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About JakeHekesFists

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  • Birthday 03/16/1984

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  1. The issue was affecting my Napf server, But not chernarus at all And I basically use a copypasted trader setup i made in 3den on both servers, I had some exile h-barriers preventing people driving into the traders - once i replaced those with the simple object/.p3d version it hasn't crashed since. Thank you so much for making this post, I was about to pull the plug on napf after trying so many things and failing.
  2. JakeHekesFists

    Chernarus Building Replacement Script (Updated Dec 2017)

    Updated the main post. This will run as a server side pbo, much easier to install. doesn't require any editing of your mission file. Just pop it @exileserver\addons folder and it's good to go. If you want to change anything, or make it work with other maps. edit config.cpp and re-pbo it. I rarely come on these forums, so I'm not great for support. tested this on a clean dev server tonight and it's all working
  3. JakeHekesFists

    Arma 1.78/1.80 Bugs Megathread !! READ THE RULES!!

    Am having similar issues on my napf server, (x86 server process, x64 headless client for AI) Nothing script wise causing issues. Just a process crash. and bidmp's dropped into my logs folder. have tried using different -malloc types with no result. ------------------------------------------------------- Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 0124DDB4 cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 0 @ 3.60GHz graphics: No resolution: 160x120x32 Addons: then a massive list of all the cup/rhs/whatever addons Players have reported these crashes seem to occur when they enter my northern or south west trader zones. I'm currently trying to work out what object may be causing it too. If I discover the cause I will report back.
  4. +1 for the bonus step for how to delete boxes in your base. Thank you so much, that is so elegant and simple compared to the stupid convoluted way I was doing it before.
  5. JakeHekesFists

    Disable UAV in SafeZone (Script)

    ExileClient_object_player_thread_safeZone.sqf This script was made to stop people from being cheap and using the UAV in a god mode area. copy the contents of the pastebin link below to your mission pbo, add overwrite to CfgExileCustomCode. eg. for example if you place the script in an exileOverwrites folder, do as below. class CfgExileCustomCode { ExileClient_object_player_thread_safeZone = "exileOverwrites\ExileClient_object_player_thread_safeZone.sqf"; // disable UAV/Bicycles in Safezone }; pastebin link below https://pastebin.com/FnFm1tKy /** * ExileClient_object_player_thread_safeZone * * Exile Mod * exile.majormittens.co.uk * © 2015 Exile Mod Team * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. * To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. */ /***** JakeHekesFists Edit: 2017 *****/ private _vehicle = vehicle player; // use these settings to toggle features on and off private _disableUAV = true; // disables player from connecting UAV to terminal in safe zone private _disableBikes = false; // ejects players from bicycles in safe zone to prevent crazy bicycle ramming - players can still pack bike if using enigma script. if (!ExilePlayerInSafezone) exitWith {false}; if (_disableUAV) then { if (alive (getConnectedUAV player)) then { player connectTerminalToUAV objNull; ["ErrorTitleAndText", ["Warning!", "Do not operate the UAV from inside the Safe Zone"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast; }; }; if (_vehicle isEqualTo player) then { if !(isNull ExileClientSafeZoneVehicle) then { ExileClientSafeZoneVehicle removeEventHandler ["Fired", ExileClientSafeZoneVehicleFiredEventHandler]; ExileClientSafeZoneVehicle = objNull; ExileClientSafeZoneVehicleFiredEventHandler = nil; }; } else { if (local _vehicle) then { _vehicle allowDamage false; }; if (_disableBikes) then { if (_vehicle isKindOf "Bicycle") then { player setVelocity [0, 0, 0]; player action [ "eject", _vehicle ]; ["ErrorTitleAndText", ["OFF YA BIKE M8", "Bicycles are not allowed in the SafeZone"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast; }; }; if !(_vehicle isEqualTo ExileClientSafeZoneVehicle) then { if !(isNull ExileClientSafeZoneVehicle) then { ExileClientSafeZoneVehicle removeEventHandler ["Fired", ExileClientSafeZoneVehicleFiredEventHandler]; ExileClientSafeZoneVehicle = objNull; ExileClientSafeZoneVehicleFiredEventHandler = nil; }; ExileClientSafeZoneVehicle = _vehicle; ExileClientSafeZoneVehicleFiredEventHandler = _vehicle addEventHandler ["Fired", {_this call ExileClient_object_player_event_onFiredSafeZoneVehicle}]; }; }; true Script works in a very simple way, it just checks if a player is connected to a UAV in the traders, and if they are. it disconnects them. There is also a feature in this script to automatically eject players from bicycles in the safezone, I have disabled it by default. I had some major issues with people griefing with the crazy collision physics of the bicycle in the traders. Can save your admins a lot of headaches if you turn it on. Edit line 15 and 16 to toggle the features on/off. Feel free to use and edit the code however you see fit.
  6. JakeHekesFists

