u','t','s','r','q','p','o','n','m','l','k','j','i','h','g','f','e','d','c','b','a'];
_gen = _abc select (random ((count _abc)-1));
_arr = ['H','m','i','j','h','q','R','m','V','v','C','x','H','Q','j','e','H','a','V','I','S','N','Y','t','Y','h','s','U','v','i'];
_randmax = {((round(random _randminval)) + (round(random _randmaxval))) max _randminval};
for '_i' from 0 to (call _randmax)do
_gen = _gen + str(round(random 9)) + (_arr select (random ((count _arr)-1)));
_gen = '';
while{_gen=='' || _gen in _allRandomGenVars}do{
call _fnc_actualGen;
_allRandomGenVars pushBack _gen;
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| ----START-LINE----   (18092015-v0008b) (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _FNC_AH_KICKLOG: t1v0v3v2I7q2h0q2x6j6i8N3j5H2x (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN: h2H0U4m1h9V3H1v8Y5v8H5s4H3Q7C (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _BigTokenArray: s1I4Q0j7e8j8H4V3h8i4i (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _server_setTokenR: w5Q3R4t4V8v0U5e6m5N4j5q7H (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _fnc_pvc_token: m8U7C5a1j8x9S2j5H9N8t2m0U7U (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _server_checkTokenR: g3R0U5Y0m0V5m6H7j3i2m (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _YourPlayerToken: x4a3C8S3x5U6v2t6t6x1C (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _TokenCT: p1Y0V6h0H4h5Y1i7H (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _AH_MAIN_BLOCK: u5a6N2Y5i5S2v5Y5v5v5H1v3h8H1Q2m5U5a (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _AHKickOFF: j5e5v6h6S5C5v1S6Q (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _AHKickLog: m9h2N2N1h9Y6N0e1j (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _clientdo: o3H1v0U0i5H7U4t8h (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _AH_RunCheckENDVAR: d8N6V7e9I8R5x6S7I (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _AH_HackLogArrayRND: l4V5I1j9h0U6h8x7i9C3U9h1V6H6m3i4v6i2Q6v (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _AH_SurvLogArrayRND: o6Q2i9j1e9Y8Y1q4U7N3a (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _AH_AdmiLogArrayRND: q6q8H7a6v2e8Y6h8H1S (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _TMPBAN: g7H3Y5U9h3s0m1H1i8x5a4m7U0v (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _AHpos: j7m2H5C4a6Q8V1v3j7a4i3V7Y2v4H3q7q7Y4H3h2V8m8H (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _adminsA: r1Y3h6j9t8Y5s6h5U6i (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _MC: d1h6i8i5V6s4q4Y6R4a2U7S2Q5Y6Y5U7e0v4V6x (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _MCS: n2Y2x5C0U0H0m6S1t (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _LogicVariable: k5H8V1h6H4m3U5m7V6j5m1j (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _t1: n6a8I0x9s4e3H4C6m4R3j6v4s2m8S7q3i3H (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _t2: e3H7V7Q1Y1Y6U2q5V2j9Y5h0h1t8m3v0Y7S (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _t3: b8i8R5m8U8N5t1x0s (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _t4: g3h1j1m3H6H6q6V3e8Q4C8H5t3t1m7m1h (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _t5: a4i6N4C4H7C9h1i1H6H3h (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _t6: e4m0a7h6h2V6x1q1x (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _t7: h3H5U4R3C1H1m8H2S0i4Y3C9I4V2i3Y5Y5v3m7C5m5U7e (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _t8: k9N3s3R3H8v8i5Y8a (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _t9: b7R0s9m2h5Q8Y8v5h2x1I3a0S4h5a2R1C3q0Q3m6Y (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _AH_KICKLOG: PVAHR_8p3i4f1u2q0r (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _RequestToken: PVAHR_4j1y8u1g0f (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| ----END-LINE----   (18092015-v0008b) (v0008b)"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - loading AntiHack.."
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread BEFORE MAIN: compiling now!"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread BEFORE MAIN: still compiling..."
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread BEFORE MAIN: compiled !"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread MAIN: starting!"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread MAIN: loading...!"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread MAIN: compiling and/or sending none-threaded code!"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread MAIN: none-threaded code compiled and/or sent!"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - AntiHack loaded!"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - run.sqf - AntiHack included!"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - run.sqf - including AdminTools"
17:50:12 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - run.sqf - AdminTools included!"
17:50:12 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] a3_infiSTAR_Exile_fnc_preInit (191.994 ms)"
17:50:12 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] BIS_fnc_getServerVariable (0 ms)"
17:50:12 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] ExileClient_fnc_preInit (233.002 ms)"
17:50:12 "ExileServer - Server is loading..."
17:50:12 Client: Nonnetwork object 4476a800.
17:50:12 "ExileServer - Installed extDB2 version: 65"
17:50:12 "ExileServer - Connected to database!"
17:50:12 "ExileServer - Database protocol initialized!"
17:50:12 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] ExileServer_fnc_preInit (120.003 ms)"
17:50:12 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] DMS_fnc_DMS_preInit (1.9989 ms)"
17:50:12 Error: Bone world root doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
17:50:12 Error: Bone hips doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
17:50:18 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread #1: Server Loop #1 starting now!"
17:50:18 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread #1: Server Loop #1 looping now!"
17:50:19 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [script] initServer.sqf"
17:50:19 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] BIS_fnc_missionFlow (0 ms)"
17:50:19 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] BIS_fnc_initParams (0 ms)"
17:50:19 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] BIS_fnc_initRespawn (0 ms)"
17:50:19 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] BIS_fnc_sharedObjectives (0.999451 ms)"
17:50:19 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] BIS_fnc_3dMarkers (0 ms)"
17:50:19 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] a3_infiSTAR_Exile_FPS_fnc_postInit (0 ms)"
17:50:19 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] ExileClient_fnc_postInit (0.999451 ms)"
17:50:19 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10000 added."
17:50:19 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10001 added."
17:50:19 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10002 added."
17:50:19 c:\w\stable\futura\lib\network\networkserver.cpp NetworkServer::OnClientStateChanged:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing!
17:50:19 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10003 added."
17:50:19 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10004 added."
17:50:19 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10005 added."
17:50:19 Weather was forced to change
17:50:19 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10006 added."
17:50:19 "ExileServer - Initializing game world..."
17:50:19 "ExileServer - Loading territories from database..."
17:50:19 "ExileServer - Done loading territories!"
17:50:19 "ExileServer - Loading constructions from database..."
17:50:19 "ExileServer - Done loading constructions!"
17:50:19 "ExileServer - Loading vehicles from database..."
17:50:20 "ExileServer - Player =VS= haremo (UID 76561198033528990) connected!"
17:50:20 "<infiSTAR.de>ConnectLog| 0h 0min 0s | Connected: SteamName: haremo - IngameName: =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) - time: 0 - serverFPS: 0.668645 (v0008b)"
17:50:20 "<infiSTAR.de>ConnectLog| 0h 0min 0s | Connected: __SERVER__() - time: 0 - serverFPS: 11.8343 (v0008b)"
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 9) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 10) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 11) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 12) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 13) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 14) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 15) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 8) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 16) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 17) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 18) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 19) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 20) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 21) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 22) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 24) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 23) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 28) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 27) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 30) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 32) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 31) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 33) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 35) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 34) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 37) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 36) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 39) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 38) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 41) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 42) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 44) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 43) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 46) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 45) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 48) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 47) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 50) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 49) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 52) not found
17:50:20 Error: Object(3 : 51) not found
17:50:21 "ExileServer - Done loading vehicles!"
17:50:21 "ExileServer - Loading containers from database..."
17:50:21 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: MainTurret - unknown animation source mainTurret
17:50:21 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: MainGun - unknown animation source mainGun
17:50:21 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: Ammo_belt_rotation - unknown animation source ReloadAnim
17:50:21 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: Bolt_reload_begin - unknown animation source reloadMagazine
17:50:21 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: muzzleFlash - unknown animation source muzzle_source
17:50:21 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: zaslehROT - unknown animation source muzzle_source_rot
17:50:21 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: AddAutonomous_unhide - unknown animation source autonomous_unhide
17:50:21 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: bullet001_reload_hide - unknown animation source revolving
17:50:21 Exile_Cosmetic_UAV: RotorImpactHide - unknown animation source rotorHFullyDestroyed
17:50:21 Exile_Cosmetic_UAV: TailRotorImpactHide - unknown animation source tailRotorHFullyDestroyed
17:50:21 Exile_Cosmetic_UAV: propeller1_rotation - unknown animation source rotorH
17:50:21 Exile_Cosmetic_UAV: propeller2_rotation - unknown animation source rotorV
17:50:21 Exile_Cosmetic_UAV: propeller1_hide - unknown animation source rpm
17:50:21 Exile_Cosmetic_UAV: MainTurret - unknown animation source mainTurret
17:50:21 Exile_Cosmetic_UAV: MainGun - unknown animation source mainGun
17:50:21 "ExileServer - Done loading containers!"
17:50:21 "ExileServer - Creating spawn zone vehicles..."
17:50:22 Object id Veh-0 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-1 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-2 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-3 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-4 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-5 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-6 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-7 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-8 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-9 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-10 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-11 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-12 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-13 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-14 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-15 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-16 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-17 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-18 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-19 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-20 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-21 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-22 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-23 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-24 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-25 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-26 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-27 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-28 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-29 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-30 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-31 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-32 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-33 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-34 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-35 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-36 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-37 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-38 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-39 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-40 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-41 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-42 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-43 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-44 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-45 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-46 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-47 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-48 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-49 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-50 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-51 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-52 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-53 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-54 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-55 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-56 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-57 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-58 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-59 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-60 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-61 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-62 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-63 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-64 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-65 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-66 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-67 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-68 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-69 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-70 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-71 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-72 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-73 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-74 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-75 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-76 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-77 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-78 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-79 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-80 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-81 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-82 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-83 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-84 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-85 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-86 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-87 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-88 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-89 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-90 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-91 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-92 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-93 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-94 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-95 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-96 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-97 is not static
17:50:22 Object id Veh-98 is not static
17:50:23 Land_Box_AmmoOld_F: Ammo_hide - unknown animation source Ammo_source
17:50:23 Land_Box_AmmoOld_F: AmmoOrd_hide - unknown animation source AmmoOrd_source
17:50:23 Land_Box_AmmoOld_F: Grenades_hide - unknown animation source Grenades_source
17:50:23 Land_Box_AmmoOld_F: Support_hide - unknown animation source Support_source
17:50:24 "ExileServer - Spawning Dynamic Vehicles. GridSize: 2200 Vehs/Grid : 2"
17:50:32 "[blckeagls] loading version 8-2-2015 Build 3.54 ...... >>"
17:50:37 "Spawn black list locations added for Altis"
17:50:37 "[blckeagls]: Worldname is altis. Map Specific Settings Defined"
17:50:37 "ExileServer - Dynamic vehicles spawned. Count : 234"
17:50:37 "ExileServer - Game world initialized! Let the fun begin!"
17:50:37 "ExileServer - Running maintenance!"
17:50:37 "ExileServer - Maintenance done. 0 territories deleted."
17:50:37 "ExileServer - Server is up and running! Version: 0.9.20"
17:50:37 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] ExileServer_fnc_postInit (18562 ms)"
17:50:37 "DMS :: Initializing Mission Variables"
17:50:37 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] DMS_fnc_DMS_postInit (4.99725 ms)"
17:50:37 "ExileServer - Main thread started"
17:50:37 "DMS :: Initializing FSM mission script"
17:50:37 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [BIS_fnc_preload] ----- Scripts initialized at 25812 ms -----"
17:50:38 Inventory item with given name: [Rangefinder] not found
17:50:40 "<infiSTAR.de> RequestToken: =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Requested a Token!   _clientID: 3"
17:50:40 "<infiSTAR.de>ConnectLog| 0h 0min 18s | Runtime: 18s | SENT TOKEN [cjqs8xsqepix278d] TO ID [=VS= haremo(76561198033528990) - 3] (v0008b)"
17:50:40 "<infiSTAR.de> server_setToken: SENT TOKEN [cjqs8xsqepix278d] TO =VS= haremo(76561198033528990)"
17:50:42 "A3_SUPPLY_CLEANER: 0h 0min 21s | [50]  SUPPLY ENTITIES FOUND AND DELETED - RUNTIME: 0.551 - FPS: 45.584 - PLAYER: 1  | sleep 5 minutes now.."
17:50:46 "<infiSTAR.de> ******ADMIN-LOGIN******: =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) (v0008b)"
17:50:47 "[blckeagls] >>--- Completed initialization"
17:50:47 "[blckeagls] Orange mission timer started"
17:50:47 "[blckeagls] Loading Configuration Overides"
17:50:47 "[DBD Clan] --- >>> Loading config overides for Altis"
17:50:47 "[blckeagls] GREEN mission timer started"
17:50:47 "[blckeagls] RED mission timer started"
17:50:47 "[blckeagls] BLUE mission timer started"
17:53:14 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["cjqs8xsqepix278d",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[71,111,100,32,77,111,100,101,32,45,32,49]],"2:1145"]"
17:53:14 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token cjqs8xsqepix278d - objByNetID R Alpha 1-3:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
17:53:14 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 2min 53s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | God Mode - 1 (v0008b)"
17:53:17 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["cjqs8xsqepix278d",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[84,101,108,101,112,111,114,116,32,73,110,32,70,97,99,105,110,103,32,68,105,114,101,99,116,105,111,110,32,40,49,48,109,32,115,116,101,112,115,41,32,45,32,49]],"2:1145"]"
17:53:17 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token cjqs8xsqepix278d - objByNetID R Alpha 1-3:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
17:53:17 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 2min 55s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Teleport In Facing Direction (10m steps) - 1 (v0008b)"
17:54:11 "[blckeagls] Starting BLUE mission SM1"
17:54:11 "[blckeagls] Blue Mission composition = default "
17:54:14 "<infiSTAR.de>SL| 0h 3min 53s | DodgyMarker: labelBlueMarker - Bandit Patrol (v0008b)"
17:54:59 "[blckeagls] Starting RED mission SM1"
