Sir DannyDoomno1

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About Sir DannyDoomno1

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  1. Sir DannyDoomno1

    preview of gear

    so when you buy clothing it shows a preview of what you will look like. GTA style ;D
  2. Sir DannyDoomno1

    Enigma Exile Revive - v0.80 [UPDATED 08/09/16] 1.02 Compatible

    should be line 20
  3. Sir DannyDoomno1

    Enigma Exile Revive - v0.80 [UPDATED 08/09/16] 1.02 Compatible

    if (magazines player find "Exile_Item_Instadoc" >= 0) then { << this right ? havnt installed but seems like it should be > 0 not >= 0
  4. Sir DannyDoomno1

    AI Base Script

    hey guys im making an AI base script that spawns ai when people are close and should output to all players when only 2 AI are left. or time out if nobody kills the AI. I have this code : _complete = false; _Timer = 0; waitUntil{ sleep 10; _Timer = _Timer + 1; if ( { !(isPlayer _x) && (_x distance _pos < 120) } count AllUnits < 2 ) then {_complete = true; true}; if (_Timer == 90) then {_complete = false; true} }; if (_complete) then { but it only ends up doing the timeout. any ideas why ? if you help me out i will share all my code arround this as a reward if you like.
  5. Sir DannyDoomno1

    ArmaGeddon Gaming - Looking for Awesome People

    bump, still looking, we are uk / eu based, GMT +1
  6. Sir DannyDoomno1

    locking a "spawned" vehicle

    yes... because the traders sell cars... making it too easy to get them... exactly PM me segeza, ill share the script when i'm done with it.
  7. Sir DannyDoomno1

    locking a "spawned" vehicle

    wow you did not read the post did you ? he wants to make it so you cannot buy the best cars, only find them and lock them down.
  8. Sir DannyDoomno1

    locking a "spawned" vehicle

    PM me if you like, i think i might like this idea for my server... could help each other out
  9. Sir DannyDoomno1

    locking a "spawned" vehicle

    sounds like me mate, i do all my own scripting. and trust me its an easier one than you think. step one, delete the original veh step two, flash a code lock to the player asking for a code step 3, spawn a new one using the exile function spawn_persistant (i cant remember the freaking name) step 4, profit
  10. Sir DannyDoomno1

    ArmaGeddon Gaming - Looking for Awesome People

    Bumppp :3 well will you loook at dat
  11. Sir DannyDoomno1

    locking a "spawned" vehicle

    the magic with code is, if you can imagine it, you can build it. Go for it buddy !!
  12. Sir DannyDoomno1

    Bug Texture Hatchback

    still got this issue :c
  13. Sir DannyDoomno1

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    ok so not sure how static missions are meant to work ? but they dont seem how i imagined. i want to have a single base that spawns ai whenever a player is nearby?
  14. Sir DannyDoomno1

    Questions regarding Exile servers and base building

    that's awesome as hell !!