if !([getPos _x, 0] call ExileTerritoryBuildRights) then
I ended up with this error in my server log:
14:09:32 Error in expression <ive _x) then
if !([getPos _x, 0] callExileTerritoryBuildRights) then
14:09:32 Error position: <ExileTerritoryBuildRights) then
14:09:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: exileterritorybuildrights
14:09:32 File JohnOs_events\addons\functions\Server\JohnO_fnc_wages.sqf, line 10
If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know!
I use JohnO's Exile Reborn mod and part of that mod includes getting wages. This file detects if you are within a trader safe zone and if you are, it won't let you get wages. Since i don't use safezones, I'd like to change this to detect if someone is within a territory that they have build rights in, and if they are, it doesn't give them wages. Here's the code: https://github.com/gianni001/ExileReborn/blob/master/%40ExileServer/addons/JohnOs_events/addons/Functions/Server/JohnO_fnc_wages.sqf
I tried changing this line:
if !([getPos _x, 0] call ExileTerritoryBuildRights) then
I ended up with this error in my server log:
If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know!
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