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  1. Mr KRONIC

    Exile Update

    hey guys, can anyone help me update my exile please
  2. Hollow, i would like to use your car pack in my server if thats okay sir? if so could you provide me with the classnames.txt please and thankyou.

  3. Mr KRONIC


    Has anyone got the classnames for HOLLOW'S VEHICLE PACK V1.0?
  4. Mr KRONIC

    Mas vehicles and weapons

    Anyone got a full configcpp file and classnames.txt for mas weps and vehicles? or any type of paste bin would help ?
  5. Mr KRONIC

    Help on my Server

    Hello good sir, I am able to get online in the next 10 mins if you are still willing to help me sir? BTW I will pay for your time
  6. Mr KRONIC

    New server set up, Coder needed please

    hey guys im looking to put together a team to help set up a good modded exile server, i can already provide a teamspeak and website in which both are linked together and further more have purchased an arma 3 server with gaming deluxe, the problem is im not very experienced with arma mods or code. But i am willing to learn. Would anyone like to play a huge part in this creation and help make a server for the public uk/eu based Whats the best route to my solution ? I initially set this server up for my community Gentlemen's Gaming [] and wish to increase and build our server around the community input, so on request these guys feel some mods would be great for a server experience. I myself am not very experienced in arma servers nor am i in the coding section and that is why i would kindly ask for some Help or guidance on getting my server up to standard. You can contact me via this forum, our website above or simply drop in to teamspeak @ thank you for taking the time to read this. Regards Mr KRONIC
  7. Mr KRONIC

    Help on my Server

    thank you, the guy coding for me had personal issues to deal with so its all gone wrong
  8. Mr KRONIC

    want to make a Server (need help)

    Is there anyone here still willing to help please
  9. Mr KRONIC

    Help on my Server

    ill be at work untill around 6pm sir if that helps
  10. Mr KRONIC

    Help with Exile Server

    Hey guys so i recently purchased a server to run exile on, now ive got the basic set up running and added a few things, e.g status bar allinarmapack, the only thing is id like to add some additional mod like the CUP collection, know how would i go through this route? and is there a step by step guide? I initially set this server up for my community Gentlemen's Gaming [] and wish to increase and build our server around the community input, so on request these guys feel some mods would be great for a server experience. I myself am not very experienced in arma servers nor am i in the coding section and that is why i would kindly ask for some Help or guidance on getting my server up to standard. You can contact me via this forum, our website above or simply drop in to teamspeak @ thank you for taking the time to read this. Regards Mr KRONIC
  11. Mr KRONIC

    Help on my Server

    Hey guys so i recently purchased a server to run exile on, now ive got the basic set up running and added a few things, e.g status bar allinarmapack, the only thing is id like to add some additional mod like the CUP collection, know how would i go through this route? and is there a step by step guide? I initially set this server up for my community Gentlemen's Gaming [] and wish to increase and build our server around the community input, so on request these guys feel some mods would be great for a server experience. I myself am not very experienced in arma servers nor am i in the coding section and that is why i would kindly ask for some Help or guidance on getting my server up to standard. You can contact me via this forum, our website above or simply drop in to teamspeak @ thank you for taking the time to read this. Regards Mr KRONIC
  12. Mr KRONIC

    want to make a Server (need help)

    To and for all, thanks you for chosing to support my inquest and welcome aboard allof you that would like to help, if you could contact me in my teamspeak on sunday the 13th of december around noon thats would be create, that way we could discuss some ideas and get the ball rolling.
  13. hey guys im looking to put together a team to help set up a good exile server, i can already provide a teamspeak and website in which both are linked together and further more i am willing to pay for a server to put exile on the problem is im not very experienced with arma mods or code. But i am willing to learn. Would anyone like to play a huge part in this creation and help make a server for the public uk/eu based Whats the best route to my solution ?
  14. hey jack, i noticed you have some  experience with setting up servers for arma 3, in this case exile, im wondering if your interested in help me set up a uk/eu server in which i would purchase, but im not very experienced with the code work sir, i also own a small community Gentlemen's Gaming, this server is for my members and the public if that helps your decision 

    1. Jack - FGS

      Jack - FGS

      I'd be glad to help you, where would you be purchasing this server from?

      What precisely are your plans for your exile server, and I can see if I can help in anyway. 


      (I am Head of Support for Futuristic Game Servers)