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About jaspoe30

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  1. jaspoe30

    Modding school idea?

    Wow guys. I love the response this post is getting. I wasn't sure what kind of a reception a post like this would receive. What a great community! I've got a couple ideas and will start working on them this weekend with help from the tutorials posted. Thanks for the offer to help Metalman. I may PM you if I get stuck on the tutorials.
  2. jaspoe30

    Modding school idea?

    Thanks for the suggestions guys. Both posts have some useful information (especially like the tutorials section on killzonekid) but it's not quite what I was trying to get to. I was thinking more of a forum where a person could go and start a thread for a script or mod idea and then a volunteer could walk them through the basics on how to get it started. Kind of like a mod/script academy or something. I can envision the top part of the forum with useful stickies like links to resources and small tutorials or something. Maybe it's not a realistic idea and the logistics behind it wouldn't work but it was just a thought. I know it's asking a lot from the community but who knows...it might work?
  3. jaspoe30

    Modding school idea?

    So, I had an idea after seeing a lot of posts over the past few months/weeks regarding licensing issues and posts regarding server owners making their own mods to avoid pissing off mod creators that don't want mods on monetized servers (I completely understand btw). I'm the server admin for Old Guys Gaming PvE, we aren't monetized and don't take donations for items. If a player wants to donate to keep the server running, that's great but we don't force anyone to do so. However when it comes to creating our own mods or scripts I don't have the slightest idea how to mod/script or even where to start. I've attempted it in the past and feel like I'm trying to figure out Chinese or something without any reference to said language. I would love to have a server with unique mods....I don't think there are many server owners/admins who wouldn't love that but I'm afraid my mental capacity to teaching myself stops when I have to push more than one button. Would there be any interest in the community to have a modding class sub forum or something? I know that it's asking a lot from the people that can mod/script but having someone that is knowledgeable to help you through the basics could help a great deal and would provide the framework for more mods and better servers. Anyway it's just a thought. Let me know what you all think.
  4. jaspoe30

    Haz's Roaming AI System

    I'm afraid it might be. I've seen it before when threads like this are filled with promises of what is coming and little substance usually end up not happening. Hopefully I'm wrong though.
  5. jaspoe30


    Yes! I do believe you are correct. Thanks man!
  6. jaspoe30


    Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction to find the vehicle array that this supply box uses to mount/unmount? I'm not using R3F on our server anymore and would like to expand the current vehicle array outside of just using the Exile vehicles. I have found the file ExileServer_object_supplyBox_network_attachSupplyBoxRequest which points to this line of code: _vehicleTypes = getArray (_boxConfig >> "vehicles"); but I'm not having any luck finding the actual vehicles defined in that array. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  7. We are having problems with AI picking up god mode while they travel through the safe zones and becoming unkillable when they travel outside the safe zone. I don't have the slightest idea how to script something like this but would it be possible to make them disappear when they enter a safe zone? Delete them and the vehicle they are in if they have one? I have tried to figure out how to do it myself but trying to script something like this and make it work has me going cross eyed. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  8. jaspoe30

    Edited Repair Function

    This is a great idea to use other components to do the repairs but does anyone know if it would be possible to use the vehicle repair system to allow repairs on individual vehicle parts rather than the entire vehicle in one go? Like say the hood or a side fender or one of the tires? Also I see all these rusted wrecks laying around the map and it would be great if they could be used somehow too. Just a thought
  9. jaspoe30

    Recruiting ai in exile (Consolidated)

    Ok thanks xmg. I'll let you know what I figure out.
  10. jaspoe30

    Recruiting ai in exile (Consolidated)

    Yeah, I do have it but it's running using FUM's system as missions instead of static spawns. If you could post it that would be great, I can sort through the stuff you have added for the zombies so at least then I could see if I'm getting my placement incorrect or something. Thanks alot for your help.
  11. jaspoe30

    Recruiting ai in exile (Consolidated)

    xmg559, I can figure out the A3 editor on how to place the init but when I save everything the object doesn't show up in the game when I run the server even though it works in preview mode. I'm sure it's something I'm not doing right. I just don't know what. The editor I couldn't figure out to insert an init in was Maca's M3Editor. I couldn't find any place in the M3Editor to place the init line.
  12. jaspoe30

    Recruiting ai in exile (Consolidated)

    Ok thanks alot Redcloud. I'll keep on it, once I figure it out I'll post it for other people.
  13. jaspoe30

    Recruiting ai in exile (Consolidated)

    Thanks for the advice Redcloud. I was able to get that to work as far as the packaging and content but I guess I'm an idiot. I can't figure out how to add "this addAction["<t color='#ff9900'>Recruit Infantry</t>", "bon_recruit_units\open_dialog.sqf"];" to the sqf that M3Editor creates. I'm really new at trying to figure this stuff out so bear with me while I try to slog through it.
  14. jaspoe30

    Recruiting ai in exile (Consolidated)

    I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but when the server loads the object that I placed to recruit the AI doesn't show up. It will show in the editor and does work in preview but for some reason it doesn't load on the server. I added it to my existing mission.sqm so maybe I missed copying something over but I didn't get any errors when I rapifed the mission file. Anyone have any ideas?