

3 posts in this topic

Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction to find the vehicle array that this supply box uses to mount/unmount? I'm not using R3F on our server anymore and would like to expand the current vehicle array outside of just using the Exile vehicles. I have found the file ExileServer_object_supplyBox_network_attachSupplyBoxRequest which points to this line of code:  _vehicleTypes = getArray (_boxConfig >> "vehicles"); but I'm not having any luck finding the actual vehicles defined in that array. Any help would be appreciated.


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2 hours ago, jaspoe30 said:

Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction to find the vehicle array that this supply box uses to mount/unmount? I'm not using R3F on our server anymore and would like to expand the current vehicle array outside of just using the Exile vehicles. I have found the file ExileServer_object_supplyBox_network_attachSupplyBoxRequest which points to this line of code:  _vehicleTypes = getArray (_boxConfig >> "vehicles"); but I'm not having any luck finding the actual vehicles defined in that array. Any help would be appreciated.


I believe what you are looking for is located in the mission's config.cpp, towards the bottom.  Look for...


class CfgVehicleTransport 
    class Exile_Container_SupplyBox
        vehicles[] = {"Exile_Car_Van_Abstract", "Exile_Car_Offroad_Abstract", "Exile_Car_Zamak_Abstract", "Exile_Car_HEMMT_Abstract", "Exile_Car_Tempest_Abstract"};

If I'm wrong, sorry :)~

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