17:54:59 "[blckeagls] Red Mission composition = default "
17:55:18 "<infiSTAR.de>SL| 0h 4min 57s | DodgyMarker: labelRedMarker - Bandit Patrol (v0008b)"
17:55:43 Object id Veh-0 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-1 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-2 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-3 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-4 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-5 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-6 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-7 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-8 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-9 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-10 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-11 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-12 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-13 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-14 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-15 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-16 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-17 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-18 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-19 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-20 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-21 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-22 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-23 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-24 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-25 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-26 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-27 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-28 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-29 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-30 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-31 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-32 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-33 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-34 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-35 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-36 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-37 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-38 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-39 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-40 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-41 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-42 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-43 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-44 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-45 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-46 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-47 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-48 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-49 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-50 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-51 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-52 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-53 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-54 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-55 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-56 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-57 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-58 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-59 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-60 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-61 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-62 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-63 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-64 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-65 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-66 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-67 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-68 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-69 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-70 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-71 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-72 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-73 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-74 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-75 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-76 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-77 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-78 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-79 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-80 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-81 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-82 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-83 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-84 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-85 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-86 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-87 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-88 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-89 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-90 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-91 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-92 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-93 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-94 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-95 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-96 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-97 is not static
17:55:43 Object id Veh-98 is not static
17:55:50 Strange convex component322 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire
17:55:50 Strange convex component327 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire
17:55:51 "[blckeagls] Starting GREEN mission SM1"
17:56:03 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["cjqs8xsqepix278d",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[105,110,102,105,83,84,65,82,32,77,97,112,73,99,111,110,115,32,45,32,49]],"2:1145"]"
17:56:03 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token cjqs8xsqepix278d - objByNetID R Alpha 1-3:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
17:56:03 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 5min 41s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | infiSTAR MapIcons - 1 (v0008b)"
17:56:06 "A3_SUPPLY_CLEANER: 0h 5min 44s | [0]  SUPPLY ENTITIES FOUND AND DELETED - RUNTIME: 2.535 - FPS: 45.4545 - PLAYER: 1  | sleep 5 minutes now.."
17:56:22 "<infiSTAR.de>SL| 0h 6min 1s | DodgyMarker: labelGreenMarker - Bandit Patrol (v0008b)"
17:56:54 "[blckeagls] Starting ORANGE mission SM1"
17:56:54 "[blckeagls] Orange Mission composition = resupplyCamp "
17:56:54 "<infiSTAR.de>SL| 0h 6min 33s | DodgyMarker: labelOrangeMarker - Resupply Camp (v0008b)"
17:58:08 Error: Object(3 : 57) not found
17:58:44 Error: Object(3 : 58) not found
18:01:07 Object id Veh-0 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-1 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-2 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-3 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-4 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-5 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-6 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-7 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-8 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-9 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-10 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-11 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-12 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-13 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-14 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-15 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-16 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-17 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-18 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-19 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-20 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-21 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-22 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-23 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-24 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-25 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-26 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-27 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-28 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-29 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-30 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-31 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-32 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-33 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-34 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-35 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-36 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-37 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-38 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-39 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-40 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-41 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-42 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-43 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-44 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-45 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-46 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-47 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-48 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-49 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-50 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-51 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-52 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-53 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-54 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-55 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-56 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-57 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-58 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-59 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-60 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-61 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-62 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-63 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-64 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-65 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-66 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-67 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-68 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-69 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-70 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-71 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-72 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-73 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-74 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-75 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-76 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-77 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-78 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-79 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-80 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-81 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-82 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-83 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-84 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-85 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-86 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-87 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-88 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-89 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-90 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-91 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-92 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-93 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-94 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-95 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-96 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-97 is not static
18:01:07 Object id Veh-98 is not static
18:01:28 "A3_SUPPLY_CLEANER: 0h 11min 7s | [0]  SUPPLY ENTITIES FOUND AND DELETED - RUNTIME: 1.164 - FPS: 45.3258 - PLAYER: 1  | sleep 5 minutes now.."
18:02:37 "params" <DMS_fnc_SelectMission> #0: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value 25 is used instead.
18:02:37 "params" <DMS_fnc_SelectMission> #1: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value 10 is used instead.
18:02:37 "Marker ADMIN_MARKER has _missionPos: []"
18:02:37 "Marker SpawnKavala has _missionPos: []"
18:02:37 "Marker SpawnZaros has _missionPos: []"
18:02:38 "Marker ADMIN_MARKER has _missionPos: []"
18:02:38 "Marker SpawnKavala has _missionPos: []"
18:02:38 "Marker SpawnZaros has _missionPos: []"
18:02:38 "Marker SpawnSelekano has _missionPos: []"
18:02:38 "Marker SpawnPrygos has _missionPos: []"
18:02:38 "Marker SpawnSofia has _missionPos: []"
18:02:38 "Marker SpawnSyrta has _missionPos: []"
18:02:38 "Marker TraderCityMarker has _missionPos: []"
18:02:38 "Marker TraderZoneSilderas has _missionPos: []"
18:02:38 "Marker TraderZoneFolia has _missionPos: []"
18:02:38 "Marker BlueMarker has _missionPos: []"
18:02:38 "Marker labelBlueMarker has _missionPos: []"
18:02:38 "Marker RedMarker has _missionPos: []"
18:02:38 "Marker labelRedMarker has _missionPos: []"
18:02:38 "Marker GreenMarker has _missionPos: []"
18:02:38 "Marker labelGreenMarker has _missionPos: []"
18:02:38 "Marker OrangeMarker has _missionPos: []"
18:02:38 "Marker labelOrangeMarker has _missionPos: []"
18:02:39 "DMS_SpawnAIGroup :: Spawned 5 AI at [21509.4,14379.9,0]."
18:02:39 "params" <DMS_fnc_SelectMission> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value "-1" is used instead.
18:05:01 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["cjqs8xsqepix278d",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[83,112,97,119,110,105,110,103,32,67,111,100,101,32,108,111,99,107,32,40,69,120,105,108,101,95,73,116,101,109,95,67,111,100,101,108,111,99,107,41,32,111,110,32,61,86,83,61,32,104,97,114,101,109,111,33]],"2:1145"]"
18:05:01 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token cjqs8xsqepix278d - objByNetID R Alpha 1-3:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
18:05:01 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 14min 38s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Spawning Code lock (Exile_Item_Codelock) on =VS= haremo! (v0008b)"
18:05:02 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["cjqs8xsqepix278d",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[83,112,97,119,110,105,110,103,32,67,111,100,101,32,108,111,99,107,32,40,69,120,105,108,101,95,73,116,101,109,95,67,111,100,101,108,111,99,107,41,32,111,110,32,61,86,83,61,32,104,97,114,101,109,111,33]],"2:1145"]"
18:05:02 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token cjqs8xsqepix278d - objByNetID R Alpha 1-3:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
18:05:02 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 14min 39s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Spawning Code lock (Exile_Item_Codelock) on =VS= haremo! (v0008b)"
18:05:21 No player found for channel 1445487104 - message ignored
18:05:21 No player found for channel 1445487104 - message ignored
18:05:21 No player found for channel 1445487104 - message ignored
18:06:31 Object id Veh-0 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-1 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-2 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-3 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-4 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-5 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-6 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-7 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-8 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-9 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-10 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-11 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-12 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-13 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-14 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-15 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-16 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-17 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-18 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-19 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-20 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-21 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-22 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-23 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-24 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-25 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-26 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-27 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-28 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-29 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-30 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-31 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-32 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-33 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-34 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-35 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-36 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-37 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-38 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-39 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-40 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-41 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-42 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-43 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-44 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-45 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-46 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-47 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-48 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-49 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-50 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-51 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-52 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-53 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-54 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-55 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-56 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-57 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-58 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-59 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-60 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-61 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-62 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-63 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-64 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-65 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-66 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-67 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-68 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-69 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-70 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-71 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-72 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-73 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-74 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-75 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-76 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-77 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-78 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-79 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-80 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-81 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-82 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-83 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-84 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-85 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-86 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-87 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-88 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-89 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-90 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-91 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-92 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-93 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-94 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-95 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-96 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-97 is not static
18:06:31 Object id Veh-98 is not static
18:06:53 "A3_SUPPLY_CLEANER: 0h 16min 30s | [0]  SUPPLY ENTITIES FOUND AND DELETED - RUNTIME: 2.39899 - FPS: 45.3258 - PLAYER: 1  | sleep 5 minutes now.."