    Hotwire chance

    First, you want to override ExileClient_action_execute.sqf // _actionConfig = configFile >> "CfgExileDelayedActions" >> _actionName; // <-- this is the line we need to change _actionConfig = missionConfigFile >> "CfgExileDelayedActions" >> _actionName; // <-- replace it with this next copy this into your config.cpp in the mission file class CfgExileDelayedActions { class Abstract { duration=10; abortInCombatMode=1; durationFunction=""; animation=""; animationType="switchMove"; failChance=0; conditionFunction=""; completedFunction=""; abortedFunction=""; failedFunction=""; }; class RepairVehicle: Abstract { duration=37; animation="Exile_Acts_RepairVehicle01_Animation01"; conditionFunction="ExileClient_action_repairVehicle_condition"; completedFunction="ExileClient_action_repairVehicle_completed"; }; class HotwireVehicle: Abstract { duration="3 * 60"; failChance=50; animation="Exile_Acts_RepairVehicle01_Animation01"; conditionFunction="ExileClient_action_hotwireVehicle_condition"; completedFunction="ExileClient_action_hotwireVehicle_completed"; failedFunction="ExileClient_action_hotwireVehicle_failed"; }; class StealFlag: Abstract { duration=60; abortInCombatMode=0; durationFunction="ExileClient_action_stealFlag_duration"; animation="Exile_Acts_RepairVehicle01_Animation01"; conditionFunction="ExileClient_action_stealFlag_condition"; completedFunction="ExileClient_action_stealFlag_completed"; }; class HideBody: Abstract { duration=10; animation="Exile_Shovel_Dig01"; conditionFunction="ExileClient_action_HideBody_condition"; completedFunction="ExileClient_action_HideBody_completed"; }; class PlantChargeWood: Abstract { duration="3 * 60"; abortInCombatMode=0; animation="Exile_Acts_RepairVehicle01_Animation01"; conditionFunction="ExileClient_action_breaching_condition"; completedFunction="ExileClient_action_breaching_completed"; failedFunction="ExileClient_action_breaching_failed"; abortedFunction="ExileClient_action_breaching_aborted"; }; class PlantChargeMetal: PlantChargeWood { duration="5 * 60"; }; class PlantChargeConcrete: PlantChargeWood { duration="7 * 60"; }; class RepairConstruction: Abstract { animation="Exile_Acts_RepairVehicle01_Animation01"; durationFunction="ExileClient_action_repairConstruction_duration"; conditionFunction="ExileClient_action_repairConstruction_condition"; completedFunction="ExileClient_action_repairConstruction_completed"; }; class GutAnimal: Abstract { duration=10; animationType="playMoveNow"; animation="AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDr_medic5"; conditionFunction="ExileClient_action_GutAnimal_condition"; completedFunction="ExileClient_action_GutAnimal_completed"; }; }; then edit the bit that says fail chance = 50; class HotwireVehicle: Abstract { duration="3 * 60"; failChance=50; // Change this line to whatever you want animation="Exile_Acts_RepairVehicle01_Animation01"; conditionFunction="ExileClient_action_hotwireVehicle_condition"; completedFunction="ExileClient_action_hotwireVehicle_completed"; failedFunction="ExileClient_action_hotwireVehicle_failed"; }; you can of course then edit anything you want from the actions, such as how long it takes to place charges, fail chance of hotwiring. everything! have fun.
  7. JakeHekesFists

    CUP Vehicles 1.9.1 Broken for Exile? [SOLVED]

    That was it right there, it's fixed. thanks again. you are a lifesaver. My batch file to delete old files, unzip to mod directory and restart server stabbed me in the back. god damn who uses a space instead of an underscore for file naming. reeee
  8. JakeHekesFists

    CUP Vehicles 1.9.1 Broken for Exile? [SOLVED]

