[FTC] Turbo [CEO]

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About [FTC] Turbo [CEO]

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  1. [FTC] Turbo [CEO]

    Change log for next update

    I agree with this sentiment, and I will be taking this off as soon as it comes out. However, if people want to play it on easy mode I do not have a problem with that either. I have had complaints on my server already from newer people about the fact that I don't have crosshairs enabled, the spawns are to far away from the safe zones, and you don't find military style weapons in regular houses. This has caused quite a few newer players to disconnect upon that realization. On my server I am not trying to cater to the new age mentality of gimmie gimme. We are trying to make a more hardcore survival server and incorporate exile changes if they fit our needs. If this interests any you guys just search FTC in game or A3launcher and join up with your friends, you will need a few buddies to survive at first. It is not for the weak on my server.
  2. [FTC] Turbo [CEO]

    Support for cba a3

    Found it I found the issue, and it is not a bug in CBA. The Exile mod (I checked v0.9.35) is using the onPlayerConnected and onPlayerDisconnectedcommands directly instead of the new stacked event system. The reason it appears that CBA "breaks" Exile is that CBA uses the stacked event system and the BIS stacked event system makes use of the onPlayerConnected and onPlayerDisconnected commands to handle the stacking system. When Exile starts, it actually disables the BIS stacked event system, which, as mentioned, CBA needs. CBA calls the BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler (for the onPlayerConencted event) after Exile has initialized, which restores the BIS system and, at the same time, disables the Exile onPlayerConnected event handler. The account creation step happens in the Exile onPlayerConnected handler which is disabled when BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler "restores the order", so to speak. That's why the account isn't created. The solution to the problem is for Exile to change the ExileServer_system_process_preInit.sqf file to use the BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler command to hook into the onPlayerConnected andonPlayerDisconnected events instead of calling onPlayerConnected and onPlayerDisconnecteddirectly. That way, the Exile mod will work not only with CBA but with all other mods and missions that make use of the new system: Instead of onPlayerConnected {[_uid, _name] call ExileServer_system_network_event_onPlayerConnected}; onPlayerDisconnected {[_uid, _name] call ExileServer_system_network_event_onPlayerDisconnected}; they could use ["ExileOPC", "onPlayerConnected", {[_uid, _name] call ExileServer_system_network_event_onPlayerConnected}] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; ["ExileOPD", "onPlayerDisconnected", {[_uid, _name] call ExileServer_system_network_event_onPla
  3. [FTC] Turbo [CEO]

    Support for cba a3

    The player health system is client side, right? I have not looked into it yet myself. I have not had an issue with mine in the 2 weeks it has been running but it could be luck i guess. What is the fix if you don't mind me asking?
  4. [FTC] Turbo [CEO]

    Support for cba a3

    No problem, hopefully i will have ACE3 mod working soon as well.
  5. [FTC] Turbo [CEO]

    Support for cba a3

    CBA is ran under the -servermod= parameter. Jsrs and blastcore are client-side and only need the keys on the server to work right. On my server all three are working as advertised with zero issues into 2 weeks of testing on Esseker. The install is just as straight forward as installing exile itself, no script tricks needed.
  6. [FTC] Turbo [CEO]

    Memory Alocator issue

    Im willing to test it if you want.
  7. [FTC] Turbo [CEO]

    Support for cba a3

    So does CBA not work right on your servers? I have mine running with CBA, JSRS and Blastcore and it works fine with those on.
  8. [FTC] Turbo [CEO]

    Esseker Loot spawns??

    Follow this.
  9. [FTC] Turbo [CEO]

    Battleye and BEC problem

    Same thing here. It Started yester day for me.