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Jason Price

Buyable Watercooler?

7 posts in this topic

Hey guys

At the moment I am Pretty sure the only way to get fresh water is from the watercoolers at traders or From the sea and then boil it. 

I and a few others from my community, thought it would be a good idea to add the watercooler to the trader? So players can buy one for their base? or maybe even add it to the crafting list.

Would like to hear everyone else's thoughts? 

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Takes out the point of boiling water.

In fact I doubt anyone bothers to boil water anymore since you can just fill empty bottles at the trader for free.

Would like to see a water barrel though that can be purchased.

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I like the idea.

If the idea of the game was more survival orientated and less combat orientated i think you would want to encourage the boiling of water.

For me though the game is all about the P v P and i would like the convenience of a water cooler or a well that is craft-able at a proportionate expense that could be placed in the base   

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I agree with @Stoob.

I'm currently rebuilding the mission file, to give some of the traders some crafting areas and such, which also will include free water-refill stations, but you'd have to go to a trader for that, that way the manual refill from sea or whatever still has a point, if you're too far away from a trader area ;)

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What about having something similar to H1Z1 where you have a Due collector that fills up one water bottle? 


allows you to get out of that sticky situation and then go on a hunt for more water? obviously craft-able and a one time use over a set time. 

Edited by William =D

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