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About cyncrwler

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  • Birthday 07/01/1969

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  1. The error above states it is in the description.ext file line 76 If you read your error, it will tell you the file, location, and what it is asking for
  2. I have an odd issue, and I am sure I will figure it out. But, when I install this and watch my rpt each time it states I am missing my infiSTAR defines.hpp so basically it sort of loads after that sentence, but not really. I am assuming some kind of load order or something similar. I have installed this before on a few other servers I had so I am pretty sure I am installing correctly. At this point I might try creating a new mission file from scratch to make sure nothing is conflicting. Guess 3rd times a charm. I just moved some stuff around in the init, CustomCode added the pbo directly to @ExileServer\Addons and appears to be working. Who knows, its Arma!
  3. cyncrwler

    [Updated] Easy Trader set up

    All you need to do is follow the instructions exactly as they are written and it will work. There might be a couple duplication's that need to be removed, but your rpt will tell you where the problem is. Between this: class CfgTraders { #include "TRADERS\CfgTraders.hpp" }; And this: }; class CfgTrading { Should be empty. Thats just one thing I noticed right away.
  4. cyncrwler

    [UPDATE] VCOM AI (Exile 1.0.4)

  5. cyncrwler

    IMS - Development Paused

    You rock Salutesh, thank you for all your hard work!!
  6. cyncrwler

    [Updated] Easy Trader set up

    You'll have to edit every file manually. Fairly easy if you use something like Notepad++ and use replace.
  7. We successfully use DMS and A3XAI together without issues. DMS will shoot at the vehicles when they drive, or fly over a mission, but they fire at the Exile jets as well. I believe it's because of the vehicles used are from a different faction/side.
  8. cyncrwler

    AI Support Units

    In the install instructions above, he says this: - I'm sure there are some BattleEye issues that need to be addressed, but currently I'm not messing with BattleEye.
  9. cyncrwler

    IMS - Development Paused

    Yes, you only need one CfgRemoteExec.hp. Add whatever is missing to your current mission files. I changed this: class Functions { mode = 1; to mode = 2 like the file he uploaded. I haven't tried it with mode = 1 but it might work just fine
  10. cyncrwler

    IMS - Development Paused

    Mission works great! Only problem that I see, is that if a player dies while doing the mission, when they re=spawn the Objective, tasks disappear, but you can still complete the mission if you know what to do.
  11. cyncrwler

    IMS - Development Paused

    I did change make another small change to DMS so that the mission would re-spawn like the others DMS_StaticMissionTypes = [ // List of STATIC missions with spawn chances. ["hotel_invasion",1], //["comms_alpha",1] //["saltflats",1] //<--Example (already imported by default on Altis in map configs) //["slums",1] //<--Example (already imported by default on Altis in map configs) ["occupation",1], ["raid_fortress",1]//<--Example //["sectorB",1] //<--Example for Taviana ]; Just update the files early this morning before heading out the door for work, so haven't actually had any time to see how it all works yet. Thanks so much for the update though!!
  12. cyncrwler

    IMS - Development Paused

    Just tested, and it worked perfectly, everything completed, and the bombs killed the AI. One thing I have noticed, is that the alarm sound stops after about 10 seconds, then restarts once the timer is at 0 BTW LOVE the Alarm sound, fantastic addition!! Players love it!
  13. cyncrwler

    IMS - Development Paused

    I am not sure why this happened, but the DMS mission map markers that were failed, would not go away, at least until server restart. Also, the mapObjects.sqf file just places trader items at the Airport on the South of the main Island. So, for people that don't want to finish adding the traders, and other miscellaneous structures, objects. I made a couple edits. One to comment out the mapObjects call for this addon Second, to change a couple things in the DMS config.sqf Set DMS_MaxStaticMissions to my max, which is now 3 I also added for DMS_StaticMissionsOnServerStart = "raid_fortress" **EDIT**Not sure this was needed, as setting the max missions might have fixed it, but for now it's all working, so it's all good. This seemed to fix the marker removal issue for me, and resolved the map objects I didn't need. Other than that, the mission system is a blast. Thank you again!
  14. cyncrwler

    IMS - Development Paused

    This mission system is awesome. Can't wait to fully test it out this restart, but what we were able to test was fantastic. Loving this. Hopefully this is the future of mission systems. Love the interactivity. Nice job!!