
Safe kit money limit

7 posts in this topic

BUMP: I've found that config variable 'maximumLoad'*10 determines capacity of container.

So I did:

class Exile_Item_SafeKit                        { quality = 4; price = 25000; maximumLoad = 50000; };

in my config.cpp, but It doesn't work.

Edited by Nerexis
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If it's 10 x the maximum load of the container then I suspect you're not going to be able to change it as I don't believe you can change the storage levels of any container (vehicles included) without a mod that replaces the object.

If you don't get anywhere with this, I might suggest you entertain the idea of using the containers in Extended Base Mod? They store far more than a safe (therefore more money too) and most of them are lockable. Well, the shipping containers and the likes typically are anyway.

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Finaly fixed that.

Had to override two files:


 * ExileServer_system_money_network_putMoneyRequest
 * Exile Mod
 * © 2015 Exile Mod Team
 * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. 
 * To view a copy of this license, visit
_sessionID = _this select 0;
_parameters = _this select 1;
_objectNetID = _parameters select 0;
_amount = _parameters select 1;
_newContainerNetID = "";
	_player = _sessionID call ExileServer_system_session_getPlayerObject;
	if (isNull _player) then 
		throw "Non-existent players cannot put money somewhere!";
	if !(alive _player) then 
		throw "The dead cannot put money somewhere!";
	if (_amount < 1) then 
		throw "Invalid money parameter!";
	_playerMoney = _player getVariable ["ExileMoney", 0];
	if (_amount > _playerMoney) then 
		throw "Cannot store money that this player does not have!";
	_container = objectFromNetId _objectNetID;
	if (isNull _container) then 
		throw "Cannot store money in non-existent container!";
	if ((_player distance _container) > 10) then 
		throw "Cannot store money over long distances!";
	_containerMoney = _container getVariable ["ExileMoney", 0];
	if (_container isKindOf "GroundWeaponHolder") then 
		_nearbyPopTabs = nearestObjects [_player, ["Exile_PopTabs"], 3];
		if (_nearbyPopTabs isEqualTo []) then
			_container = createVehicle ["Exile_PopTabs", (getPos _player), [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
			_container setPosASL (getPosASL _player);
			_container = _nearbyPopTabs select 0;
		_newContainerNetID = netID _container;
		if!(_container isKindOf "man")then
			_maximumLoad = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _container >> "maximumLoad");
			if(_maximumLoad isEqualTo 0)then
				throw "Invalid container load";
			_maximumPoptabsLoad = _maximumLoad * 10;
			diag_log format["Current container: %1",typeOf _container];
			if( (typeOf _container) isEqualTo "Exile_Container_Safe") then
				_maximumPoptabsLoad = 500000;
			_maximumAmmountToAdd = _maximumPoptabsLoad - _containerMoney;
			if(_amount > _maximumAmmountToAdd)then
				_amount = _maximumAmmountToAdd;
	_playerMoney = _playerMoney - _amount;
	_player setVariable ["ExileMoney", _playerMoney, true];
	format["setPlayerMoney:%1:%2", _playerMoney, _player getVariable ["ExileDatabaseID", 0]] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget;
	_containerMoney = _container getVariable ["ExileMoney", 0];
	_containerMoney = _containerMoney + _amount;
	_container setVariable ["ExileMoney", _containerMoney, true];
	_containerID = _container getVariable ["ExileDatabaseID", -1];
	if (_containerID > -1) then 
		if ((getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _container) >> "exileContainer")) isEqualTo 1) then 
			format["setContainerMoney:%1:%2", _containerMoney, _containerID] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget;
			format["setVehicleMoney:%1:%2", _containerMoney, _containerID] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget;
	_exception call ExileServer_util_log;
[_sessionID, "moneyTransactionResponse", [_newContainerNetID, -1 * _amount]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_to;



 * ExileClient_gui_inventory_updatePopTabControls
 * Exile Mod
 * © 2015 Exile Mod Team
 * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. 
 * To view a copy of this license, visit
_enable = _this;
_display = findDisplay 602;
if (isNull _display) then 
	_display = uiNameSpace getVariable ["RscDisplayInventory", displayNull];
if (isNull _display) exitWith {};
if (isNull ExileClientCurrentInventoryContainer) exitWith {};
_containerPopTabs = ExileClientCurrentInventoryContainer getVariable ["ExileMoney", 0];
_containerPopTabsString = _containerPopTabs call ExileClient_util_string_exponentToString;
_playerPopTabs = player getVariable ["ExileMoney", 0];
_playerPopTabsString = _playerPopTabs call ExileClient_util_string_exponentToString;
_playerPopTabsLabel = _display displayCtrl 25001;
_playerPopTabsLabel ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["<t size='1' font='RobotoCondensed' align='right'>%1<img image='\exile_assets\texture\ui\poptab_inline_ca.paa' size='1' shadow='true' /></t>", _playerPopTabsString]);
_containerPopTabsLabel = _display displayCtrl 25000;
_maximumCapacity = -1;
_maximumPopTabsToPut = _playerPopTabs;
if !(ExileClientCurrentInventoryContainer isKindOf "man") then
	_maximumLoad = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf ExileClientCurrentInventoryContainer >> "maximumLoad");
	if (_maximumLoad > 0) then
		_maximumCapacity = _maximumLoad * 10;
		if( (typeOf ExileClientCurrentInventoryContainer) isEqualTo "Exile_Container_Safe") then
			_maximumCapacity = 500000;
		_maximumPopTabsToPut = _playerPopTabs min _maximumCapacity;
if !(_maximumCapacity isEqualTo -1) then 
	_maximumCapacityString = _maximumCapacity call ExileClient_util_string_exponentToString;
	_containerPopTabsLabel ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["<t size='1' font='RobotoCondensed' align='right'>%1 / %2<img image='\exile_assets\texture\ui\poptab_inline_ca.paa' size='1' shadow='true' /></t>", _containerPopTabsString, _maximumCapacityString]);
	_containerPopTabsLabel ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["<t size='1' font='RobotoCondensed' align='right'>%1<img image='\exile_assets\texture\ui\poptab_inline_ca.paa' size='1' shadow='true' /></t>", _containerPopTabsString]);
_takePopTabsInput = _display displayCtrl 25002;
_takePopTabsInput ctrlSetText _containerPopTabsString;
_maximumPopTabsToPutString = _maximumPopTabsToPut call ExileClient_util_string_exponentToString;
_putPopTabsInput = _display displayCtrl 25005;
_putPopTabsInput ctrlSetText _maximumPopTabsToPutString;
_takePopTabsButton = _display displayCtrl 25003;
_takePopTabsButton ctrlEnable !ExileClientIsWaitingForInventoryMoneyTransaction;
_putPopTabsButton = _display displayCtrl 25004;
_putPopTabsButton ctrlEnable !ExileClientIsWaitingForInventoryMoneyTransaction;



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Mission config file

class CfgPoptabStorage
	class Exile_Container_Safe_Small { max = 25000; };	

And change it to

class CfgPoptabStorage
	class Exile_Container_Safe_Small { max = 50000; };//or whatever you want
	class Exile_Container_Safe 		 { max = 100000; };//or whatever you want


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1 hour ago, MGTDB said:

Mission config file

class CfgPoptabStorage
	class Exile_Container_Safe_Small { max = 25000; };	

And change it to

class CfgPoptabStorage
	class Exile_Container_Safe_Small { max = 50000; };//or whatever you want
	class Exile_Container_Safe 		 { max = 100000; };//or whatever you want



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