== C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\arma3server.exe
== "C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\arma3server.exe" -servermod=@ExileServer;@infiSTAR_Exile;@Exile_FPS; -mod=@Exile; -config=C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@ExileServer\config.cfg -ip= -port=2302 -profiles=config -cfg=C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@ExileServer\basic.cfg -name=config

Original output filename: Arma3Retail_Server
Exe timestamp: 2015/08/25 16:06:38
Current time:  2015/09/27 16:22:01

Type: Public
Branch: Stable
Version: 1.50.131969

Allocator: C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll

16:22:01 Updating base class ->Base, by a3\dubbing_radio_f\config.bin/CfgHQIdentities/PAPA_BEAR/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->Base, by a3\dubbing_radio_f\config.bin/CfgHQIdentities/AirBase/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->Wreck, by a3\data_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/PlaneWreck/
16:22:01 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Controls/B_OK/
16:22:01 Updating base class RscSliderH->RscXSliderH, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Slider/
16:22:01 Updating base class RscText->RscPicture, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Preview/
16:22:01 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMissionLoad/Controls/B_OK/
16:22:01 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMissionSave/Controls/B_OK/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoVScrollbars/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscLine/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscActiveText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscActivePicture/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonTextOnly/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscShortcutButtonMain/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonEditor/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIShortcutButton/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscGearShortcutButton/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenu/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuOK/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuCancel/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuSteam/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscLoadingText/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscListBox, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIListBox/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscListNBox, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIListNBox/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackground/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUI/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUILeft/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIRight/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIBottom/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUITop/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIDark/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundLogo/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscMapControl, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMapControlEmpty/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Mainback/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Back/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Title_Back/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Black_Back/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscTitle, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Title/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Logo/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->CA_Logo, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Logo_Small/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_RscButton/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->CA_RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_RscButton_dialog/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscActiveText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_image/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_image2/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_text/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscVignette/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMapControlTooltip/
16:22:01 Updating base class RscUnitInfo->RscUnitInfoAirNoWeapon, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscUnitInfoAir/
16:22:01 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_OK/
16:22:01 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_Cancel/
16:22:01 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_Clear/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/TimeLines/
16:22:01 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonAverages/
16:22:01 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonSavePreviousData/
16:22:01 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonPreviousData/
16:22:01 Updating base class RscControlsGroup->RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/controls/ModIcons/
16:22:01 Updating base class RscPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/IconPicture/
16:22:01 Updating base class IconPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/DlcOwnedIconPicture/
16:22:01 Updating base class IconPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/DlcIconPicture/
16:22:01 Updating base class RscListBox->RscCombo, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCustomizeController/Steepness/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscStandardDisplay, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/
16:22:01 Updating base class ButtonOK->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/controls/ButtonCancel/
16:22:01 Updating base class RscButton->RscButtonMenuOK, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/controls/ButtonOK/
16:22:01 Updating base class RscPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayFileSelectImage/controls/OverviewPicture/
16:22:01 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayFieldManual/controls/ButtonCancel/
16:22:01 Cannot delete class B_KickOff, it is referenced somewhere (used as a base class probably).
16:22:01 Updating base class RscButton->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMission/controls/ButtonCancel/
16:22:01 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuOK, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMissionSelectTags/controls/ButtonOK/
16:22:01 Updating base class ButtonOK->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMissionSelectTags/controls/ButtonCancel/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RscSubmenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMainMenu/
16:22:01 Cannot update non class from class a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscCallSupport/Items/
16:22:01 Cannot update non class from class a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscRadio/Items/
16:22:01 Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by a3\ui_f_mp_mark\config.bin/RscDisplayRespawn/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->VehicleMagazine, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CfgMagazines/24Rnd_missiles/
16:22:01 Updating base class ->RocketPods, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/cfgWeapons/missiles_DAR/
16:22:02 Updating base class ->SlotInfo, by a3\weapons_f_mark\config.bin/UnderBarrelSlot/
16:22:02 Updating base class CutSceneAnimationBaseAbuse->CutSceneAnimationBase, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_Abuse_abuser/
16:22:02 Updating base class CutSceneAnimationBaseAbuse->CutSceneAnimationBase, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_Abuse_abusing/
16:22:02 Updating base class CutSceneAnimationBaseAbuse->CutSceneAnimationBase, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_Abuse_Akhanteros/
16:22:02 Updating base class CutSceneAnimationBaseAbuse->CutSceneAnimationBase, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_Abuse_Lacey/
16:22:02 Updating base class Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon01->Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon_loop, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon02/
16:22:02 Updating base class Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon01->Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon_loop, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon03/
16:22:02 Updating base class Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon01->Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon_loop, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon04/
16:22:02 Updating base class Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon01->Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon_loop, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon05/
16:22:02 Updating base class Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup01->Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup_loop, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup02/
16:22:02 Updating base class Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup01->Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup_loop, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup03/
16:22:02 Updating base class Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup01->Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup_loop, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup04/
16:22:02 Updating base class Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup01->Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup_loop, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup05/
16:22:02 Updating base class HitPoints->, by exile_client\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CAManBase/HitPoints/
16:22:02 Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by exile_client\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/
16:22:02 Updating base class RscPicture->RscText, by exile_client\config.bin/RscDisplayVoiceChat/controls/Picture/
16:22:02 ragdollHitDmgLimit (0.000000) is lower than minimum (0.010000) and it was set to min.
16:22:02 Initializing Steam Manager
16:22:02 Steam Manager initialized.
16:22:02 ==== Loaded addons ====
16:22:02 dta\bin.pbo - unknown
16:22:02 dta\core.pbo - 84186
16:22:02 dta\languagecore_f.pbo - 86295
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@Exile\addons\dbo_old_bike.pbo - unknown
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@Exile\addons\exile_client.pbo - unknown
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@Exile\addons\gnt_c185.pbo - unknown
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\anims_f_mark.ebo - 83739
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\characters_f_mark.ebo - 85641
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\data_f_mark.ebo - 84958
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\dubbing_f_mark.ebo - 81923
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\dubbing_f_mp_mark.ebo - 81923
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\functions_f_mark.ebo - 84594
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\functions_f_mp_mark.ebo - 85875
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\languagemissions_f_mark.ebo - 86295
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\languagemissions_f_mp_mark.ebo - 86295
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\language_f_mark.ebo - 86295
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\language_f_mp_mark.ebo - 86295
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\missions_f_mark.ebo - 84276
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\missions_f_mark_data.ebo - 83115
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\missions_f_mark_video.ebo - 81429
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\missions_f_mp_mark.ebo - 85408
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\missions_f_mp_mark_data.ebo - 81558
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\modules_f_mark.ebo - 81710
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\modules_f_mp_mark.ebo - 85577
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\music_f_mark.ebo - 81958
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\music_f_mark_music.ebo - 81930
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\sounds_f_mark.ebo - 83408
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\static_f_mark.ebo - 84104
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\structures_f_mark.ebo - 85075
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\supplies_f_mark.ebo - 79552
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\ui_f_mark.ebo - 84397
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\ui_f_mp_mark.ebo - 85197
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark\addons\weapons_f_mark.ebo - 86051
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\air_f_heli.pbo - 85752
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\anims_f_heli.pbo - 80475
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\boat_f_heli.pbo - 82564
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\cargoposes_f_heli.pbo - 84953
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\data_f_heli.pbo - 80757
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\dubbing_f_heli.pbo - 75138
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\functions_f_heli.pbo - 84398
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\languagemissions_f_heli.pbo - 86295
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\language_f_heli.pbo - 86295
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\missions_f_heli.pbo - 84471
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\missions_f_heli_data.pbo - 75977
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\missions_f_heli_video.pbo - 75065
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\modules_f_heli.pbo - 84211
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\music_f_heli.pbo - 76012
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\music_f_heli_music.pbo - 76012
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\soft_f_heli.pbo - 82564
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\sounds_f_heli.pbo - 79398
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\structures_f_heli.pbo - 85075
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\supplies_f_heli.pbo - 84559
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli\addons\ui_f_heli.pbo - 76986
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\anims_f_kart.pbo - 80475
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\characters_f_kart.pbo - 85651
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\data_f_kart.pbo - 84958
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\languagemissions_f_kart.pbo - 86295
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\language_f_kart.pbo - 86295
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\missions_f_kart.pbo - 84471
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\missions_f_kart_data.pbo - 75687
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\modules_f_kart.pbo - 86208
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\modules_f_kart_data.pbo - 74588
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\soft_f_kart.pbo - 85476
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\sounds_f_kart.pbo - 79398
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\structures_f_kart.pbo - 85075
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\ui_f_kart.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart\addons\weapons_f_kart.pbo - 83573
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\curator\addons\data_f_curator.pbo - 84958
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\curator\addons\functions_f_curator.pbo - 85514
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\curator\addons\language_f_curator.pbo - 86295
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\curator\addons\missions_f_curator.pbo - 84999
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\curator\addons\modules_f_curator.pbo - 86131
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\curator\addons\ui_f_curator.pbo - 85573
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@Exile_FPS\addons\a3_infistar_exile_fps.pbo - unknown
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@infiSTAR_Exile\addons\a3_infistar_exile.pbo - unknown
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@ExileServer\addons\a3_dms.pbo - unknown
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@ExileServer\addons\custom_server.pbo - unknown
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@ExileServer\addons\exile_server.pbo - unknown
16:22:02 C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@ExileServer\addons\exile_server_config.pbo - unknown
16:22:02 addons\a3.pbo - unknown
16:22:02 addons\air_f.pbo - 85882
16:22:02 addons\air_f_beta.pbo - 85523
16:22:02 addons\air_f_epb.pbo - 85592
16:22:02 addons\air_f_epc.pbo - 85583
16:22:02 addons\air_f_gamma.pbo - 82564
16:22:02 addons\animals_f.pbo - 86114
16:22:02 addons\animals_f_beta.pbo - 85786
16:22:02 addons\anims_f.pbo - 85695
16:22:02 addons\anims_f_bootcamp.pbo - 72362
16:22:02 addons\anims_f_data.pbo - 85891
16:22:02 addons\anims_f_epa.pbo - 78608
16:22:02 addons\anims_f_epc.pbo - 72362
16:22:02 addons\armor_f.pbo - 82564
16:22:02 addons\armor_f_beta.pbo - 86110
16:22:02 addons\armor_f_epb.pbo - 86110
16:22:02 addons\armor_f_epc.pbo - 84514
16:22:02 addons\armor_f_gamma.pbo - 86121
16:22:02 addons\baseconfig_f.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\boat_f.pbo - 85687
16:22:02 addons\boat_f_beta.pbo - 83805
16:22:02 addons\boat_f_epc.pbo - 82564
16:22:02 addons\boat_f_gamma.pbo - 85687
16:22:02 addons\cargoposes_f.pbo - 86243
16:22:02 addons\characters_f.pbo - 85752
16:22:02 addons\characters_f_beta.pbo - 83936
16:22:02 addons\characters_f_bootcamp.pbo - 85823
16:22:02 addons\characters_f_epa.pbo - 83523
16:22:02 addons\characters_f_epb.pbo - 85686
16:22:02 addons\characters_f_epc.pbo - 84064
16:22:02 addons\characters_f_gamma.pbo - 85675
16:22:02 addons\data_f.pbo - 85517
16:22:02 addons\data_f_bootcamp.pbo - 76960
16:22:02 addons\data_f_exp_b.pbo - 86189
16:22:02 addons\drones_f.pbo - 85481
16:22:02 addons\dubbing_f.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\dubbing_f_beta.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\dubbing_f_bootcamp.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\dubbing_f_epa.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\dubbing_f_epb.pbo - 76110
16:22:02 addons\dubbing_f_epc.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\dubbing_f_gamma.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\dubbing_radio_f.pbo - 78704
16:22:02 addons\dubbing_radio_f_data.pbo - 78762
16:22:02 addons\editor_f.pbo - 82563
16:22:02 addons\functions_f.pbo - 85893
16:22:02 addons\functions_f_bootcamp.pbo - 85813
16:22:02 addons\functions_f_epa.pbo - 84402
16:22:02 addons\functions_f_epc.pbo - 84400
16:22:02 addons\languagemissions_f.pbo - 86295
16:22:02 addons\languagemissions_f_beta.pbo - 86295
16:22:02 addons\languagemissions_f_bootcamp.pbo - 86295
16:22:02 addons\languagemissions_f_epa.pbo - 86295
16:22:02 addons\languagemissions_f_epb.pbo - 86295
16:22:02 addons\languagemissions_f_epc.pbo - 86295
16:22:02 addons\languagemissions_f_gamma.pbo - 86295
16:22:02 addons\language_f.pbo - 86295
16:22:02 addons\language_f_beta.pbo - 86295
16:22:02 addons\language_f_bootcamp.pbo - 86295
16:22:02 addons\language_f_epa.pbo - 86295
16:22:02 addons\language_f_epb.pbo - 86295
16:22:02 addons\language_f_epc.pbo - 86295
16:22:02 addons\language_f_gamma.pbo - 86295
16:22:02 addons\map_altis.pbo - 85518
16:22:02 addons\map_altis_data.pbo - 80737
16:22:02 addons\map_altis_data_layers.pbo - 79087
16:22:02 addons\map_altis_data_layers_00_00.pbo - 79087
16:22:02 addons\map_altis_data_layers_00_01.pbo - 79087
16:22:02 addons\map_altis_data_layers_01_00.pbo - 79087
16:22:02 addons\map_altis_data_layers_01_01.pbo - 79087
16:22:02 addons\map_altis_scenes_f.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\map_data.pbo - 81846
16:22:02 addons\map_stratis.pbo - 85518
16:22:02 addons\map_stratis_data.pbo - 80737
16:22:02 addons\map_stratis_data_layers.pbo - 79082
16:22:02 addons\map_stratis_scenes_f.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\map_vr.pbo - 82252
16:22:02 addons\map_vr_scenes_f.pbo - 82252
16:22:02 addons\misc_f.pbo - 85025
16:22:02 addons\missions_f.pbo - 78843
16:22:02 addons\missions_f_beta.pbo - 85797
16:22:02 addons\missions_f_beta_data.pbo - 85005
16:22:02 addons\missions_f_beta_video.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\missions_f_bootcamp.pbo - 85123
16:22:02 addons\missions_f_bootcamp_data.pbo - 72362
16:22:02 addons\missions_f_bootcamp_video.pbo - 75065
16:22:02 addons\missions_f_data.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\missions_f_epa.pbo - 86144
16:22:02 addons\missions_f_epa_data.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\missions_f_epa_video.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\missions_f_epb.pbo - 84766
16:22:02 addons\missions_f_epb_data.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\missions_f_epb_video.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\missions_f_epc.pbo - 85362
16:22:02 addons\missions_f_epc_data.pbo - 84724
16:22:02 addons\missions_f_epc_video.pbo - 84725
16:22:02 addons\missions_f_gamma.pbo - 85758
16:22:02 addons\missions_f_gamma_data.pbo - 85763
16:22:02 addons\missions_f_gamma_video.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\missions_f_video.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\modules_f.pbo - 85552
16:22:02 addons\modules_f_beta.pbo - 84471
16:22:02 addons\modules_f_beta_data.pbo - 80976
16:22:02 addons\modules_f_bootcamp.pbo - 79398
16:22:02 addons\modules_f_data.pbo - 85167
16:22:02 addons\modules_f_epb.pbo - 79398
16:22:02 addons\music_f.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\music_f_bootcamp.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\music_f_bootcamp_music.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\music_f_epa.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\music_f_epa_music.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\music_f_epb.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\music_f_epb_music.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\music_f_epc.pbo - 84723
16:22:02 addons\music_f_epc_music.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\music_f_music.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\plants_f.pbo - 85827
16:22:02 addons\roads_f.pbo - 82537
16:22:02 addons\rocks_f.pbo - 84519
16:22:02 addons\signs_f.pbo - 82967
16:22:02 addons\soft_f.pbo - 85752
16:22:02 addons\soft_f_beta.pbo - 85752
16:22:02 addons\soft_f_bootcamp.pbo - 85752
16:22:02 addons\soft_f_epc.pbo - 85340
16:22:02 addons\soft_f_gamma.pbo - 86082
16:22:02 addons\sounds_f.pbo - 85493
16:22:02 addons\sounds_f_bootcamp.pbo - 82576
16:22:02 addons\sounds_f_epb.pbo - 79398
16:22:02 addons\sounds_f_epc.pbo - 79398
16:22:02 addons\sounds_f_vehicles.pbo - 85560
16:22:02 addons\sounds_f_weapons.pbo - 84865
16:22:02 addons\static_f.pbo - 85125
16:22:02 addons\static_f_beta.pbo - 79398
16:22:02 addons\static_f_gamma.pbo - 82090
16:22:02 addons\structures_f.pbo - 86067
16:22:02 addons\structures_f_bootcamp.pbo - 85075
16:22:02 addons\structures_f_data.pbo - 85075
16:22:02 addons\structures_f_epa.pbo - 85075
16:22:02 addons\structures_f_epb.pbo - 85075
16:22:02 addons\structures_f_epc.pbo - 85252
16:22:02 addons\structures_f_households.pbo - 86055
16:22:02 addons\structures_f_ind.pbo - 85517
16:22:02 addons\structures_f_mil.pbo - 85518
16:22:02 addons\structures_f_wrecks.pbo - 85075
16:22:02 addons\uifonts_f.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\uifonts_f_data.pbo - 73106
16:22:02 addons\ui_f.pbo - 86227
16:22:02 addons\ui_f_bootcamp.pbo - 76325
16:22:02 addons\ui_f_data.pbo - 86227
16:22:02 addons\weapons_f.pbo - 86125
16:22:02 addons\weapons_f_beta.pbo - 86067
16:22:02 addons\weapons_f_bootcamp.pbo - 81923
16:22:02 addons\weapons_f_epa.pbo - 83667
16:22:02 addons\weapons_f_epb.pbo - 80958
16:22:02 addons\weapons_f_epc.pbo - 80374
16:22:02 addons\weapons_f_gamma.pbo - 83947
16:22:02 =======================
16:22:02 ============================================================================================= List of mods ===============================================================================================
16:22:02 modsReadOnly = true
16:22:02 safeModsActivated = false
16:22:02 customMods = true
16:22:02 hash = '9EBE0230A1E0F9308CE746831FC1DAA4DB85850A'
16:22:02 hashShort = '8b7ea477'
16:22:02                                               name |               modDir |    default |               origin |                                     hash | hashShort | fullPath
16:22:02 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16:22:02                                          Exile Mod |               @Exile |      false |             GAME DIR | f7f4211a0630692bb84e4275160164d6793f9ea6 |  86fef58b | C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@Exile
16:22:02                                  Arma 3 DLC Bundle |            dlcbundle |       true |            NOT FOUND |                                          |           | 
16:22:02                                    Arma 3 Marksmen |                 mark |       true |             GAME DIR | 2ac91f318d5175e81ab7482fcf2a7aa8ae82a213 |  e93f1292 | C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\mark
16:22:02                                 Arma 3 Helicopters |                 heli |       true |             GAME DIR | a64ae24a6890d3240dad2baf3773e9240feebe5b |  47357fb6 | C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\heli
16:22:02                                       Arma 3 Karts |                 kart |       true |             GAME DIR | fde685d8a8f69d3e8c396ba1fd2e5727dc45f1f6 |  79fc1794 | C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\kart
16:22:02                                        Arma 3 Zeus |              curator |       true |             GAME DIR | 91164443d7c2b20cfc3826c614a14818171fbcb1 |  22b0ebcb | C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\curator
16:22:02                                             Arma 3 |                   A3 |       true |            NOT FOUND |                                          |           | 
16:22:02                                         @Exile_FPS |           @Exile_FPS |      false |             GAME DIR | da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 |  11fdd19c | C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@Exile_FPS
16:22:02                                    @infiSTAR_Exile |      @infiSTAR_Exile |      false |             GAME DIR | da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 |  11fdd19c | C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@infiSTAR_Exile
16:22:03                                       @ExileServer |         @ExileServer |      false |             GAME DIR | da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 |  11fdd19c | C:\Serwery\Arma3\a3serverexile\@ExileServer
16:22:03 ==========================================================================================================================================================================================================
16:22:03 InitSound ...
16:22:03 InitSound - complete
16:22:03 PhysX3 SDK Init started ...
16:22:03 PhysX3 SDK Init ended.
16:22:04 Attempt to override final function - rscminimap_script
16:22:04 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
16:22:04 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
16:22:04 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
16:22:04 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script
16:22:04 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaysinglemission_script
16:22:04 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script
16:22:04 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayremotemissions_script
16:22:04 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
16:22:04 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script
16:22:04 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script
16:22:04 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaystrategicmap_script
16:22:04 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycommon_script
16:22:04 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycurator_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycommon_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaydebriefing_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
16:22:05 VoteThreshold must be in 0..1 range. Defaulting to 0.5
16:22:06 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303
16:22:10 Connected to Steam servers
16:22:35 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext, line 94: '/CfgMusic/intro.sound': Missing ';' prior '}'
16:22:37 Server error: Player without identity Okon (id 1854608018)
16:22:37 Server error: Player without identity Okon (id 1854608018)
16:22:37 Server error: Player without identity Okon (id 1854608018)
16:22:37 Server error: Player without identity Okon (id 1854608018)
16:22:37 Server error: Player without identity Okon (id 1854608018)
16:22:37 Server error: Player without identity Okon (id 1854608018)
16:22:37 Server error: Player without identity Okon (id 1854608018)
16:22:37 Server error: Player without identity Okon (id 1854608018)
16:22:37 Server error: Player without identity Okon (id 1854608018)
16:22:37 Server error: Player without identity Okon (id 1854608018)
16:22:37 Server error: Player without identity Okon (id 1854608018)
16:22:37 Server error: Player without identity Okon (id 1854608018)
16:22:37 Server error: Player without identity Okon (id 1854608018)
16:22:37 Server error: Player without identity Okon (id 1854608018)
16:22:37 Server error: Player without identity Okon (id 1854608018)
16:22:37 Server error: Player without identity Okon (id 1854608018)
16:22:37 Server error: Player without identity Okon (id 1854608018)
16:22:37 Server error: Player without identity Okon (id 1854608018)
16:22:37 Server error: Player without identity Okon (id 1854608018)
16:22:37 Server error: Player without identity Okon (id 1854608018)
16:22:37 Server error: Player without identity Okon (id 1854608018)
16:22:46 Starting mission:
16:22:46  Mission file: Exile (__cur_mp)
16:22:46  Mission world: Altis
16:22:46  Mission directory: mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\
16:22:46 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext, line 94: '/CfgMusic/intro.sound': Missing ';' prior '}'
16:22:46 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext, line 94: '/CfgMusic/intro.sound': Missing ';' prior '}'
16:22:55 Strange convex component145 in a3\plants_f\tree\t_pinuss2s_b_f.p3d:geometryView
16:22:55 Strange convex component149 in a3\plants_f\tree\t_pinuss2s_b_f.p3d:geometryView
16:23:01 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list
16:23:01 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit
16:23:01 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit
16:23:01 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile
16:23:01 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [BIS_fnc_preload] ----- Initializing scripts in Exile -----"
