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  1. Sixz

    Car Keys and Locking

    Man you keep saying this and i think your point was clear the first time. And about it being a burden on the server owners? That's up to them i think. In Arma 2 we had the rule: in no case there will be a key refund! Easy as that. People could make copies them selves and if they did not and lost a key they did not even bother asking an admin. We all know arma has its bugs so people will find a way around it. On the matter of implementing: i'm fine either way!
  2. Sixz


    Thanks for the reply to my message. However i feel i was not being clear. I know that infistar is listed twice but i am talking about the errors that show from line 17**. That has nothing to do with mods since it will happen on a clean server as well. I would like to see your opinion on that!


    1. SpiRe


      you should have listed infistar only once and im sorry but i cant tell what these errors are:


      12:14:02 Error: Object(9 : 128) not found
      12:14:02 Error: Object(9 : 129) not found
      12:14:02 Error: Object(9 : 130) not found
      12:14:05 Error: Object(9 : 144) not found
      12:14:05 Error: Object(9 : 143) not found
      12:14:05 Error: Object(9 : 145) not found

      12:14:15 Error: Object(16 : 79) not found

    2. Sixz


      Well that the issue at hand which i know loads of server deal with. Anychance you can have the devs take a look at them? It is wrecking servers left and right!

  3. Sixz

    [SOLVED] F1 admin menu won't open

    Hey Are you sure you have put in the UID's in the right array with the right formatting? Seeing as it now is a .hpp file the formatting has changed for UID *admin. Before it was '7656xxxxxxxxxxx' and it changed to "7656xxxxxxxxxxx"! Without the correct " " it will simply not work at all.
  4. If you still need help give me a PM and ill help you out!
  5. Hi! We have an issue where players are not able to place Large IED's and some other explosives. It does the animation but does not place the object (stays in the backpack instead). We are running the CUP Terrains (Core/Map) and think it has to do with that. Anyone has a solution for this? It seems to only effect a certain amount of explosives. Cheers!
  6. Sixz

    Bored with Exile...

    You might be looking for some more unique servers. I've seen servers where bases are actually not that hard to take down. If you want endgame i suggest joining them. I play solo when not busy and i do like to base raid groups. Ofcourse its hard but with a code scanner, mines and some IED's you will get far! A couple of weeks ago i waited for a group to leave their base, got in the first door with the codescanner and blew up a second one. Found unlocked vehicles and storage crates. As i was looting i heard them coming back and got away safely after killing one. After a min or two got a kill from a apres mine:). Needless to say they then changed their doorcodes hahaha Its hard on your own but its fun when you succeed. I did in no way need the poptabs from the loot but taking it from them makes it worth!
  7. Sixz

    CUP Terrains

    I think a simple message to @maca134 might be enough to get it updated? I do feel like its a trouble for playes connecting without the use of A3Launcher!
  8. Sixz

    CUP Terrains

    We have it working. We tested two ways of installing client side: 1. Subscribing to Steam Workshop and launching with the Arma 3 Launcher (not the A3Launcher) 2. Downloading from the CUP webpage and joining via A3Launcher. (Set Paramaters and might need to verify) Both are working just fine. At the Steam Workshop its just one subscription for the CUPS Terrains. Idk about installing it through A3Launcher, we had issues with it so dunno my man. If you need help send me a message!
  9. Sixz

    Shifting Base Parts on restart

    Hi! We seem to have some issues with the 0.9.41 or the 0.94 (unsure which one it is...). We have had complaints about movind base parts. Not that they move like a player but upon server restarts parts that have been snapped will shift. In the screenshot you can see it. It is severside for sure (happens to almost all players). Is there a fix for it or do we have to wait for the next update? Regards!
  10. Sixz

    Loot spawns in gifts

    Hi There, Just updated to the Clementine update, awesome update:D I do like the Xmassy stuff but i do want to disable the loot spawns alteration. Does anyone found a way to do this yet? Seeing as the players do not really like it
  11. I would suggest to have the Esseker config.cpp and the altis one right next to eachother to compare the differences:)
  12. Solution: What you need to do is go to the config.cpp from the stock altis mission.pbo and go to line 2535. There you can see the class CfgTraderCategories starts. It will end all the way to the bottom. You need to select it all(!!) and replace it in your cherno config.cpp class CfgTraderCategories. That will solve it! This is obsly missing from any custom map, therefore replace this bit into the config.cpp from your altis mission. After that repack the PBO and fire it up! BTW: way more functions need to be copied from the Altis config.cpp to the Cherno config.cpp. Do this as well! (e.g. territory class & food hunger statements ...etc) Ill see if i can do it all and share the new mission.pbo with you! Let me know if you need more help in PM!
  13. Sixz

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Yes, you want to pack the a3_dms folder and paste it in the Addons map of your server:)