Hi, I'm working with the Esseker map. Server starts.. no errors in the RPT. I can log onto the server. I can get to it directly from A3, through Steam, or through the A3Launcher. But when I log on, I'm in no-man's land - that map terrain you see when you're outside the bounds of the official map. Nothing seems amiss relative to terrain in the client or server RPT files.. I'm loading @CBA_A3, @CUP_Terrains (v1.0.1 full, not core), and of course @Esseker and @Exile. I've also got the aia_ addons commented out and the cup_ addons in mission.sqm. I also tried without @CBA_A3 and using @CUP_Terrains_Core.
Errors in my clientside RPT include a bunch of errors like:
21:03:15 Error: Bone zig_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton (pretty much every bone in the player's body it seems),
a few errors like:
21:02:54 Error: selection end1 missing in memory LOD of model ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_expedice\ind_expedice_2.p3d
21:02:54 Error: selection end2 missing in memory LOD of model ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_expedice\ind_expedice_2.p3d
21:02:54 Error: selection end3 missing in memory LOD of model ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_expedice\ind_expedice_2.p3d
21:02:54 Error: selection end4 missing in memory LOD of model ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_expedice\ind_expedice_2.p3d
and then a few errors like below, all apparently from ExileClient_object_player_stats_updateTemperature.sqf (I haven't touched that file and suspect that the errors are actually being caused by something else. I've seen that in A2 before):
21:03:26 Error in expression <ct 1;
_step = _this select 2;
_result = _fromValue + _step * (_toValue - _fromVa>
21:03:26 Error position: <_fromValue + _step * (_toValue - _fromVa>
21:03:26 Error Undefined variable in expression: _fromvalue
21:03:26 File exile_client\code\ExileClient_util_math_lerp.sqf, line 16
21:03:26 Error in expression <0.1) then
_movementInfluence = (37 - _bodyTemperature) * (1 - (_bodyWetness *>
21:03:26 Error position: <_bodyTemperature) * (1 - (_bodyWetness *>
21:03:26 Error Undefined variable in expression: _bodytemperature
21:03:26 File exile_client\code\ExileClient_object_player_stats_updateTemperature.sqf, line 104
21:03:26 Error in expression <agnitude (velocity player))/6.4;
if (_bodyTemperature < 37) then
21:03:26 Error position: <_bodyTemperature < 37) then
21:03:26 Error Undefined variable in expression: _bodytemperature
21:03:26 File exile_client\code\ExileClient_object_player_stats_updateTemperature.sqf, line 106
21:03:26 Error in expression <eratureConfig >> "daytimeTemperature")) select (date select 3);
21:03:26 Error position: <select (date select 3);
21:03:26 Error Zero divisor
21:03:26 File exile_client\code\ExileClient_object_player_stats_updateTemperature.sqf, line 21
Hi, I'm working with the Esseker map. Server starts.. no errors in the RPT. I can log onto the server. I can get to it directly from A3, through Steam, or through the A3Launcher. But when I log on, I'm in no-man's land - that map terrain you see when you're outside the bounds of the official map. Nothing seems amiss relative to terrain in the client or server RPT files.. I'm loading @CBA_A3, @CUP_Terrains (v1.0.1 full, not core), and of course @Esseker and @Exile. I've also got the aia_ addons commented out and the cup_ addons in mission.sqm. I also tried without @CBA_A3 and using @CUP_Terrains_Core.
Errors in my clientside RPT include a bunch of errors like:
21:03:15 Error: Bone zig_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton (pretty much every bone in the player's body it seems),
a few errors like:
21:02:54 Error: selection end1 missing in memory LOD of model ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_expedice\ind_expedice_2.p3d
21:02:54 Error: selection end2 missing in memory LOD of model ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_expedice\ind_expedice_2.p3d
21:02:54 Error: selection end3 missing in memory LOD of model ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_expedice\ind_expedice_2.p3d
21:02:54 Error: selection end4 missing in memory LOD of model ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_expedice\ind_expedice_2.p3d
and then a few errors like below, all apparently from ExileClient_object_player_stats_updateTemperature.sqf (I haven't touched that file and suspect that the errors are actually being caused by something else. I've seen that in A2 before):
21:03:26 Error in expression <ct 1;
_step = _this select 2;
_result = _fromValue + _step * (_toValue - _fromVa>
21:03:26 Error position: <_fromValue + _step * (_toValue - _fromVa>
21:03:26 Error Undefined variable in expression: _fromvalue
21:03:26 File exile_client\code\ExileClient_util_math_lerp.sqf, line 16
21:03:26 Error in expression <0.1) then
_movementInfluence = (37 - _bodyTemperature) * (1 - (_bodyWetness *>
21:03:26 Error position: <_bodyTemperature) * (1 - (_bodyWetness *>
21:03:26 Error Undefined variable in expression: _bodytemperature
21:03:26 File exile_client\code\ExileClient_object_player_stats_updateTemperature.sqf, line 104
21:03:26 Error in expression <agnitude (velocity player))/6.4;
if (_bodyTemperature < 37) then
21:03:26 Error position: <_bodyTemperature < 37) then
21:03:26 Error Undefined variable in expression: _bodytemperature
21:03:26 File exile_client\code\ExileClient_object_player_stats_updateTemperature.sqf, line 106
21:03:26 Error in expression <eratureConfig >> "daytimeTemperature")) select (date select 3);
21:03:26 Error position: <select (date select 3);
21:03:26 Error Zero divisor
21:03:26 File exile_client\code\ExileClient_object_player_stats_updateTemperature.sqf, line 21
I'm stumped as to why no terrain though.
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