Sniper | Spearhead Gaming

Server Issue - Script Restriction #7

19 posts in this topic

Hey guys, our server wasn't having this issue before and we are curious if anyone had an answer for this.

Here is the script restriction. 



#7 "oneachframe", "onpreloadstarted", "onpreloadfinished", "onmapsingleclick", "onplayerconnected", "onplayerdisconnected"];

if !("


When I look into the scripts.txt I don't see anything wrong with the issue. And yes our server is running Infistar. We are a little dumb struck by what could be happening.

Edited by Sniper | Spearhead Gaming

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!"oneachframe", "onpreloadstarted", "onpreloadfinished", "onmapsingleclick", "onplayerconnected", "onplayerdisconnected"];\n\nif !("

Add this to the end of line #9 in scripts.txt

Then read this: 


Edited by Mr Sin

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Hi all,

I'm getting this issue since the 1.3 exile mod update > you were kicked off the game battleye script restriction #7

I am setting up the server and can't connect due to the above error if anyone has any idea i'd appreciate it :0)



Edited by Leeston

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22.05.2017 00:55:34: [WZG]Mr._Valkyri3_  5767f7408920159ba70bd08df398c184 - #7 "","CUP_fnc_updateShip","CUP_fnc_detachFromShip","CUP_fnc_createVehicleCargo","CUP_fnc_spawnVehicleCargo","CUP_fnc_virtualVehicle"

22.05.2017 00:57:48: [WZG]Mr._Valkyri3_ 5767f7408920159ba70bd08df398c184 - #40 ";

cba_common_lastTickTime = diag_tickTime;


cba_common_waitAndExecArray = [];

cba_common_waitAndExecArrayIsSorted = false;


22.05.2017 01:11:51: [WZG]Mr._Valkyri3_ 5767f7408920159ba70bd08df398c184 - #7 "","CUP_fnc_updateShip","CUP_fnc_detachFromShip","CUP_fnc_createVehicleCargo","CUP_fnc_spawnVehicleCargo","CUP_fnc_virtualVehicle"

22.05.2017 01:16:48: -t-Miller  2535b127363c8d4e5bfd7ba7f9238905 - #7 "ierPartPos"];



_dummyClassName = _x select 0;

_dummy = createVehicle [_dummyClassName, _carrierPos, [], _carrierDir, "CAN_COLL"

Edited by WZGMiller

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