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Memory Alocator issue


I have an issue when i change my launch param -malloc=system to -malloc=tbbmalloc, on the latter i get (Mysql connection error) see RPT's Bellow,

using the system everything runs perfect except for the amount of ram in use, I am using Firedaemon as my start up client, prefer it this way as it runs everything even if your not logged on, and would not have the know-how to script something to do that myself.

Hope someone can help.

Malloc=System  http://pastebin.com/VpUbzj03

Malloc=tbbmalloc http://pastebin.com/Pe7hQDSJ

I have asked a similar question to this on this forum please delete that one Thank you.


I can not seem to find a reply button, maybe because i still have Bambi status, not sure, Maybe a moderator could post my reply for me.

Thank you guys very much, i have tried both ways bellow and both work flawlessly, i have opted to use @spire sse2 allocater and not the tbbmalloc one, on first impressions it seems to use less memory.

Do you guys no why i cant reply?

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12 answers to this question

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Basically you can't use -malloc=tbbmalloc.dll
Since this will conflict with extDB2's tbbmalloc.dll in arma3 root directory.

I assume the tbbmalloc.dll is a custom built allocator you got off someone or fred's old tbb malloc.
Anyway it is simple enough to use the allocator
Rename your  dll/tbbmalloc.dll  & change your arma parameter to match

For example
dll/tbbmalloc.dll   --->  dll/tbbmalloc2.dll

Then change your arma parameter to 

Edited by Torndeco
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the SSE2 is also not great at all. you need a updated large address malloc. we will be releaseing ours soon as soon as Torn+ have checked through and we consider it stable for use.

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the SSE2 is also not great at all. you need a updated large address malloc. we will be releaseing ours soon as soon as Torn+ have checked through and we consider it stable for use.

Looking forward to it, keep us posted on its development.

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its got a slight bug when it gets to 2gb the hardfaults raise. with a server with ECC ram this is no issue. 

people running i7s will get some spikes but its stable. pagefaults are not bad its just how the malloc strinks and grows on the 2gb mark.


we may push a test DLL for anyone wanting to test. no source code will be provided yet.


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its got a slight bug when it gets to 2gb the hardfaults raise. with a server with ECC ram this is no issue. 

people running i7s will get some spikes but its stable. pagefaults are not bad its just how the malloc strinks and grows on the 2gb mark.


we may push a test DLL for anyone wanting to test. no source code will be provided yet.


I have also noticed a random crash with code  c000005 access_violation  that randomly occurs to armaserver.exe which also goes hand in hand with increase pagefaults. Do you think that the crash is due to a need for a better malloc dll? I have moved my server files to and SSD to see if this helps at all.

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its got a slight bug when it gets to 2gb the hardfaults raise. with a server with ECC ram this is no issue. 

people running i7s will get some spikes but its stable. pagefaults are not bad its just how the malloc strinks and grows on the 2gb mark.


we may push a test DLL for anyone wanting to test. no source code will be provided yet.


Yes no problem i will try it on the test server.

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I'm getting that error on my server and everyone who plays gets a memory error but I'm getting my game completely crash with 0C00000-status_access_violation what should I do too fix it and stop it happening and kicking people on my server 

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