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Sukkaed last won the day on October 23 2015

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About Sukkaed

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  1. As Arma has always had some troubles dealing with 7 digit numbers, this becomes a problem when database ID in player, construction, container or vehicle table reaches a million. Until someone bothers to add some formatting in Exile before using this number as variable in game, here is database query which will set the id numbers to start from 1 again: UPDATE construction JOIN (SELECT @number := 0) r SET id = @number:=@number +1; ALTER TABLE construction AUTO_INCREMENT = 1; UPDATE container JOIN (SELECT @number := 0) r SET id = @number:=@number +1; ALTER TABLE container AUTO_INCREMENT = 1; UPDATE player JOIN (SELECT @number := 0) r SET id = @number:=@number +1; ALTER TABLE player AUTO_INCREMENT = 1; UPDATE vehicle JOIN (SELECT @number := 0) r SET id = @number:=@number +1; ALTER TABLE vehicle AUTO_INCREMENT = 1; ...and stop the server before doing this.
  2. Sukkaed

    Color Corrections

    I made this a while ago but never ended using it. If someone finds it useful feel free use. //On mission start [] execVM "colors\colors_init.sqf"; //description.ext #include "colors\colors.hpp" //Open [] spawn UK111_fnc_colors_dialog;
  3. Sukkaed

    Goodbye, Arma!

  4. class CraftRepairKitMetal: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe { name = "Craft Metal Repair Kit"; pictureItem = "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"; requiresFire = 0; requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench"; returnedItems[] = { {1, "Exile_Item_RepairKitWood"} //Change to Exile_Item_RepairKitMetal }; components[] = { {4, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"} }; tools[] = { "Exile_Item_Foolbox", "Exile_Item_Grinder" }; };
  5. Sukkaed

    0.9.8 Memory Bug

    Seems like you need to pbo your mission file now or it will crash.
  6. Sukkaed

    1.60 Bug Fixes/Discussion

    Added: Support for line drawing in a map interface This is very lovely. Map is full of huge dicks already or painted in black completely. No1 troll tool.
  7. Sukkaed

    HELP in Del vehicle From DB after spwaning

    SQL1_1 = DELETE FROM garage WHERE id= ?
  8. Sukkaed

    Make voice and chat work in game for direct

    You need to have at least one recording device enabled in windows or direct wont work.
  9. Sukkaed

    Manual Backups

    Run this with windows scheduler. SET BackupDir="C:\path\to\backup\folder\" SET mysqldir="C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.6.17\bin\" SET mysqlschema=yourdatabasename SET mysqluser=yourdatabaseuser SET mysqlpassword=userpassword for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims==" %%i in (`wmic os get LocalDateTime /VALUE 2^>NUL`) do if '.%%i.'=='.LocalDateTime.' SET ldt=%%j set datestamp=%ldt:~0,4%-%ldt:~4,2%-%ldt:~6,2%.%ldt:~8,2%-%ldt:~10,2%-%ldt:~12,2% c: cd %mysqldir% mysqldump -u %mysqluser% -p%mysqlpassword% --databases %mysqlschema% --routines --events --triggers --quick >%BackupDir%\%mysqlschema%_backup.%datestamp%.sql
  10. Sukkaed

    Pack Bike Script

    Using cusrsorTarget is really bad idea. You can pass the object from CfgInteractionMenus. action = "_this execVM 'Scripts\Bike\Pack_bike.sqf';"; and delete.. deleteVehicle (_this select 0);
  11. Sukkaed

    [SOLVED] Screen freezes in 'Lime' update

    I believe this is caused by infistar. Not sure is there update for this patch yet.
  12. Sukkaed

    Chernarus Building Replacement Script (Updated Dec 2017)

    I'm more worried about performance drop that comes from this as there is big difference between original map buildings and buildings spawned with createVehicle.
  13. Sukkaed

    Chernarus Building Replacement Script (Updated Dec 2017)

    Have you checked how many objects this creates on Chernarus?
  14. Sukkaed

    Basic Server Config Assistance

    Hop to our TS on weekend and I can poke you to right direction if you want.