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About Defent

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  1. you seem to know how to fix the issues with battleye, im logging in my new server and im getting script 8 on //new2 scripts please help

  2. Defent

    When you get Armad..

    It's JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, a Japanese anime, where this meme originates from
  3. Defent

    When you get Armad..

    Is that a JoJo reference?! p.s nice vid.
  4. Defent

    Your biggest screwup

    Accidentally wiped my entire database on a server with 54/54 players and then went to work. Had to remotley roll it back from my phone on a shitty 3g network in the middle of no where. Fun times.
  5. Defent

    [SOLVED] 64 slots instead of config says

    Ah, good okey have fun man
  6. Defent

    [SOLVED] 64 slots instead of config says

    Server can revert to 64 slots if there is a script error somewhere that breaks the server. Check for any errors in the RPT.
  7. Defent

    Exile 3DEN Plugin

  8. You need to set the name to that at the server config too. Where it "template = Exile.Tanoa". It has to match the mission file.
  9. Defent

    A3XAI and DMS HELP

    Yes, DMS can do that. And ye you found the setting
  10. Defent


    Oh, interesting!
  11. Defent


  12. Defent

    Dedicated server low fps tons of resources unused

    Headless client won't save anything man. Your best bet here is to attempt to redo the entire code somehow or drop it. Can you link me the dynamic script you have?
  13. Defent

    Dedicated server low fps tons of resources unused

    Arma 3 loves fast processors, it does not care that much for amount of cores. It wants high clocked ones, the higher the clock speed is the better. What you can try is to set processor affinity to use all cores and also set the priority to high (NOT REALTIME). And Arma 3 is 32 bit and it really cant exceed that amount of ram. As for performance and low FPS. That is caused by your zombie mod. You see the server threads? Having 70 threads is WAY too much. The best value is around sub 20 threads. Even then 20 is sort of high. Most servers with a lot of players have around 5-10 threads max. See my post here on information regarding what a thread is: Also that spawn script you use for the zombies has triggers and that is REALLY bad for performance as well. So if you wish to run zombies this way you will either have to live with the bad performance or rewrite it because it's not really optimal at the moment.
  14. Defent

    A3XAI and DMS HELP

    These messages are caused by you not packing the PBO correctly. Make sure you have these files: In your folder. The settings and DMS itself is not the issue why it does not start, you're simply packing it wrong Make sure the path matches the file name. The prefix to the file a3_* gets ignored. Here is how it can look: Here is how a raw folder would look: And how the prefix path should look: