Jack - FGS

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About Jack - FGS

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  1. Jack - FGS

    want to make a Server (need help)

    When is 12 noon? EDIT: Stupid Question. EDIT: Only just saw the email/notification.
  2. Jack - FGS

    want to make a Server (need help)

    I have replied to your personal message, just to add, I am from the UK, but the servers we provide are US based. But I am willing to help you, if your ideas are a little more explained. EDIT: I can also walkthrough with you, and teach you all you need to; Setup, Maintain and Edit your server, or any server. Thanks, Jack.
  3. hey jack, i noticed you have some  experience with setting up servers for arma 3, in this case exile, im wondering if your interested in help me set up a uk/eu server in which i would purchase, but im not very experienced with the code work sir, i also own a small community Gentlemen's Gaming, this server is for my members and the public if that helps your decision 

    1. Jack - FGS

      Jack - FGS

      I'd be glad to help you, where would you be purchasing this server from?

      What precisely are your plans for your exile server, and I can see if I can help in anyway. 


      (I am Head of Support for Futuristic Game Servers)


  4. Jack - FGS

    Help With Vilayer Server

    Not anymore, hehe. Head ArmA Technician here, 3 years with the arma community, so much more experience than you! hehe
  5. Jack - FGS

    Server won't start

    May I ask, how you edited to change the gear and the prices, as some of our customers have been editing to .pbo file, and not actually unpacking it, which in turn corrupts the .pbo
  6. Jack - FGS

    Vehicle Traders question

    Within, Altis Life. The traders are marked spawn locations as empty markers, via the 2D editor. They are also uniquely named. I don't know if this is correct, I will test in a minute.
  7. Jack - FGS

    Receiving server version...

    Using a Linux server, and having the name lowercase doesn't solve this problem. It actually makes the server not find it. Also, make sure to use ; at the end. If folder name is @ServerMODName the call it. excatly how it is spelt. -mod=@clientmodname; -servermod=@serversidemodname;
  8. Ok thanks, I can't help you if you dont have any details.
  9. Could you please provide more information; Screenshots? Is it just mags?
  10. Jack - FGS

    exile mod

    it is located at the top of your screen