
[CLOSED] Advanced Towing... Need help

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Hey There

I tried to run two towing systems on exile, but I failed on both (Igiloader and one other... I even had the Igiloader message saying it was loaded, but never worked).

A friend of mine just found Advanced Towing that was just released for Arma 3.

I tried many things to make it work but until yet, nothing. I was wondering if that had anything to do with the IDs used in exile and might be different from Arma. But I'm a beginner, and I am still learning...

Anyone have any idea ? Thanks a lot !

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Because it uses BIS_fnc_MP which is blocked in Exile, I can however tell you that the collaboration team that @DirtySanchez started here: 

Actually just forked these things from github, and we're expecting to do a Exile version of it, however there is a lot of stuff that needs to be recoded etc to avoid exploits. ^_^

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4 minutes ago, DirtySanchez said:

Yep yep, after breakfast I hope to have our first glance with a team effort getting this going for exile. @ka0s i will skype you up when I start to peak at it. 

Sure thing, I may not answer, as I'm just heading out for some fresh air, and a walk, I'll answer as soon as I'm back though :rock:

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41 minutes ago, marcheur said:

in the mean time do you know one towing system that actually works in last version of exile ?

R3F Towing. :)


Edited by †RiH† StokesMagee
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15 minutes ago, NoMercy-NoRegrets©®™ said:

ill follow this as this looks very interesting, thanks for working on this DirtySanchez

Once we get it sorted, we'll throw it up on the forums, preferably a multi-script with both the Advanced Sling Loading for helicopters and the Advanced towing system with toggle options for the different parameters that can be set. But most of it needs re-coding because there is a lack of restrictions to rope lengths etc, and can probably also be exploited to do daisy trains, which we also will need to figure out how to restrict, shouldn't be too hard to make these checks though, thread will be updated along our progress.  

We're a team of lone wolfs working on this, although most of us would love to see a Exile native tow / sling option. B|

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You guyz rock !

btw, I have no clue why, but I didn't succeed to make R3F work either... followed everything in this post, tried everything and... And still no tow option showing :)

all from this post :

Soooo... Still can't tow, but I will post in the post itself, I only wanted to tell you that.


Thanks ;)

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Hey guys - I'd be happy to update my towing script to make it compatible with exile. You seem to have a sense of what's wrong. Instead of trying to write your own version, is there a way I can make this compatible for both plain arma plus exile so all can enjoy? The towing script doesn't use BIS_fnc_MP like the Advanced Sling Loading one does.

I realize there are some concerns with the training of vehicles - that's something I can fix.

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