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Base insurance

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Convicts that buy armed heli's, tanks, build bases with cameras and laptops and safes, gain rep/respect to upgrade those bases, and pick up cars from a void zone around the area of the map. I don't know if breaking realism is really gonna kill it.

 BUT, the reason for this idea, there is a big thread about raiding bases in the general section. I posted there as well. One of the ideas was being able to take over ownership of a base or get into peoples safe if you raid a base. Some other ideas floating around. While they are all OK ideas, the one thing that stuck out to me was for the owner of the base, you would have to stay online 24/7 to try and protect your base. Right new, there isn't much reward for raiding a base unless you know someone's codes. But if they add some type of reward or pay out for raiding, the owner should have some sort of protection while they are away. My two ideas were Insurance, or a mini AI army to stand guard. Maybe 4-6 AI positioned around your base.  Insurance would be the less OP off the two options and probably easier to develop. 

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