
Trader voices

2 posts in this topic

With a key point to Exile being that traders feel alive, would it be possible to add a greeting to them? Noting much as it would get annoying if it happened all the time but say a 50% chance that when within the max distance to be able to trade they say things like "Hello", "Welcome", "Can i help you" etc. Same goes for when you finish the trade, things like "Good bye", "Thank you, come again" etc.

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On 21/07/2016 at 11:36 PM, Mr Health And Safety said:

With a key point to Exile being that traders feel alive, would it be possible to add a greeting to them? Noting much as it would get annoying if it happened all the time but say a 50% chance that when within the max distance to be able to trade they say things like "Hello", "Welcome", "Can i help you" etc. Same goes for when you finish the trade, things like "Good bye", "Thank you, come again" etc.

You would need to add this to the transaction success.







Its very simple to do this ;)

Bellow is it in its most simplest form.


_YesNo = random 10;

if(_YesNo >=6) then {
	playSound3D ["A3\Sounds_F\sfx\Alarm_BLUFOR.wss", player]; //ADD YOUR SOUNDS HERE ;)

Ofc this would want improving a LOT, for example setting the volume and making the sound originate from the trader instead of the player, but thats easily done.


If you want to make it MORE realistic,  make your traders mouth move as he speaks

And give them a smile :)

You can even control their blink rate lol

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