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[BUG + Fix] Itemslot not enabling sell button in traderMenu


Sometimes you can't sell an item in the trader dialog, its not dependent on the item but its slot position and that position can be random also.

I have narrowed the problem to ExileClient_gui_traderDialog_updateInventoryListBox.sqf ~ lines 100-110

    	if (_salesPrice > 0) then
			//this the error? should it be _indexEntryIndex instead of _salesPrice
			//_inventoryListBox lbSetValue [_salesPrice, -1];
			_inventoryListBox lbSetValue [_indexEntryIndex, _salesPrice];
	    	_inventoryListBox lbSetTextRight [_indexEntryIndex, format["%1", _salesPrice]];
	    	_inventoryListBox lbSetPictureRight [_indexEntryIndex, "exile_client\texture\ui\poptab_trader_ca.paa"];


Making this change had resolved that intermittent bug I was getting. I could be wrong as i've just started scripting ("though not stranger to programming") but I assume you wanted to set the index value to saleprice rather than set index reference by saleprice as -1;



Edited by FordDefect
Clarified the post title to prevent further confusion.

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I don't think you understood my post. I am saying certain index in the traderlistbox are set to -1 which disables the sellbutton control. This is not dependent upon the item you wish to sell because you can manipulate the item list ( by adding or removing new items from your inventory ) and previous objects that would not sell now can be as they occupy a different itemslot in the dialog. I tracked this BUG down to the code I posted and offered a potential fix. Though I am no sure of what the original codes intent was .

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