16:23:01 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [recompile] recompile BIS_fnc_missionTasksLocal"
16:23:01 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal
16:23:01 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [recompile] recompile BIS_fnc_missionConversationsLocal"
16:23:01 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal
16:23:01 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [recompile] recompile BIS_fnc_missionFlow"
16:23:01 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow
16:23:01 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] BIS_fnc_diagKey (0 ms)"
16:23:01 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] BIS_fnc_feedbackMain (0.999451 ms)"
16:23:01 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] BIS_fnc_missionHandlers (0 ms)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - run.sqf - including AntiHack"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de> VERSION: 18092015 infiSTAR.de AHAT (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - STARTING"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_RandomGen: {
_fnc_actualGen = {
_abc = ['z','y','x','w','v','u','t','s','r','q','p','o','n','m','l','k','j','i','h','g','f','e','d','c','b','a'];
_gen = _abc select (random ((count _abc)-1));
_arr = ['H','m','i','j','h','q','R','m','V','v','C','x','H','Q','j','e','H','a','V','I','S','N','Y','t','Y','h','s','U','v','i'];
_randmax = {((round(random _randminval)) + (round(random _randmaxval))) max _randminval};
for '_i' from 0 to (call _randmax)do
_gen = _gen + str(round(random 9)) + (_arr select (random ((count _arr)-1)));
_gen = '';
while{_gen=='' || _gen in _allRandomGenVars}do{
call _fnc_actualGen;
_allRandomGenVars pushBack _gen;
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| ----START-LINE----   (18092015-v0008b) (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _FNC_AH_KICKLOG: v8i6s1H1i9I4H4q1j5h2Y6t4H4s4t (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN: l6I9x5v7H6a5t0H3N2q2R7i5H9V2t6U7H (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _BigTokenArray: i2h3I7a9H3e4i1N8Y7v8Y4H7s4v0N2R6N6s8h7m3j (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _server_setTokenR: n1Q9i4m8e8H2V2s2C (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _fnc_pvc_token: h8i4x2I1H3m1t7S8U8a4v0Y5Y2C (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _server_checkTokenR: u8V6m2N4j3x0j2m8v9h5h5s7Y3U4x (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _YourPlayerToken: e2t2Q1R1h4a0R6q4N4a1I3i5h2S (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _TokenCT: t2Y3m8Y4j7H5q1m1H7x0i2R2h8Y6h4R6S5I (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _AH_MAIN_BLOCK: u4m1H7R3H1h2N3q8Y (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _AHKickOFF: b2S2R1V7q8a8q4Q5j3Y7j4a2x1N8V5a7U2C1H (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _AHKickLog: m4N2i1m0q3C2h6H3t4m4e1h2H5e3s0h1U1x6a5H2v2q (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _clientdo: n2h7V0S6Y3N6t6j9h3m2C (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _AH_RunCheckENDVAR: c8Q8j7j9Y7q3C4V8a6t9h3v1v3e5V1j4q3e (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _AH_HackLogArrayRND: h2N8h8q5q7m8U3V5Y2t9I1x4N3e4Q3v5h (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _AH_SurvLogArrayRND: r2V8H0e3Y2h0S8i4S3H1Q2v8Y (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _AH_AdmiLogArrayRND: h4x8q6t0Q9H2R7m7V9H8C1j4H7m7h4h1i5j1H3e (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _TMPBAN: c2C6s5h5j4h1h5t4x (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _AHpos: c3V4V1R9U2x2R8Y6i7i4Y6t (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _adminsA: j9I5h1m2H7v5m1j3H3h5q4j6v4a1m7t3t3h2U2x1s (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _MC: r3V8N7Q2m7Y9Y1h6H7j5N4j4h (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _MCS: i4a2q5i5H2x8U2I1H4U3V1j (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _LogicVariable: r3j6i1V3j2I3S1v5S9i3Y5V3C3j2a4j4j2q9H2I8i1Y (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _t1: q4S9I0C5m6v4i3j1i6a1V (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _t2: v5i1x6H4Y7H2j0H4H4j6j (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _t3: l6Y3j8v1m5U2t8j6H8h (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _t4: n2m9h0v3U5Y2V8C9Y6j7H1i2v8q5Q3C (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _t5: e1Y8e3h8H9h6I2e5V3Y0I1V9m2Y (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _t6: s0i3V8s6a5H7V1x4i (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _t7: n1V1v5S3i5t8m2t7s3Q4m (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _t8: r0j0s4j7j1N0h6q0q8Y (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _t9: f6h5h1t3V6H0S3H5Y9h1q7m4V (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _AH_KICKLOG: PVAHR_7t9v2m4s8a5b (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| _RequestToken: PVAHR_5y1q5y2p4w3y1k (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de>RandomVarLog| ----END-LINE----   (18092015-v0008b) (v0008b)"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - loading AntiHack.."
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread BEFORE MAIN: compiling now!"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread BEFORE MAIN: still compiling..."
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread BEFORE MAIN: compiled !"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread MAIN: starting!"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread MAIN: loading...!"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread MAIN: compiling and/or sending none-threaded code!"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread MAIN: none-threaded code compiled and/or sent!"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - AntiHack loaded!"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - run.sqf - AntiHack included!"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - run.sqf - including AdminTools"
16:23:01 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - run.sqf - AdminTools included!"
16:23:01 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] a3_infiSTAR_Exile_fnc_preInit (179.001 ms)"
16:23:01 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] BIS_fnc_getServerVariable (0 ms)"
16:23:02 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] ExileClient_fnc_preInit (252.007 ms)"
16:23:02 "ExileServer - Server is loading..."
16:23:02 Client: Nonnetwork object 4244a800.
16:23:02 "ExileServer - Installed extDB2 version: 65"
16:23:02 "ExileServer - Connected to database!"
16:23:02 "ExileServer - Database protocol initialized!"
16:23:02 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] ExileServer_fnc_preInit (131.996 ms)"
16:23:02 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] DMS_fnc_DMS_preInit (2.99835 ms)"
16:23:02 Error: Bone world root doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:23:02 Error: Bone hips doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:23:08 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread #1: Server Loop #1 starting now!"
16:23:08 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread #1: Server Loop #1 looping now!"
16:23:08 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [script] initServer.sqf"
16:23:08 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] BIS_fnc_missionFlow (0 ms)"
16:23:08 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] BIS_fnc_initParams (0 ms)"
16:23:08 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] BIS_fnc_initRespawn (0 ms)"
16:23:08 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] BIS_fnc_sharedObjectives (0 ms)"
16:23:08 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] BIS_fnc_3dMarkers (0 ms)"
16:23:08 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] a3_infiSTAR_Exile_FPS_fnc_postInit (0 ms)"
16:23:08 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] ExileClient_fnc_postInit (0 ms)"
16:23:08 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10000 added."
16:23:08 c:\w\stable\futura\lib\network\networkserver.cpp NetworkServer::OnClientStateChanged:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing!
16:23:08 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10001 added."
16:23:08 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10002 added."
16:23:08 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10003 added."
16:23:08 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10004 added."
16:23:08 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10005 added."
16:23:08 Weather was forced to change
16:23:08 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10006 added."
16:23:08 "ExileServer - Initializing game world..."
16:23:08 "ExileServer - Loading territories from database..."
16:23:08 "ExileServer - Done loading territories!"
16:23:08 "ExileServer - Loading constructions from database..."
16:23:09 "ExileServer - Done loading constructions!"
16:23:09 "ExileServer - Loading vehicles from database..."
16:23:10 "ExileServer - Done loading vehicles!"
16:23:10 "ExileServer - Loading containers from database..."
16:23:10 "ExileServer - Done loading containers!"
16:23:10 "ExileServer - Creating spawn zone vehicles..."
16:23:12 "ExileServer - Spawning Dynamic Vehicles. GridSize: 2200 Vehs/Grid : 2"
16:23:13 "ExileServer - Player Okon (UID 76561198122404816) connected!"
16:23:13 "<infiSTAR.de>ConnectLog| 0h 0min 0s | Connected: Okon(76561198122404816) - time: 0 - serverFPS: 6.94143 (v0008b)"
16:23:13 "<infiSTAR.de>ConnectLog| 0h 0min 0s | Connected: __SERVER__() - time: 0 - serverFPS: 6.85225 (v0008b)"
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 11) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 12) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 13) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 14) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 15) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 16) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 17) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 18) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 19) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 10) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 20) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 21) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 22) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 23) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 24) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 25) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 26) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 27) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 28) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 29) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 32) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 31) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 35) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 34) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 37) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 36) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 39) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 38) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 40) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 42) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 46) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 45) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 48) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 47) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 50) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 49) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 52) not found
16:23:13 Error: Object(3 : 51) not found
16:23:14 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: MainTurret - unknown animation source mainTurret
16:23:14 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: MainGun - unknown animation source mainGun
16:23:14 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: Ammo_belt_rotation - unknown animation source ReloadAnim
16:23:14 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: Bolt_reload_begin - unknown animation source reloadMagazine
16:23:14 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: muzzleFlash - unknown animation source muzzle_source
16:23:14 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: zaslehROT - unknown animation source muzzle_source_rot
16:23:14 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: AddAutonomous_unhide - unknown animation source autonomous_unhide
16:23:14 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: bullet001_reload_hide - unknown animation source revolving
16:23:14 Exile_Cosmetic_UAV: RotorImpactHide - unknown animation source rotorHFullyDestroyed
16:23:14 Exile_Cosmetic_UAV: TailRotorImpactHide - unknown animation source tailRotorHFullyDestroyed
16:23:14 Exile_Cosmetic_UAV: propeller1_rotation - unknown animation source rotorH
16:23:14 Exile_Cosmetic_UAV: propeller2_rotation - unknown animation source rotorV
16:23:14 Exile_Cosmetic_UAV: propeller1_hide - unknown animation source rpm
16:23:14 Exile_Cosmetic_UAV: MainTurret - unknown animation source mainTurret
16:23:14 Exile_Cosmetic_UAV: MainGun - unknown animation source mainGun
16:23:14 Object id Veh-0 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-1 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-2 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-3 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-4 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-5 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-6 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-7 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-8 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-9 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-10 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-11 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-12 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-13 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-14 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-15 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-16 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-17 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-18 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-19 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-20 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-21 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-22 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-23 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-24 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-25 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-26 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-27 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-28 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-29 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-30 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-31 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-32 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-33 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-34 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-35 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-36 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-37 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-38 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-39 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-40 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-41 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-42 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-43 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-44 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-45 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-46 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-47 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-48 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-49 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-50 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-51 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-52 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-53 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-54 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-55 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-56 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-57 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-58 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-59 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-60 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-61 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-62 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-63 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-64 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-65 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-66 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-67 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-68 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-69 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-70 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-71 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-72 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-73 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-74 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-75 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-76 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-77 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-78 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-79 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-80 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-81 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-82 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-83 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-84 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-85 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-86 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-87 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-88 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-89 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-90 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-91 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-92 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-93 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-94 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-95 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-96 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-97 is not static
16:23:14 Object id Veh-98 is not static
16:23:15 Land_Box_AmmoOld_F: Ammo_hide - unknown animation source Ammo_source
16:23:15 Land_Box_AmmoOld_F: AmmoOrd_hide - unknown animation source AmmoOrd_source
16:23:15 Land_Box_AmmoOld_F: Grenades_hide - unknown animation source Grenades_source
16:23:15 Land_Box_AmmoOld_F: Support_hide - unknown animation source Support_source
16:23:23 "[blckeagls] loading version 8-2-2015 Build 3.54 ...... >>"
16:23:27 "ExileServer - Dynamic vehicles spawned. Count : 236"
16:23:27 "ExileServer - Game world initialized! Let the fun begin!"
16:23:27 "ExileServer - Running maintenance!"
16:23:27 "ExileServer - Maintenance done. 0 territories deleted."
16:23:27 "ExileServer - Server is up and running! Version: 0.9.20"
16:23:27 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] ExileServer_fnc_postInit (18996 ms)"
16:23:27 "DMS :: Initializing Mission Variables"
16:23:27 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] DMS_fnc_DMS_postInit (4.99725 ms)"
16:23:27 "ExileServer - Main thread started"
16:23:27 "DMS :: Initializing FSM mission script"
16:23:27 "config/BIS_fnc_log: [BIS_fnc_preload] ----- Scripts initialized at 26260 ms -----"
16:23:28 "Spawn black list locations added for Altis"
16:23:28 "[blckeagls]: Worldname is altis. Map Specific Settings Defined"
16:23:35 "A3_SUPPLY_CLEANER: 0h 0min 22s | [50]  SUPPLY ENTITIES FOUND AND DELETED - RUNTIME: 0.582 - FPS: 45.3258 - PLAYER: 1  | sleep 5 minutes now.."
16:23:35 "<infiSTAR.de> RequestToken: Okon(76561198122404816) Requested a Token!   _clientID: 3"
16:23:35 "<infiSTAR.de>ConnectLog| 0h 0min 22s | Runtime: 22s | SENT TOKEN [w4g2cdl8je23ec1pz] TO ID [Okon(76561198122404816) - 3] (v0008b)"
16:23:35 "<infiSTAR.de> server_setToken: SENT TOKEN [w4g2cdl8je23ec1pz] TO Okon(76561198122404816)"
16:23:38 "[blckeagls] >>--- Completed initialization"
16:23:38 "[blckeagls] Orange mission timer started"
16:23:38 "[blckeagls] Loading Configuration Overides"
16:23:38 "[DBD Clan] --- >>> Loading config overides for Altis"
16:23:38 "[blckeagls] GREEN mission timer started"
16:23:38 "[blckeagls] RED mission timer started"
16:23:38 "[blckeagls] BLUE mission timer started"
16:23:59 "ExileServer - Player =VS= haremo (UID 76561198033528990) connected!"
16:23:59 "<infiSTAR.de>ConnectLog| 0h 0min 46s | Connected: SteamName: haremo - IngameName: =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) - time: 45.996 - serverFPS: 45.4545 (v0008b)"
16:24:04 Inventory item with given name: [Rangefinder] not found
16:24:10 "<infiSTAR.de> RequestToken: =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Requested a Token!   _clientID: 4"
16:24:10 "<infiSTAR.de>ConnectLog| 0h 0min 57s | Runtime: 57s | SENT TOKEN [tntqzdku38mfdb] TO ID [=VS= haremo(76561198033528990) - 4] (v0008b)"
16:24:10 "<infiSTAR.de> server_setToken: SENT TOKEN [tntqzdku38mfdb] TO =VS= haremo(76561198033528990)"
16:24:30 "<infiSTAR.de> ******ADMIN-LOGIN******: =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) (v0008b)"
16:27:00 Strange convex component322 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:27:00 Strange convex component327 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:27:02 Strange convex component317 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometry
16:27:02 Strange convex component318 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometry
16:27:02 Strange convex component319 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometry
16:27:05 "[blckeagls] Starting BLUE mission SM1"
16:27:05 "[blckeagls] Blue Mission composition = default "
16:27:36 "<infiSTAR.de>SL| 0h 4min 23s | DodgyMarker: labelBlueMarker - Bandit Patrol (v0008b)"
16:27:53 "[blckeagls] Starting RED mission SM1"
16:27:53 "[blckeagls] Red Mission composition = default "
16:28:08 "<infiSTAR.de>SL| 0h 4min 55s | DodgyMarker: labelRedMarker - Bandit Patrol (v0008b)"
16:28:36 Object id Veh-0 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-1 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-2 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-3 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-4 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-5 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-6 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-7 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-8 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-9 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-10 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-11 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-12 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-13 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-14 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-15 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-16 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-17 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-18 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-19 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-20 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-21 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-22 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-23 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-24 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-25 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-26 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-27 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-28 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-29 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-30 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-31 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-32 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-33 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-34 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-35 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-36 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-37 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-38 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-39 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-40 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-41 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-42 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-43 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-44 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-45 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-46 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-47 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-48 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-49 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-50 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-51 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-52 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-53 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-54 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-55 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-56 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-57 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-58 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-59 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-60 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-61 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-62 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-63 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-64 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-65 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-66 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-67 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-68 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-69 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-70 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-71 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-72 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-73 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-74 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-75 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-76 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-77 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-78 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-79 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-80 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-81 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-82 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-83 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-84 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-85 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-86 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-87 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-88 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-89 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-90 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-91 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-92 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-93 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-94 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-95 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-96 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-97 is not static
16:28:36 Object id Veh-98 is not static
16:28:43 "[blckeagls] Starting GREEN mission SM1"
16:28:58 "A3_SUPPLY_CLEANER: 0h 5min 45s | [50]  SUPPLY ENTITIES FOUND AND DELETED - RUNTIME: 2.59299 - FPS: 45.584 - PLAYER: 2  | sleep 5 minutes now.."
16:29:12 "<infiSTAR.de>SL| 0h 5min 59s | DodgyMarker: labelGreenMarker - Bandit Patrol (v0008b)"
16:29:42 "[blckeagls] Starting ORANGE mission SM1"
16:29:42 "[blckeagls] Orange Mission composition = default "
16:29:44 "<infiSTAR.de>SL| 0h 6min 31s | DodgyMarker: labelOrangeMarker - Bandit Patrol (v0008b)"
16:33:17 "ExileServer - Player Dominik (UID 76561198027500907) connected!"
16:33:17 "<infiSTAR.de>ConnectLog| 0h 10min 4s | Connected: Dominik(76561198027500907) - time: 603.545 - serverFPS: 45.4545 (v0008b)"
16:33:23 "<infiSTAR.de> RequestToken: Dominik(76561198027500907) Requested a Token!   _clientID: 6"
16:33:23 "<infiSTAR.de>ConnectLog| 0h 10min 9s | Runtime: 10m 9s | SENT TOKEN [rtn8e5qbcpjgfe5] TO ID [Dominik(76561198027500907) - 6] (v0008b)"
16:33:23 "<infiSTAR.de> server_setToken: SENT TOKEN [rtn8e5qbcpjgfe5] TO Dominik(76561198027500907)"
16:33:25 Error: Object(6 : 4) not found
16:33:42 Server: Unhandled user message Type_261
