
Should Exile have an AI Antagonist?

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Disclaimer: (In no way am I trying to say that the exile devs should implement their own AI system)

Just a random thought I was having and wondered what everyone else thought on the subject.
I haven't seen too many "stock" exile servers that just run exile with no missions or zombies or roaming AI or raptors or some sort of AI antagonist.

So my question is this, would exile benefit from an AI antagonist that is symbolic to exile? Don't get me wrong I am a server owner and I have no problem adding my own flavor to exile in the form of missions and such but I was wondering what the exile population would like to see.

If you do think an Exile Antagonist would benefit Exile what kind? (police),(zombies),(aliens),(Radioactive STD riddled undead hookers from mars)

If you think exile is perfectly fine with no AI system what so ever (explain)

Thanks for helping me get rid of my boredom

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maybe a side event where a meth lab or police raid is on going or simliar ( just adding from there lore history) would be awesome :)

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Personally I love that it doesn't have any of that.  As server creators we can use the framework to create whatever flavour we want. 

I run a PVE server, got a bit bored with standard missions that you can clear from 1.5km with a sniper rifle and just drive in and collect the winnings.  So I mixed it up, used Zupa's Capture Points.  Player has to hold the base for 20 minutes against waves of incoming AI.   Not pussy AI either, it's no turkey shoot.

Freedom and choice is good, some people will take advantage others won't. 

I'm not a fan of zombie's, others won't be fans of AI.  Neither should be forced.


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I think the Radioactive STD riddled undead hookers should not come from mars, better they are from venus......

But seriously, maybe Exile could have an own AI antagonist. As far as it is optional, so every admin has a choice. I love the idea from kimse about the side event. More options to get the mafia from the story to the server. But I think without a stock of AI or events from Exile there are more diversity in create your own serverstory....

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