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  1. Zub1984

    MBCon - MACA134 - Installation help / advice

    I haven't yet posed the question to them but will open a support ticket. My biggest use would be for the Battleye filter tool. Its been suggested to me by a few well known people here.
  2. Hi All, Is anyone able to help with a guide or notes for the installation of Maca#s MBCon tool? Im running a dedicated server via GTX hosting. Not installed anything like this before, as I have previously been using EPM Rcon. ANY help is appreciated
  3. Zub1984

    How to...Namalsk?

    Good to see others willing to help. Like for this.
  4. Zub1984

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    yes I added it today. Works absolutely fine for me.
  5. Hi there all, I'm also hosted with GTX and I have note seen anything about charges for help with installing Mods/scripts etc. If anyone wants a hand installing stuff or adding stuff to their server I am more than willing to help. Just drop me a PM for my steam details.
  6. Zub1984


    Weird but looks like you are missing text at the beginning and end! It should begin with RemoteExec not emoteExec and then finish with revive ... not just revi.. looks like somehow you have lost some text! My BE filter is: !="this select 0] call bis_fnc_objectVar;\n[ "rem",_playerVar] remoteExec ["bis_fnc_reviveInit"];\n}];\n};\n\n\nbis_revive_handledUnits =" Definitely make sure you have the full script restriction mate.
  7. Zub1984

    Battleye kick #18

    Jesus GR8 - you must have about 6 bodies - running GG and posting here within minutes of a post haha!
  8. Zub1984

    deleted.exile_client, _cup_chernarus_config

    I recommend everyone to use the official launcher for joining. You now choose the server from the launcher and not when you are fully in the game. 1. Open the official Arma3 launcher and click "SERVERS" tab on the left. 2. Choose the Internet tab and search for your desired server. 3. Click on the server (once!) when it shows in the list - BUT DO NOT JOIN YET. Click on "More Details" button that appears with the server details. 4. Here you will see "Required 1" and "Additional 1". Required 1 will probably say - not loaded, Unidentified. CLICK ON "ADDITIONAL 1" 5. Exile mod should be shown here with a little tick box. Tick it and you should also see underneath it "Loaded Recognized Signature". If it shows nothing then click at "change mods in your library" and add exile in. Do the same for any other required mods on the server you are joining. Click Join in the bottom right of the screen and enjoy! (Make yourself familiar with the official launcher as you have the ability to save Mod "loadouts" for different servers etc.) For some reason Maca's A3 Launcher and some of the others are conflicting with required mods and are resulting in these messages.
  9. Zub1984


    What hoster are you with? I am with GTX and we have a Steam Update button on the control panel. It did it all for me within seconds.
  10. Arma is not designed to be running on Linux, going with Windows is a better option this time around (I know I hate myself for saying it, but its true).
  11. Zub1984


    Kappa Slappa add this to line 2 in your scripts.txt !=""t enabled."] call {};};\n \n\nif (isServer) then\n{\naddMissionEventHandler ["HandleDisconnect",\n{\nprivate["_playerVar"];\n \n_playerVar"" Also this post is fantastic to help you understand and work with Battleye filters. Its really simple when you know what it is all about Defents brilliant post -how-to-battleye-filters-do-it-yourself/
  12. Zub1984

    ARMA Internet Radio [HELP]

    Glad to see someone picking this up. I was wondering if you would mind sharing your process to add it in mission side and also what issues you are running into trying to reach the audio?
  13. Zub1984

    Base insurance

  14. Zub1984

    [CLOSED] Beware GTX Beware

    What was the outcome of this? I'm with GTX - in terms of performance they aren't the worse, but I have been lucky not to encounter any major technical problems. Was just wondering how they handled this?
  15. How did you get on? I am with GTX and am willing to help out with any questions anyone may have.