16:33:59 Object id Veh-0 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-1 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-2 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-3 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-4 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-5 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-6 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-7 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-8 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-9 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-10 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-11 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-12 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-13 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-14 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-15 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-16 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-17 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-18 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-19 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-20 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-21 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-22 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-23 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-24 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-25 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-26 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-27 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-28 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-29 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-30 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-31 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-32 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-33 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-34 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-35 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-36 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-37 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-38 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-39 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-40 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-41 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-42 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-43 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-44 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-45 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-46 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-47 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-48 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-49 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-50 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-51 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-52 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-53 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-54 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-55 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-56 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-57 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-58 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-59 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-60 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-61 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-62 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-63 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-64 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-65 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-66 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-67 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-68 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-69 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-70 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-71 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-72 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-73 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-74 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-75 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-76 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-77 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-78 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-79 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-80 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-81 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-82 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-83 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-84 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-85 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-86 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-87 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-88 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-89 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-90 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-91 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-92 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-93 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-94 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-95 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-96 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-97 is not static
16:33:59 Object id Veh-98 is not static
16:34:04 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[71,111,100,32,77,111,100,101,32,45,32,49]],"2:1145"]"
16:34:04 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:34:04 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 10min 50s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | God Mode - 1 (v0008b)"
16:34:06 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[105,110,102,105,83,84,65,82,32,77,97,112,73,99,111,110,115,32,45,32,49]],"2:1145"]"
16:34:06 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:34:06 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 10min 53s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | infiSTAR MapIcons - 1 (v0008b)"
16:34:08 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[84,101,108,101,112,111,114,116,32,73,110,32,70,97,99,105,110,103,32,68,105,114,101,99,116,105,111,110,32,40,49,48,109,32,115,116,101,112,115,41,32,45,32,49]],"2:1145"]"
16:34:08 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:34:08 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 10min 55s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Teleport In Facing Direction (10m steps) - 1 (v0008b)"
16:34:13 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[85,110,108,105,109,65,109,109,111,32,45,32,49]],"2:1145"]"
16:34:13 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:34:13 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 10min 59s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | UnlimAmmo - 1 (v0008b)"
16:34:14 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[110,111,82,101,99,111,105,108,32,45,32,49]],"2:1145"]"
16:34:14 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:34:14 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 11min 1s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | noRecoil - 1 (v0008b)"
16:34:20 "A3_SUPPLY_CLEANER: 0h 11min 7s | [50]  SUPPLY ENTITIES FOUND AND DELETED - RUNTIME: 1.21204 - FPS: 45.3258 - PLAYER: 3  | sleep 5 minutes now.."
16:34:58 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[84,101,108,101,112,111,114,116,32,116,111,32,91,50,54,56,49,50,46,53,44,50,49,51,56,57,46,57,44,48,93,40,71,80,83,58,32,50,54,56,50,49,51,41]],"2:1145"]"
16:34:58 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:34:58 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 11min 44s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Teleport to [26812.5,21389.9,0](GPS: 268213) (v0008b)"
16:35:19 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[83,116,101,97,108,116,104,32,47,32,73,110,118,105,115,105,98,108,101,32,45,32,49]],"2:1145"]"
16:35:19 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:35:19 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 12min 6s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Stealth / Invisible - 1 (v0008b)"
16:35:28 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[72,101,97,108,82,101,112,97,105,114,78,101,97,114]],"2:1145"]"
16:35:28 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:35:28 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 12min 15s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | HealRepairNear (v0008b)"
16:35:50 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[84,101,108,101,112,111,114,116,32,116,111,32,91,50,53,52,53,51,46,56,44,50,49,52,53,51,46,54,44,48,93,40,71,80,83,58,32,50,53,52,50,49,52,41]],"2:1145"]"
16:35:50 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:35:50 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 12min 36s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Teleport to [25453.8,21453.6,0](GPS: 254214) (v0008b)"
16:35:55 "<infiSTAR.de>ConnectLog| 0h 12min 41s | Disconnected: Okon(76561198122404816) - time: 761.213 - serverFPS: 40 (v0008b)"
16:36:30 Error: Object(6 : 54) not found
16:36:40 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[84,101,108,101,112,111,114,116,32,116,111,32,91,50,55,54,51,54,46,52,44,50,50,49,54,57,46,55,44,48,93,40,71,80,83,58,32,50,55,54,50,50,49,41]],"2:1145"]"
16:36:40 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:36:40 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 13min 27s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Teleport to [27636.4,22169.7,0](GPS: 276221) (v0008b)"
16:36:48 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[72,101,97,108,82,101,112,97,105,114,78,101,97,114]],"2:1145"]"
16:36:48 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:36:48 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 13min 35s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | HealRepairNear (v0008b)"
16:37:22 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[84,101,108,101,112,111,114,116,32,116,111,32,91,49,48,49,51,49,46,57,44,49,49,54,50,49,46,55,44,48,93,40,71,80,83,58,32,49,48,49,49,49,54,41]],"2:1145"]"
16:37:22 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:37:22 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 14min 9s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Teleport to [10131.9,11621.7,0](GPS: 101116) (v0008b)"
16:38:28 "params" <DMS_fnc_SelectMission> #0: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value 25 is used instead.
16:38:28 "params" <DMS_fnc_SelectMission> #1: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value 10 is used instead.
16:38:28 "Marker ADMIN_MARKER has _missionPos: []"
16:38:28 "Marker SpawnKavala has _missionPos: []"
16:38:28 "Marker SpawnZaros has _missionPos: []"
16:38:28 "Marker SpawnSelekano has _missionPos: []"
16:38:28 "Marker ADMIN_MARKER has _missionPos: []"
16:38:28 "Marker SpawnKavala has _missionPos: []"
16:38:28 "Marker SpawnZaros has _missionPos: []"
16:38:28 "Marker SpawnSelekano has _missionPos: []"
16:38:28 "Marker SpawnPrygos has _missionPos: []"
16:38:28 "Marker SpawnSofia has _missionPos: []"
16:38:28 "Marker SpawnSyrta has _missionPos: []"
16:38:28 "Marker TraderCityMarker has _missionPos: []"
16:38:28 "Marker TraderZoneSilderas has _missionPos: []"
16:38:28 "Marker TraderZoneFolia has _missionPos: []"
16:38:28 "Marker BlueMarker has _missionPos: []"
16:38:28 "Marker labelBlueMarker has _missionPos: []"
16:38:28 "Marker RedMarker has _missionPos: []"
16:38:28 "Marker labelRedMarker has _missionPos: []"
16:38:28 "Marker GreenMarker has _missionPos: []"
16:38:28 "Marker labelGreenMarker has _missionPos: []"
16:38:28 "Marker OrangeMarker has _missionPos: []"
16:38:28 "Marker labelOrangeMarker has _missionPos: []"
16:38:28 "DMS_SpawnAIGroup :: Spawned 8 AI at [8946.19,21708.5,0]."
16:38:28 O Alpha 1-1: Cycle as first waypoint has no sense
16:38:29 "params" <DMS_fnc_SelectMission> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value "-1" is used instead.
16:38:37 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[84,101,108,101,112,111,114,116,32,116,111,32,91,49,50,53,56,51,46,52,44,49,53,57,48,48,46,50,44,48,93,40,71,80,83,58,32,49,50,53,49,53,57,41]],"2:1145"]"
16:38:37 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:38:37 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 15min 22s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Teleport to [12583.4,15900.2,0](GPS: 125159) (v0008b)"
16:38:45 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[83,116,101,97,108,116,104,32,47,32,73,110,118,105,115,105,98,108,101,32,45,32,48]],"2:1145"]"
16:38:45 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:38:45 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 15min 31s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Stealth / Invisible - 0 (v0008b)"
16:39:11 Server: Object 4:53 not found (message Type_91)
16:39:11 Error: Object(4 : 53) not found
16:39:11 Error: Object(4 : 53) not found
16:39:22 Object id Veh-0 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-1 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-2 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-3 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-4 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-5 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-6 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-7 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-8 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-9 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-10 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-11 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-12 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-13 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-14 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-15 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-16 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-17 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-18 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-19 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-20 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-21 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-22 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-23 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-24 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-25 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-26 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-27 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-28 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-29 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-30 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-31 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-32 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-33 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-34 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-35 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-36 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-37 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-38 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-39 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-40 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-41 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-42 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-43 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-44 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-45 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-46 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-47 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-48 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-49 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-50 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-51 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-52 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-53 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-54 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-55 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-56 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-57 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-58 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-59 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-60 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-61 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-62 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-63 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-64 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-65 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-66 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-67 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-68 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-69 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-70 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-71 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-72 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-73 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-74 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-75 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-76 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-77 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-78 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-79 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-80 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-81 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-82 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-83 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-84 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-85 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-86 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-87 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-88 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-89 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-90 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-91 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-92 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-93 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-94 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-95 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-96 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-97 is not static
16:39:22 Object id Veh-98 is not static
16:39:34 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[83,112,97,119,110,105,110,103,32,87,111,111,100,32,70,108,111,111,114,32,80,111,114,116,32,75,105,116,32,40,69,120,105,108,101,95,73,116,101,109,95,87,111,111,100,70,108,111,111,114,80,111,114,116,75,105,116,41,32,111,110,32,61,86,83,61,32,104,97,114,101,109,111,33]],"2:1145"]"
16:39:34 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:39:34 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 16min 20s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Spawning Wood Floor Port Kit (Exile_Item_WoodFloorPortKit) on =VS= haremo! (v0008b)"
16:39:35 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[83,112,97,119,110,105,110,103,32,87,111,111,100,32,70,108,111,111,114,32,80,111,114,116,32,75,105,116,32,40,69,120,105,108,101,95,73,116,101,109,95,87,111,111,100,70,108,111,111,114,80,111,114,116,75,105,116,41,32,111,110,32,61,86,83,61,32,104,97,114,101,109,111,33]],"2:1145"]"
16:39:35 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:39:35 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 16min 21s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Spawning Wood Floor Port Kit (Exile_Item_WoodFloorPortKit) on =VS= haremo! (v0008b)"
16:39:36 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[83,112,97,119,110,105,110,103,32,87,111,111,100,32,70,108,111,111,114,32,80,111,114,116,32,75,105,116,32,40,69,120,105,108,101,95,73,116,101,109,95,87,111,111,100,70,108,111,111,114,80,111,114,116,75,105,116,41,32,111,110,32,61,86,83,61,32,104,97,114,101,109,111,33]],"2:1145"]"
16:39:36 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:39:36 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 16min 21s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Spawning Wood Floor Port Kit (Exile_Item_WoodFloorPortKit) on =VS= haremo! (v0008b)"
16:39:39 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[83,112,97,119,110,105,110,103,32,87,111,111,100,32,83,116,97,105,114,115,32,75,105,116,32,40,69,120,105,108,101,95,73,116,101,109,95,87,111,111,100,83,116,97,105,114,115,75,105,116,41,32,111,110,32,61,86,83,61,32,104,97,114,101,109,111,33]],"2:1145"]"
16:39:39 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:39:39 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 16min 25s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Spawning Wood Stairs Kit (Exile_Item_WoodStairsKit) on =VS= haremo! (v0008b)"
16:39:40 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[83,112,97,119,110,105,110,103,32,87,111,111,100,32,83,116,97,105,114,115,32,75,105,116,32,40,69,120,105,108,101,95,73,116,101,109,95,87,111,111,100,83,116,97,105,114,115,75,105,116,41,32,111,110,32,61,86,83,61,32,104,97,114,101,109,111,33]],"2:1145"]"
16:39:40 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:39:40 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 16min 25s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Spawning Wood Stairs Kit (Exile_Item_WoodStairsKit) on =VS= haremo! (v0008b)"
16:39:40 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[83,112,97,119,110,105,110,103,32,87,111,111,100,32,83,116,97,105,114,115,32,75,105,116,32,40,69,120,105,108,101,95,73,116,101,109,95,87,111,111,100,83,116,97,105,114,115,75,105,116,41,32,111,110,32,61,86,83,61,32,104,97,114,101,109,111,33]],"2:1145"]"
16:39:40 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:39:40 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 16min 26s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Spawning Wood Stairs Kit (Exile_Item_WoodStairsKit) on =VS= haremo! (v0008b)"
16:39:40 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[83,112,97,119,110,105,110,103,32,87,111,111,100,32,83,116,97,105,114,115,32,75,105,116,32,40,69,120,105,108,101,95,73,116,101,109,95,87,111,111,100,83,116,97,105,114,115,75,105,116,41,32,111,110,32,61,86,83,61,32,104,97,114,101,109,111,33]],"2:1145"]"
16:39:40 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:39:40 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 16min 26s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Spawning Wood Stairs Kit (Exile_Item_WoodStairsKit) on =VS= haremo! (v0008b)"
16:39:41 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[83,112,97,119,110,105,110,103,32,87,111,111,100,32,83,116,97,105,114,115,32,75,105,116,32,40,69,120,105,108,101,95,73,116,101,109,95,87,111,111,100,83,116,97,105,114,115,75,105,116,41,32,111,110,32,61,86,83,61,32,104,97,114,101,109,111,33]],"2:1145"]"
16:39:41 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:39:41 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 16min 26s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Spawning Wood Stairs Kit (Exile_Item_WoodStairsKit) on =VS= haremo! (v0008b)"
16:39:41 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[83,112,97,119,110,105,110,103,32,87,111,111,100,32,83,116,97,105,114,115,32,75,105,116,32,40,69,120,105,108,101,95,73,116,101,109,95,87,111,111,100,83,116,97,105,114,115,75,105,116,41,32,111,110,32,61,86,83,61,32,104,97,114,101,109,111,33]],"2:1145"]"
16:39:41 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:39:41 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 16min 27s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Spawning Wood Stairs Kit (Exile_Item_WoodStairsKit) on =VS= haremo! (v0008b)"
16:39:41 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[83,112,97,119,110,105,110,103,32,87,111,111,100,32,83,116,97,105,114,115,32,75,105,116,32,40,69,120,105,108,101,95,73,116,101,109,95,87,111,111,100,83,116,97,105,114,115,75,105,116,41,32,111,110,32,61,86,83,61,32,104,97,114,101,109,111,33]],"2:1145"]"
16:39:41 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:39:41 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 16min 27s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Spawning Wood Stairs Kit (Exile_Item_WoodStairsKit) on =VS= haremo! (v0008b)"
16:39:45 "A3_SUPPLY_CLEANER: 0h 16min 30s | [0]  SUPPLY ENTITIES FOUND AND DELETED - RUNTIME: 2.38495 - FPS: 45.584 - PLAYER: 2  | sleep 5 minutes now.."
16:41:49 Error: Object(6 : 57) not found
16:42:53 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[83,112,97,119,110,105,110,103,32,87,111,111,100,32,83,116,97,105,114,115,32,75,105,116,32,40,69,120,105,108,101,95,73,116,101,109,95,87,111,111,100,83,116,97,105,114,115,75,105,116,41,32,111,110,32,61,86,83,61,32,104,97,114,101,109,111,33]],"2:1145"]"
16:42:53 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:42:53 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 19min 39s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Spawning Wood Stairs Kit (Exile_Item_WoodStairsKit) on =VS= haremo! (v0008b)"
16:42:53 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[83,112,97,119,110,105,110,103,32,87,111,111,100,32,83,116,97,105,114,115,32,75,105,116,32,40,69,120,105,108,101,95,73,116,101,109,95,87,111,111,100,83,116,97,105,114,115,75,105,116,41,32,111,110,32,61,86,83,61,32,104,97,114,101,109,111,33]],"2:1145"]"
16:42:53 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:42:53 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 19min 39s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Spawning Wood Stairs Kit (Exile_Item_WoodStairsKit) on =VS= haremo! (v0008b)"
16:42:54 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[83,112,97,119,110,105,110,103,32,87,111,111,100,32,83,116,97,105,114,115,32,75,105,116,32,40,69,120,105,108,101,95,73,116,101,109,95,87,111,111,100,83,116,97,105,114,115,75,105,116,41,32,111,110,32,61,86,83,61,32,104,97,114,101,109,111,33]],"2:1145"]"
16:42:54 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:42:54 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 19min 39s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Spawning Wood Stairs Kit (Exile_Item_WoodStairsKit) on =VS= haremo! (v0008b)"
16:42:54 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[83,112,97,119,110,105,110,103,32,87,111,111,100,32,83,116,97,105,114,115,32,75,105,116,32,40,69,120,105,108,101,95,73,116,101,109,95,87,111,111,100,83,116,97,105,114,115,75,105,116,41,32,111,110,32,61,86,83,61,32,104,97,114,101,109,111,33]],"2:1145"]"
16:42:54 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:42:54 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 19min 40s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Spawning Wood Stairs Kit (Exile_Item_WoodStairsKit) on =VS= haremo! (v0008b)"
16:42:54 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[83,112,97,119,110,105,110,103,32,87,111,111,100,32,83,116,97,105,114,115,32,75,105,116,32,40,69,120,105,108,101,95,73,116,101,109,95,87,111,111,100,83,116,97,105,114,115,75,105,116,41,32,111,110,32,61,86,83,61,32,104,97,114,101,109,111,33]],"2:1145"]"
16:42:54 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:42:54 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 19min 40s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Spawning Wood Stairs Kit (Exile_Item_WoodStairsKit) on =VS= haremo! (v0008b)"
16:44:46 Object id Veh-0 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-1 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-2 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-3 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-4 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-5 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-6 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-7 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-8 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-9 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-10 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-11 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-12 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-13 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-14 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-15 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-16 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-17 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-18 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-19 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-20 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-21 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-22 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-23 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-24 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-25 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-26 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-27 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-28 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-29 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-30 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-31 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-32 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-33 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-34 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-35 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-36 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-37 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-38 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-39 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-40 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-41 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-42 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-43 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-44 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-45 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-46 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-47 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-48 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-49 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-50 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-51 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-52 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-53 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-54 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-55 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-56 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-57 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-58 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-59 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-60 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-61 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-62 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-63 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-64 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-65 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-66 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-67 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-68 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-69 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-70 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-71 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-72 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-73 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-74 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-75 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-76 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-77 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-78 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-79 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-80 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-81 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-82 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-83 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-84 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-85 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-86 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-87 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-88 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-89 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-90 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-91 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-92 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-93 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-94 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-95 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-96 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-97 is not static
16:44:46 Object id Veh-98 is not static
16:45:07 "A3_SUPPLY_CLEANER: 0h 21min 53s | [0]  SUPPLY ENTITIES FOUND AND DELETED - RUNTIME: 1.23401 - FPS: 45.584 - PLAYER: 2  | sleep 5 minutes now.."
16:48:06 Error: Object(6 : 61) not found
