
Chernarus Russian Roulette

16 posts in this topic

51 minutes ago, zombietop said:

Ive got everything up and running except the russian roulette and concrete mixers.  =(

In the same boat as you. My russian roulette guy puts you where the chairs SHOULD be and it works.. but.. yeah, no actual chairs or mixer.

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31 minutes ago, TPGDagger said:

In the same boat as you. My russian roulette guy puts you where the chairs SHOULD be and it works.. but.. yeah, no actual chairs or mixer.

I placed the props in eden, exported, and added to the server. So they spawn, talk to the guy, it set me on the chair, I escape the game and the real chairs spawn. When the game is actually played, and people die and chairs get knocked over, and the game completes, the script resspawns the chairs and such. I can see the chairs spawning when I leave/finish a game of roulette. They spawn and sit for about 45 seconds, then despawn. 

this is as far as I have gotten. 

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46 minutes ago, zombietop said:

I placed the props in eden, exported, and added to the server. So they spawn, talk to the guy, it set me on the chair, I escape the game and the real chairs spawn. When the game is actually played, and people die and chairs get knocked over, and the game completes, the script resspawns the chairs and such. I can see the chairs spawning when I leave/finish a game of roulette. They spawn and sit for about 45 seconds, then despawn. 

this is as far as I have gotten. 

Mind sharing that bit of code? Just want to make sure mine looks similar. I assume it's just the array  specific to the chairs and not you adding in the chairs in the objects table and then also defining them in that lower array?


I wonder if that is what is going on with mine now..

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19 minutes ago, TPGDagger said:

Mind sharing that bit of code? Just want to make sure mine looks similar. I assume it's just the array  specific to the chairs and not you adding in the chairs in the objects table and then also defining them in that lower array?


I wonder if that is what is going on with mine now..

Well I tried running the default initserver, minus the trader objects. I have all my trader objects server side rather than mission file. When I did it like this, nothing was spawned for roulette. If I spoke the the NPC, paid the 100 tabs, it took me to where I defined the location of a chair, and sat me down in an invisible chair.


Now when I hit escape and it ported me back to the NPC, 5 out of the 6 chairs spawned in. They will sit for about 45 seconds and despawned.


So then I thought that maybe because I was in debug, due to using the original altis positions for testing, that I would go ahead and place them at a legit trader, like Stary. So I did. Same thing. Then all the props, chairs, tables, lamp, everything, to my server side custom object trader files and the server placed them properly at my trader. I removed everything but the chairs, because nothing was spawning, from the initserver sqf. 


As you can see, this simi-solved the problem and I got excited! Then I hit escape and the original chairs, from the initserver, spawned in ontop of the new chairs that I put server side. Just like before, they sit for about 45 seconds and then despawn. 

It is almost like something is preventing the initserver props/chairs from loading. But then when the game finishes, they do spawn, but something despawns them. No errors in the server RPT and can see in the logs roulette is initialized and shows me joinin/leaving the game. 


Tried changing the arrays for the props, (table, lamp, sign, ect..) and tried using setPosASL instead of setPosWorld. This did nothing but cause the roulette server side initialize script to error out and not load. 

So yea.. Im pretty stuck at this point. 

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2 hours ago, zombietop said:


Tried changing the arrays for the props, (table, lamp, sign, ect..) and tried using setPosASL instead of setPosWorld. This did nothing but cause the roulette server side initialize script to error out and not load. 

So yea.. Im pretty stuck at this point. 

What editor did you use for SetPosWorld versus..? Eden? I have my concrete working fine now but this is still hit or miss.


None of my players seem to face the right way. They just float and I can't get these chairs to load. Everything else seems fine.

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I got the chairs to spawn right. Just testing couple other things. Will post findings soon.

Got the chairs to spawn by changing the ExileRouletteChairPositions = in initserver to this


ExileRouletteChairPositions =

    private ["_chair"];

    _chair = "Land_ChairWood_F" createVehicle [0, 0, 0];
    _chair setPosASL (_x select 0);
    _chair setVectorDirAndUp (_x select 1);
    _chair allowDamage false;
    _chair enableSimulationGlobal true;

    ExileRouletteChairs pushBack _chair;
forEach ExileRouletteChairPositions;

Now this did make the chairs spawn, but broke the roulette script all together. So I changed the server side file ExileServer_system_russianRoulette_event_onPlayerJoined.sqf to the below to try and clear the error in the RPT. 


**line 22**    _chair setVectorDirAndUp (_chairInfo select 1));
**line 23**    _chair setPosASL (_chairInfo select 0);

This cleared the error in the RPT, but joining the actual roulette game is broke. So this is where Im at currently. 


Any help from @Eichi  would be lovely. I know base exile doesn't support Chernarus but if you could let me know if Im on the right path or going about this all wrong, would be great <3


using setPosWorld and setDir (deg doesnt seem to spawn the chairs other than when the roulette game is aborted/completed, and then they only spawn for about 45 seconds and vanish. Using setPosASL and SetVectorDirAndUp, they spawn and stay but this breaks the script. 

Edited by zombietop
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