    I'll have a look into that later, thank you. I have my servers configured in such a way that I just unzip to 1 folder, and then using junctions for each server. I would've just unzipped into the folder and been done with it. You may have just saved me a lot of a headache.
  9. Hey all, since the update for CUP vehicles to 1.9.1 The addition of dynamic loadouts appear to have broken all of the CUP vehicles. Error code 12 when trying to purchase them, Nothing spawns when using infistar tools to spawn it in All CUP vehicles from the dynamic spawns wont spawn, only standard exile or a3 vehicles will spawn in. I notice now when I place the vehicles in the editor, i can configure the loadout in the attributes. eg. Add Large Pods to AH6J on left side, put GAU-19 on the right. Previously this was a seperate class of vehicle. Does anybody know how to fix this? Or should I be looking forward to a wipe and switch to RHS
  10. JakeHekesFists

    "got scared" - issue in .fsm

    I've noticed since the update to exile 1.0.3 the word "got scared" would randomly appear on screen during play in systemchat text I ran grep on the exile client files and found the source of the issue. Exile_Animal_Hen.fsm the system chat debug text hasn't been // commented out, (its commented out on the goat, rooster and sheep) Something easy to fix for the next version, cheers.
  11. JakeHekesFists

    how to get rid of the battleye kicks - script restrictions...

    ! is for a generic/partial match != is for an exact match so just a hypothetical if we were talking about createvehicle and i wanted to exempt all cup vehicles from the kick/logging I could use !"CUP_" to exempt anything containing the string CUP_ !="CUP_C_Golf4_black_Civ" to exempt only the black civilian golf. http://opendayz.net/threads/a-guide-to-battleye-filters.21066/ ^ This was the guide I used back when I was learning to run DayZ epoch servers in A2. Its very good.
  12. JakeHekesFists

    Battleye + A3 1.70 + Headless Client

    Hey everyone, just a heads up If you're using a headless client with your server, You may notice some Battleye kicks since the update to Arma 3 1.70 BattlEye: Query Timeout Seems to happen 10-20 minutes after the startup. 23:07:56 Player dmd_headlessclient kicked off by BattlEye: Query Timeout 23:07:56 Player headlessclient disconnected. 23:07:59 dmd_headlessclient uses modified data file 23:07:59 BattlEye Server: Player #0 dmd_headlessclient ( connected 23:07:59 Player dmd_headlessclient connecting. 23:08:00 Player dmd_headlessclient connected (id=HC6956). 23:08:01 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID () of player #0 dmd_headlessclient 23:08:01 BattlEye Server: Player #0 dmd_headlessclient - Owner GUID: < removed > I have lodged a support ticket to Battleye, they have replied to advise they are aware of the issue and are working on a fix. This issue has been causing my headless client to disconnect, then reconnect. but if you're using something like VEMFr AI missions, it causes the AI to be unresponsive. Hopefully this saves someone else the headache of trying to fix an issue that's outside of their control (RIP my yesterday evening)
  13. JakeHekesFists

    AI Not moving (vemf / headless client)

    Edit: Looks like for some reason Battleye is randomly kicking my headless client Which is causing my AI to misbehave, stop moving etc. 18:26:03 > You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Query Timeout) 18:26:05 Client connected: 18:26:07 > Player dmd_headlessclient connecting 18:26:07 > dmd_headlessclient uses modified data file I have battleyelicense = 1; in my settings and all. this is very frustrating. In any case. feel free to lock this topic mods.
  14. JakeHekesFists

    Wrong signature kicks for hbarrier_01_big_4_green_f

    I believe that is a Tanoa asset. This advice is only if you are running a different map - altis, chernarus, namalsk, taunus, stratis. etc. These are likely players which don't own the APEX expansion. If you're using EBM, disable the tanoa/apex assets. and find any in your database and remove them. if you've used any of the green fortifications in your map edits. you're going to need to replace them with non apex objects. If you're running Tanoa, none of what I said applies, so disregard it all.
  15. JakeHekesFists

    AI Not moving (vemf / headless client)

    I currently have an issue with AI not moving around, using waypoints since Exile update to 1.0.3 I use a heavily modified VEMFr, It barely even resembles the original anymore. As such I am making this thread separate from the VEMF thread. Basically, I was wondering if one of the exile devs could respond to the following. 1. Has there been any changes made to "O_G_Sharpshooter_F" in the config which could prevent the AI from moving? 2. Have there been any changes made to the enableAI/disableAI commands 3. Is there any changes in this version which you think of which would prevent movement/waypoint commands being transferred to the headless client? Everything was working perfectly on exile 1.0.2, A3 1.70. Only encountered this issue after updating exile