16:50:08 Object id Veh-0 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-1 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-2 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-3 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-4 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-5 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-6 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-7 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-8 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-9 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-10 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-11 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-12 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-13 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-14 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-15 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-16 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-17 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-18 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-19 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-20 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-21 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-22 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-23 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-24 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-25 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-26 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-27 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-28 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-29 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-30 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-31 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-32 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-33 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-34 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-35 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-36 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-37 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-38 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-39 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-40 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-41 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-42 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-43 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-44 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-45 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-46 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-47 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-48 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-49 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-50 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-51 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-52 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-53 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-54 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-55 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-56 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-57 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-58 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-59 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-60 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-61 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-62 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-63 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-64 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-65 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-66 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-67 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-68 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-69 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-70 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-71 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-72 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-73 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-74 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-75 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-76 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-77 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-78 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-79 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-80 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-81 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-82 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-83 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-84 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-85 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-86 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-87 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-88 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-89 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-90 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-91 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-92 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-93 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-94 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-95 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-96 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-97 is not static
16:50:08 Object id Veh-98 is not static
16:50:30 "A3_SUPPLY_CLEANER: 0h 27min 16s | [0]  SUPPLY ENTITIES FOUND AND DELETED - RUNTIME: 2.38806 - FPS: 45.4545 - PLAYER: 2  | sleep 5 minutes now.."
16:51:28 "params" <DMS_fnc_SelectMission> #0: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value 25 is used instead.
16:51:28 "params" <DMS_fnc_SelectMission> #1: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value 10 is used instead.
16:51:28 "Marker ADMIN_MARKER has _missionPos: []"
16:51:28 "Marker SpawnKavala has _missionPos: []"
16:51:28 "Marker SpawnZaros has _missionPos: []"
16:51:28 "Marker SpawnSelekano has _missionPos: []"
16:51:28 "Marker SpawnPrygos has _missionPos: []"
16:51:28 "Marker SpawnSofia has _missionPos: []"
16:51:28 "Marker SpawnSyrta has _missionPos: []"
16:51:28 "Marker TraderCityMarker has _missionPos: []"
16:51:28 "Marker TraderZoneSilderas has _missionPos: []"
16:51:28 "Marker TraderZoneFolia has _missionPos: []"
16:51:28 "Marker BlueMarker has _missionPos: []"
16:51:28 "Marker labelBlueMarker has _missionPos: []"
16:51:28 "Marker RedMarker has _missionPos: []"
16:51:28 "Marker labelRedMarker has _missionPos: []"
16:51:28 "Marker GreenMarker has _missionPos: []"
16:51:28 "Marker labelGreenMarker has _missionPos: []"
16:51:28 "Marker OrangeMarker has _missionPos: []"
16:51:28 "Marker labelOrangeMarker has _missionPos: []"
16:51:28 "Marker DMS_MissionMarkerCircle1 has _missionPos: []"
16:51:28 "Marker DMS_MissionMarkerDot1 has _missionPos: [8955.67,21721,0]"
16:51:28 "DMS_SpawnAIGroup :: Spawned 5 AI at [19855.3,15556.8,0]."
16:51:28 "params" <DMS_fnc_SelectMission> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value "-1" is used instead.
16:54:58 "params" <DMS_fnc_MissionsMonitor> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value "-1" is used instead.
16:55:31 Object id Veh-0 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-1 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-2 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-3 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-4 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-5 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-6 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-7 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-8 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-9 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-10 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-11 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-12 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-13 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-14 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-15 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-16 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-17 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-18 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-19 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-20 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-21 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-22 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-23 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-24 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-25 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-26 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-27 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-28 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-29 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-30 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-31 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-32 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-33 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-34 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-35 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-36 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-37 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-38 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-39 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-40 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-41 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-42 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-43 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-44 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-45 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-46 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-47 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-48 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-49 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-50 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-51 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-52 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-53 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-54 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-55 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-56 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-57 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-58 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-59 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-60 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-61 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-62 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-63 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-64 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-65 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-66 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-67 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-68 is not static
16:55:31 Object id Veh-69 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-70 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-71 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-72 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-73 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-74 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-75 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-76 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-77 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-78 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-79 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-80 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-81 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-82 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-83 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-84 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-85 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-86 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-87 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-88 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-89 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-90 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-91 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-92 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-93 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-94 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-95 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-96 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-97 is not static
16:55:32 Object id Veh-98 is not static
16:55:53 "A3_SUPPLY_CLEANER: 0h 32min 38s | [0]  SUPPLY ENTITIES FOUND AND DELETED - RUNTIME: 1.20691 - FPS: 45.4545 - PLAYER: 2  | sleep 5 minutes now.."
16:59:52 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[83,112,97,119,110,105,110,103,32,87,111,111,100,32,70,108,111,111,114,32,80,111,114,116,32,75,105,116,32,40,69,120,105,108,101,95,73,116,101,109,95,87,111,111,100,70,108,111,111,114,80,111,114,116,75,105,116,41,32,111,110,32,61,86,83,61,32,104,97,114,101,109,111,33]],"2:1145"]"
16:59:52 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:59:52 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 36min 38s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Spawning Wood Floor Port Kit (Exile_Item_WoodFloorPortKit) on =VS= haremo! (v0008b)"
16:59:55 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[83,112,97,119,110,105,110,103,32,87,111,111,100,32,70,108,111,111,114,32,80,111,114,116,32,75,105,116,32,40,69,120,105,108,101,95,73,116,101,109,95,87,111,111,100,70,108,111,111,114,80,111,114,116,75,105,116,41,32,111,110,32,61,86,83,61,32,104,97,114,101,109,111,33]],"2:1145"]"
16:59:55 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
16:59:55 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 0h 36min 40s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Spawning Wood Floor Port Kit (Exile_Item_WoodFloorPortKit) on =VS= haremo! (v0008b)"
17:00:54 Object id Veh-0 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-1 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-2 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-3 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-4 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-5 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-6 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-7 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-8 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-9 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-10 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-11 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-12 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-13 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-14 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-15 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-16 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-17 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-18 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-19 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-20 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-21 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-22 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-23 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-24 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-25 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-26 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-27 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-28 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-29 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-30 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-31 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-32 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-33 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-34 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-35 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-36 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-37 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-38 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-39 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-40 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-41 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-42 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-43 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-44 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-45 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-46 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-47 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-48 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-49 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-50 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-51 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-52 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-53 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-54 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-55 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-56 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-57 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-58 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-59 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-60 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-61 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-62 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-63 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-64 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-65 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-66 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-67 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-68 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-69 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-70 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-71 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-72 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-73 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-74 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-75 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-76 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-77 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-78 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-79 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-80 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-81 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-82 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-83 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-84 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-85 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-86 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-87 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-88 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-89 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-90 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-91 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-92 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-93 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-94 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-95 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-96 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-97 is not static
17:00:54 Object id Veh-98 is not static
17:01:16 "A3_SUPPLY_CLEANER: 0h 38min 2s | [0]  SUPPLY ENTITIES FOUND AND DELETED - RUNTIME: 2.42505 - FPS: 45.7143 - PLAYER: 2  | sleep 5 minutes now.."
17:02:28 "Marker ADMIN_MARKER has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnKavala has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnZaros has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnSelekano has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnPrygos has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnSofia has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnSyrta has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker TraderCityMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker TraderZoneSilderas has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker TraderZoneFolia has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker BlueMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker labelBlueMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker RedMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker labelRedMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker GreenMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker labelGreenMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker OrangeMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker labelOrangeMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker DMS_MissionMarkerCircle2 has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker DMS_MissionMarkerDot2 has _missionPos: [19855.3,15556.8,0]"
17:02:28 "Marker ADMIN_MARKER has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnKavala has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnZaros has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnSelekano has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker ADMIN_MARKER has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnKavala has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnZaros has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnSelekano has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnPrygos has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnSofia has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnSyrta has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker TraderCityMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker TraderZoneSilderas has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker TraderZoneFolia has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker BlueMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker labelBlueMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker RedMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker labelRedMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker GreenMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker labelGreenMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker OrangeMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker labelOrangeMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker DMS_MissionMarkerCircle2 has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker DMS_MissionMarkerDot2 has _missionPos: [19855.3,15556.8,0]"
17:02:28 "Marker ADMIN_MARKER has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnKavala has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnZaros has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnSelekano has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker ADMIN_MARKER has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnKavala has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnZaros has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnSelekano has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnPrygos has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnSofia has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnSyrta has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker TraderCityMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker TraderZoneSilderas has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker ADMIN_MARKER has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnKavala has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnZaros has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnSelekano has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnPrygos has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnSofia has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnSyrta has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker ADMIN_MARKER has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnKavala has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnZaros has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnSelekano has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnPrygos has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnSofia has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnSyrta has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker TraderCityMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker TraderZoneSilderas has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker TraderZoneFolia has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker BlueMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker labelBlueMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker RedMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker labelRedMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker GreenMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker labelGreenMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker OrangeMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker labelOrangeMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker DMS_MissionMarkerCircle2 has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker DMS_MissionMarkerDot2 has _missionPos: [19855.3,15556.8,0]"
17:02:28 "Marker ADMIN_MARKER has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnKavala has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnZaros has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnSelekano has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnPrygos has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker ADMIN_MARKER has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnKavala has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnZaros has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnSelekano has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnPrygos has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnSofia has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker SpawnSyrta has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker TraderCityMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker TraderZoneSilderas has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker TraderZoneFolia has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker BlueMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker labelBlueMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker RedMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker labelRedMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker GreenMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker labelGreenMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker OrangeMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker labelOrangeMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker DMS_MissionMarkerCircle2 has _missionPos: []"
17:02:28 "Marker DMS_MissionMarkerDot2 has _missionPos: [19855.3,15556.8,0]"
17:02:28 "DMS_SpawnAIGroup :: Spawned 7 AI at [12152.7,19212.1,0]."
17:02:28 "params" <DMS_fnc_SelectMission> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value "-1" is used instead.
17:06:17 Object id Veh-0 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-1 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-2 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-3 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-4 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-5 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-6 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-7 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-8 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-9 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-10 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-11 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-12 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-13 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-14 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-15 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-16 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-17 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-18 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-19 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-20 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-21 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-22 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-23 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-24 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-25 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-26 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-27 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-28 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-29 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-30 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-31 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-32 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-33 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-34 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-35 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-36 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-37 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-38 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-39 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-40 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-41 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-42 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-43 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-44 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-45 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-46 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-47 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-48 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-49 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-50 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-51 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-52 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-53 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-54 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-55 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-56 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-57 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-58 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-59 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-60 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-61 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-62 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-63 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-64 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-65 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-66 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-67 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-68 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-69 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-70 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-71 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-72 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-73 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-74 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-75 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-76 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-77 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-78 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-79 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-80 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-81 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-82 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-83 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-84 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-85 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-86 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-87 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-88 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-89 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-90 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-91 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-92 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-93 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-94 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-95 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-96 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-97 is not static
17:06:17 Object id Veh-98 is not static
17:06:39 "A3_SUPPLY_CLEANER: 0h 43min 24s | [0]  SUPPLY ENTITIES FOUND AND DELETED - RUNTIME: 1.24292 - FPS: 45.4545 - PLAYER: 2  | sleep 5 minutes now.."
17:11:40 Object id Veh-0 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-1 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-2 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-3 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-4 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-5 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-6 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-7 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-8 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-9 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-10 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-11 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-12 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-13 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-14 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-15 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-16 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-17 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-18 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-19 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-20 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-21 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-22 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-23 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-24 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-25 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-26 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-27 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-28 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-29 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-30 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-31 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-32 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-33 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-34 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-35 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-36 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-37 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-38 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-39 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-40 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-41 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-42 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-43 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-44 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-45 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-46 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-47 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-48 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-49 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-50 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-51 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-52 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-53 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-54 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-55 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-56 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-57 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-58 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-59 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-60 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-61 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-62 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-63 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-64 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-65 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-66 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-67 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-68 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-69 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-70 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-71 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-72 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-73 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-74 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-75 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-76 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-77 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-78 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-79 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-80 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-81 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-82 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-83 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-84 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-85 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-86 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-87 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-88 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-89 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-90 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-91 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-92 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-93 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-94 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-95 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-96 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-97 is not static
17:11:40 Object id Veh-98 is not static
17:12:02 "A3_SUPPLY_CLEANER: 0h 48min 47s | [0]  SUPPLY ENTITIES FOUND AND DELETED - RUNTIME: 2.73901 - FPS: 45.584 - PLAYER: 2  | sleep 5 minutes now.."
17:13:04 Error: Object(6 : 66) not found
17:13:13 "params" <DMS_fnc_MissionsMonitor> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value "-1" is used instead.
17:13:28 "Marker ADMIN_MARKER has _missionPos: []"
17:13:28 "Marker SpawnKavala has _missionPos: []"
17:13:28 "Marker SpawnZaros has _missionPos: []"
17:13:28 "Marker SpawnSelekano has _missionPos: []"
17:13:28 "Marker SpawnPrygos has _missionPos: []"
17:13:28 "Marker SpawnSofia has _missionPos: []"
17:13:28 "Marker SpawnSyrta has _missionPos: []"
17:13:28 "Marker TraderCityMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:13:28 "Marker TraderZoneSilderas has _missionPos: []"
17:13:28 "Marker TraderZoneFolia has _missionPos: []"
17:13:28 "Marker BlueMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:13:28 "Marker labelBlueMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:13:28 "Marker RedMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:13:28 "Marker labelRedMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:13:28 "Marker GreenMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:13:28 "Marker labelGreenMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:13:28 "Marker OrangeMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:13:28 "Marker labelOrangeMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:13:28 "Marker DMS_MissionMarkerDot2 has _missionPos: [19855.3,15556.8,0]"
17:13:28 "Marker DMS_MissionMarkerCircle3 has _missionPos: []"
17:13:28 "Marker DMS_MissionMarkerDot3 has _missionPos: [12152.7,19212.1,0]"
17:13:28 "DMS_SpawnAIGroup :: Spawned 8 AI at [19758.3,9720.68,0]."
17:13:28 "params" <DMS_fnc_SelectMission> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value "-1" is used instead.
17:17:04 Object id Veh-0 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-1 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-2 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-3 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-4 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-5 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-6 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-7 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-8 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-9 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-10 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-11 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-12 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-13 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-14 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-15 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-16 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-17 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-18 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-19 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-20 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-21 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-22 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-23 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-24 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-25 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-26 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-27 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-28 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-29 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-30 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-31 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-32 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-33 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-34 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-35 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-36 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-37 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-38 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-39 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-40 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-41 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-42 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-43 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-44 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-45 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-46 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-47 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-48 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-49 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-50 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-51 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-52 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-53 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-54 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-55 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-56 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-57 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-58 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-59 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-60 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-61 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-62 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-63 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-64 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-65 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-66 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-67 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-68 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-69 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-70 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-71 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-72 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-73 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-74 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-75 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-76 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-77 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-78 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-79 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-80 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-81 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-82 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-83 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-84 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-85 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-86 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-87 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-88 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-89 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-90 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-91 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-92 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-93 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-94 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-95 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-96 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-97 is not static
17:17:04 Object id Veh-98 is not static
17:17:25 "A3_SUPPLY_CLEANER: 0h 54min 10s | [0]  SUPPLY ENTITIES FOUND AND DELETED - RUNTIME: 1.4209 - FPS: 45.4545 - PLAYER: 2  | sleep 5 minutes now.."
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:12 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #581345254, users.card=2
17:22:12 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 581345254
17:22:12 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 581345254 (Crazy)
17:22:26 Object id Veh-0 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-1 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-2 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-3 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-4 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-5 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-6 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-7 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-8 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-9 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-10 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-11 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-12 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-13 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-14 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-15 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-16 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-17 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-18 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-19 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-20 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-21 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-22 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-23 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-24 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-25 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-26 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-27 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-28 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-29 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-30 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-31 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-32 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-33 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-34 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-35 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-36 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-37 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-38 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-39 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-40 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-41 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-42 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-43 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-44 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-45 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-46 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-47 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-48 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-49 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-50 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-51 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-52 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-53 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-54 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-55 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-56 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-57 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-58 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-59 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-60 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-61 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-62 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-63 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-64 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-65 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-66 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-67 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-68 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-69 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-70 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-71 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-72 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-73 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-74 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-75 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-76 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-77 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-78 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-79 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-80 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-81 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-82 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-83 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-84 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-85 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-86 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-87 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-88 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-89 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-90 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-91 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-92 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-93 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-94 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-95 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-96 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-97 is not static
17:22:26 Object id Veh-98 is not static
17:22:48 "A3_SUPPLY_CLEANER: 0h 59min 33s | [0]  SUPPLY ENTITIES FOUND AND DELETED - RUNTIME: 2.33594 - FPS: 45.584 - PLAYER: 2  | sleep 5 minutes now.."
17:26:38 Error in expression < "_i" from 1 to _bkcPckCnt do {
_item = _a1 call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_diff = (>
17:26:38   Error position: <_a1 call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_diff = (>
17:26:38   Error Undefined variable in expression: _a1
17:26:38 File q\addons\custom_server\AIMission\fillBoxes.sqf, line 80
17:26:38 Error in expression <riable["LAST_CHECK",14400];
_vehSE call EPOCH_server_setVToken;
17:26:38   Error position: <EPOCH_server_setVToken;
17:26:38   Error Undefined variable in expression: epoch_server_setvtoken
17:26:38 File q\addons\custom_server\AIMission\spawnEmplaced.sqf, line 34
17:26:38 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:38 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:38 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:39 Error in expression <riable["LAST_CHECK",14400];
_vehSE call EPOCH_server_setVToken;
17:26:39   Error position: <EPOCH_server_setVToken;
17:26:39   Error Undefined variable in expression: epoch_server_setvtoken
17:26:39 File q\addons\custom_server\AIMission\spawnEmplaced.sqf, line 34
17:26:39 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:39 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:39 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:40 No owner
17:26:41 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:41 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:41 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:41 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:41 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:41 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:41 Inventory item with given name: [FAK] not found
17:26:42 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:42 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:42 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:42 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:42 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:42 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:42 Inventory item with given name: [FAK] not found
17:26:42 No owner
17:26:42 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:42 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:42 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:42 Inventory item with given name: [FAK] not found
17:26:43 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:43 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:43 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:43 Inventory item with given name: [FAK] not found
17:26:45 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:45 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:45 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:45 Inventory item with given name: [FAK] not found
17:26:45 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:45 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:45 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:45 Inventory item with given name: [FAK] not found
17:26:46 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:46 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:46 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:46 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:46 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:46 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:46 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:46 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:46 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:46 Inventory item with given name: [FAK] not found
17:26:47 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:47 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:47 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:48 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:48 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:48 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:48 Inventory item with given name: [FAK] not found
17:26:49 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:49 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:49 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:49 Inventory item with given name: [FAK] not found
17:26:49 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:49 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:49 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:50 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:50 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:50 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:50 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:50 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:50 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:51 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:51 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:26:51 Inventory item with given name: [] not found
17:27:49 Object id Veh-0 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-1 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-2 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-3 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-4 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-5 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-6 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-7 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-8 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-9 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-10 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-11 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-12 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-13 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-14 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-15 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-16 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-17 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-18 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-19 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-20 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-21 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-22 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-23 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-24 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-25 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-26 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-27 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-28 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-29 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-30 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-31 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-32 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-33 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-34 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-35 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-36 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-37 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-38 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-39 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-40 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-41 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-42 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-43 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-44 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-45 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-46 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-47 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-48 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-49 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-50 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-51 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-52 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-53 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-54 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-55 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-56 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-57 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-58 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-59 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-60 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-61 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-62 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-63 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-64 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-65 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-66 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-67 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-68 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-69 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-70 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-71 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-72 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-73 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-74 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-75 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-76 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-77 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-78 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-79 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-80 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-81 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-82 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-83 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-84 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-85 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-86 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-87 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-88 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-89 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-90 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-91 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-92 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-93 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-94 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-95 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-96 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-97 is not static
17:27:49 Object id Veh-98 is not static
17:28:11 "A3_SUPPLY_CLEANER: 1h 4min 56s | [0]  SUPPLY ENTITIES FOUND AND DELETED - RUNTIME: 1.68994 - FPS: 45.7143 - PLAYER: 2  | sleep 5 minutes now.."
17:28:28 "Marker ADMIN_MARKER has _missionPos: []"
17:28:28 "Marker SpawnKavala has _missionPos: []"
17:28:28 "Marker SpawnZaros has _missionPos: []"
17:28:28 "Marker SpawnSelekano has _missionPos: []"
17:28:28 "Marker SpawnPrygos has _missionPos: []"
17:28:28 "Marker SpawnSofia has _missionPos: []"
17:28:28 "Marker SpawnSyrta has _missionPos: []"
17:28:28 "Marker TraderCityMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:28:28 "Marker TraderZoneSilderas has _missionPos: []"
17:28:28 "Marker TraderZoneFolia has _missionPos: []"
17:28:28 "Marker BlueMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:28:28 "Marker labelBlueMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:28:28 "Marker RedMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:28:28 "Marker labelRedMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:28:28 "Marker GreenMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:28:28 "Marker labelGreenMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:28:28 "Marker OrangeMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:28:28 "Marker labelOrangeMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:28:28 "Marker DMS_MissionMarkerCircle3 has _missionPos: []"
17:28:28 "Marker DMS_MissionMarkerDot3 has _missionPos: [12152.7,19212.1,0]"
17:28:28 "Marker DMS_MissionMarkerCircle4 has _missionPos: []"
17:28:28 "Marker DMS_MissionMarkerDot4 has _missionPos: [19758.3,9720.68,0]"
17:28:28 "DMS_SpawnAIGroup :: Spawned 6 AI at [18430.3,16142,0]."
17:28:28 "params" <DMS_fnc_SelectMission> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value "-1" is used instead.
17:29:13 "params" <DMS_fnc_MissionsMonitor> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value "-1" is used instead.
17:30:43 Ragdoll - loading of ragdoll source "Soldier" started.
17:30:43 Ragdoll - loading of ragdoll source "Soldier" finished successfully.
17:31:55 "params" <> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value "-1" is used instead.
17:31:55 "["systemChatRequest",["Dominik was killed by an NPC! (563m Distance)"]]"
17:31:58 "params" <DMS_fnc_MissionsMonitor> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value "-1" is used instead.
17:32:25 No owner
17:32:28 No owner
17:32:52 No owner
17:32:55 No owner
17:33:12 Object id Veh-0 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-1 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-2 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-3 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-4 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-5 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-6 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-7 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-8 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-9 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-10 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-11 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-12 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-13 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-14 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-15 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-16 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-17 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-18 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-19 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-20 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-21 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-22 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-23 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-24 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-25 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-26 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-27 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-28 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-29 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-30 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-31 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-32 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-33 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-34 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-35 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-36 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-37 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-38 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-39 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-40 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-41 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-42 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-43 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-44 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-45 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-46 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-47 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-48 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-49 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-50 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-51 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-52 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-53 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-54 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-55 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-56 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-57 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-58 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-59 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-60 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-61 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-62 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-63 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-64 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-65 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-66 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-67 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-68 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-69 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-70 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-71 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-72 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-73 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-74 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-75 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-76 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-77 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-78 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-79 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-80 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-81 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-82 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-83 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-84 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-85 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-86 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-87 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-88 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-89 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-90 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-91 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-92 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-93 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-94 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-95 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-96 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-97 is not static
17:33:12 Object id Veh-98 is not static
17:33:34 "A3_SUPPLY_CLEANER: 1h 10min 19s | [0]  SUPPLY ENTITIES FOUND AND DELETED - RUNTIME: 2.27588 - FPS: 45.4545 - PLAYER: 2  | sleep 5 minutes now.."
17:33:53 No owner
17:34:03 WARNING: Function 'name' - Dominik is dead
17:34:44 WARNING: Function 'name' - Dominik is dead
17:34:45 Server: Unhandled user message Type_261
17:35:45 "params" <> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value "-1" is used instead.
17:35:45 "["systemChatRequest",["Dominik commited suicide!"]]"
17:35:52 "<infiSTAR.de>ConnectLog| 1h 12min 36s | Disconnected: Dominik(76561198027500907) - time: 4355.99 - serverFPS: 45.4545 (v0008b)"
17:35:52 Client: Remote object 6:0 not found
17:38:35 Object id Veh-0 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-1 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-2 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-3 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-4 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-5 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-6 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-7 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-8 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-9 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-10 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-11 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-12 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-13 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-14 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-15 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-16 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-17 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-18 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-19 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-20 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-21 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-22 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-23 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-24 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-25 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-26 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-27 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-28 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-29 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-30 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-31 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-32 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-33 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-34 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-35 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-36 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-37 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-38 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-39 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-40 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-41 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-42 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-43 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-44 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-45 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-46 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-47 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-48 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-49 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-50 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-51 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-52 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-53 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-54 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-55 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-56 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-57 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-58 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-59 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-60 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-61 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-62 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-63 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-64 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-65 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-66 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-67 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-68 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-69 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-70 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-71 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-72 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-73 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-74 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-75 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-76 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-77 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-78 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-79 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-80 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-81 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-82 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-83 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-84 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-85 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-86 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-87 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-88 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-89 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-90 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-91 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-92 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-93 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-94 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-95 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-96 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-97 is not static
17:38:35 Object id Veh-98 is not static
17:38:57 "A3_SUPPLY_CLEANER: 1h 15min 41s | [0]  SUPPLY ENTITIES FOUND AND DELETED - RUNTIME: 1.13916 - FPS: 45.584 - PLAYER: 1  | sleep 5 minutes now.."
17:40:28 "Marker ADMIN_MARKER has _missionPos: []"
17:40:28 "Marker SpawnKavala has _missionPos: []"
17:40:28 "Marker SpawnZaros has _missionPos: []"
17:40:28 "Marker SpawnSelekano has _missionPos: []"
17:40:28 "Marker SpawnPrygos has _missionPos: []"
17:40:28 "Marker SpawnSofia has _missionPos: []"
17:40:28 "Marker SpawnSyrta has _missionPos: []"
17:40:28 "Marker TraderCityMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:40:28 "Marker TraderZoneSilderas has _missionPos: []"
17:40:28 "Marker TraderZoneFolia has _missionPos: []"
17:40:28 "Marker BlueMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:40:28 "Marker labelBlueMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:40:28 "Marker RedMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:40:28 "Marker labelRedMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:40:28 "Marker GreenMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:40:28 "Marker labelGreenMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:40:28 "Marker OrangeMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:40:28 "Marker labelOrangeMarker has _missionPos: []"
17:40:28 "Marker DMS_MissionMarkerCircle5 has _missionPos: []"
17:40:28 "Marker DMS_MissionMarkerDot5 has _missionPos: [18430.3,16142,0]"
17:40:29 "DMS_SpawnAIGroup :: Spawned 7 AI at [10685.2,20166.6,0]."
17:40:29 "params" <DMS_fnc_SelectMission> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value "-1" is used instead.
17:40:30 Disconnected from Steam servers
17:41:24 Connected to Steam servers
17:43:58 Object id Veh-0 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-1 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-2 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-3 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-4 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-5 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-6 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-7 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-8 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-9 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-10 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-11 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-12 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-13 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-14 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-15 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-16 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-17 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-18 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-19 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-20 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-21 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-22 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-23 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-24 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-25 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-26 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-27 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-28 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-29 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-30 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-31 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-32 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-33 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-34 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-35 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-36 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-37 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-38 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-39 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-40 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-41 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-42 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-43 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-44 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-45 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-46 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-47 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-48 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-49 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-50 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-51 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-52 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-53 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-54 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-55 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-56 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-57 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-58 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-59 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-60 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-61 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-62 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-63 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-64 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-65 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-66 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-67 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-68 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-69 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-70 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-71 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-72 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-73 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-74 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-75 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-76 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-77 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-78 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-79 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-80 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-81 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-82 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-83 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-84 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-85 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-86 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-87 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-88 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-89 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-90 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-91 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-92 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-93 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-94 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-95 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-96 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-97 is not static
17:43:58 Object id Veh-98 is not static
17:44:20 "A3_SUPPLY_CLEANER: 1h 21min 4s | [0]  SUPPLY ENTITIES FOUND AND DELETED - RUNTIME: 2.47412 - FPS: 45.7143 - PLAYER: 1  | sleep 5 minutes now.."
17:48:03 "<infiSTAR.de>ConnectLog| 1h 24min 47s | Disconnected: SteamName: haremo - IngameName: =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) - time: 5086.73 - serverFPS: 45.4545 (v0008b)"
17:48:03 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["tntqzdku38mfdb",["=VS= haremo","76561198033528990","ALOG",[83,101,108,102,32,68,105,115,99,111,110,110,101,99,116]],"2:1145"]"
17:48:03 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) Token tntqzdku38mfdb - objByNetID R Alpha 2-1:1 (=VS= haremo) REMOTE"
17:48:03 Client: Remote object 4:0 not found
17:48:03 "<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| 1h 24min 47s | =VS= haremo(76561198033528990) | Self Disconnect (v0008b)"
17:48:03 Warning: Cleanup player - person 2:1145 not found
17:48:04 Warning: Cleanup player - person 2:1145 not found
17:48:12 EPE manager release (11|53|0)
17:48:12 Number of joints in scene after release: 14
17:48:12 Number of actors in scene after release: 26
17:48:12 EPE manager release (0|26|0)
17:48:12 Number of joints in scene after release: 14
17:48:12 Number of actors in scene after release: 15
17:48:14 EPE manager release (14|15|0)
17:48:14 Number of actors in scene after release: 15
17:48:14 EPE manager release (0|15|0)
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\common\invisibleman.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "I_Sniper_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_beta\indep\ia_sniper.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "I_G_Soldier_TL_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_gamma\guerrilla\ig_leader.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_man_hunter_1_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\civil\c_hunter_f.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_man_p_beggar_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\civil\c_poor.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_man_p_fugitive_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\civil\c_poor.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_journalist_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_epc\civil\c_journalist.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "O_sniper_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\opfor\o_sniper.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "B_G_engineer_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_gamma\guerrilla\ig_guerrilla2_1.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "I_G_Soldier_AR_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_gamma\guerrilla\ig_guerrilla2_1.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "I_G_engineer_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_gamma\guerrilla\ig_guerrilla2_1.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "B_G_medic_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_gamma\guerrilla\ig_guerrilla2_1.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "B_RangeMaster_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\civil\c_poloshirtpants.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "Underwear_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\common\basicbody.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "B_Protagonist_VR_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_bootcamp\common\vr_protagonist_f.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "I_G_Soldier_M_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_gamma\guerrilla\ig_guerrilla3_1.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "B_G_Soldier_M_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_gamma\guerrilla\ig_guerrilla3_1.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "I_officer_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_beta\indep\ia_officer.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "I_G_resistanceLeader_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_epb\guerrilla\ig_guerrilla4_1.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "Exile_Unit_Player"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\common\coveralls.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_man_polo_4_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\civil\c_poloshirt.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_man_polo_2_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\civil\c_poloshirt.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_man_polo_3_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\civil\c_poloshirt.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_man_polo_1_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\civil\c_poloshirt.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_man_polo_5_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\civil\c_poloshirt.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_man_p_shorts_1_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\civil\c_poloshirt.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "B_ghillie_lsh_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_mark\blufor\b_fullghillie_f.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "B_ghillie_sard_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_mark\blufor\b_fullghillie_f.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "B_Soldier_03_f"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\blufor\b_soldier_03.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "B_CTRG_soldier_AR_A_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\blufor\b_soldier_03.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "B_sniper_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\blufor\b_sniper.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "B_Soldier_02_f"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\blufor\b_soldier_02.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "B_G_Soldier_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_gamma\guerrilla\ig_guerrilla1_1.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "i_g_soldier_unarmed_f"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_gamma\guerrilla\ig_guerrilla1_1.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "I_G_Soldier_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_gamma\guerrilla\ig_guerrilla1_1.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "O_Soldier_02_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\common\pilot_f.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "B_G_Soldier_LAT_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_bootcamp\guerrilla\ig_guerrilla_6_1.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "I_G_Soldier_LAT_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_bootcamp\guerrilla\ig_guerrilla_6_1.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "B_diver_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\common\diver_slotable.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "I_ghillie_sard_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_mark\indep\i_fullghillie_f.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "I_ghillie_ard_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_mark\indep\i_fullghillie_f.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "O_recon_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\opfor\o_soldier_01.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "O_crew_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\opfor\o_soldier_01.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "O_Soldier_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\opfor\o_soldier_01.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "O_soldierU_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\opfor\o_soldier_01.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "B_CTRG_soldier_GL_LAT_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\blufor\b_soldier_01.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "B_recon_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\blufor\b_soldier_01.p3d";]
17:48:15 Deinitialized shape [Class: "B_Soldier_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\blufor\b_soldier_01.p3d";]
17:48:15 c:\w\stable\futura\lib\network\networkserver.cpp ClearNetServer:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing!
17:48:15 Error: weapon [bipod_01_F_snd] still has its shape, ref_count=1
17:48:15 Error: weapon [bipod_01_F_blk] still has its shape, ref_count=3
17:48:15 Error: weapon [bipod_01_F_mtp] still has its shape, ref_count=15
17:48:15 Error: weapon [bipod_02_F_blk] still has its shape, ref_count=2
17:48:15 Error: weapon [bipod_02_F_hex] still has its shape, ref_count=8
17:48:15 Error: weapon [bipod_03_F_blk] still has its shape, ref_count=3
17:48:15 Error: weapon [bipod_03_F_oli] still has its shape, ref_count=1
17:48:16 Extensions:
17:48:16   ARMA_LOAD (.\ARMA_LOAD.dll) [] []

17:48:16   extDB2 (.\extDB2.dll) [] []






quite a lot is this connected - disconnected

Edited by haremo

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In my opinion, there doesn't appear to be anything wrong on your end based on these logs.

Your first log, doesn't appear to have anyone connecting other than you.

In your second log:

  • Okon connects at: 16:23:35, gets a token from infiSTAR and then disconnects at: 16:35:55 of what appears to be his own accord. The screen shot of him "BattleEye Client not responding" is a common reason for disconnection and is not unusual.
  • Dominik connects at: 16:33:17, gets a token from infiSTAR. He dies a few times and then disconnects at: 17:35:52 of his own accord.

None of this behaviour would suggest an issue. Also bare in mind what Taylor Swift said:

Most of the time when it says "Player connected", "Player uses modified data", "Player disconnected" is because they used the wrong mods. 

Maybe wait until you see a few players connect-disconnect and grab the log that would contain those connections because these logs don't currently reveal much to me, but I might be wrong and missed something. Anyone else care to weigh in?

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Thanks for your reply . I just worried that not many people attach to the server. could actually issue is on the side of people who trying to connect.My English is cheesy so sorry for mistakes

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