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  1. Foo

    Custom AI Missions Showcase - JustRight Server

    Great Missions Mikeeeyy did great job with them
  2. Foo

    Car Keys and Locking

    Keys be awful, what if you died from environment before server reset, or too far away from body that it de-spawns, would be pretty disappointing especially with some hardcore servers that takes hours to buy one in first place, codes are great apart from could be shown as astrix I instead of number ( the stream friendly option removes chat as well)
  3. Foo

    Bored with Exile...

    Hey Itsatrap, is that the chenarus winter one? I was on there , was battling with it though as it was so dayz for me , i raged as was killed in car while driving over past a mission lol ... the sheer thought of having run all way back was reason why left dayz. no patience for running simulators hehe I got to point where keep joining servers building bases then getting lots of cash by doing missions, then getting bored ... really want a server that can call home, (like ravenwood was once) but so hard find one that's not dropping frames, or without admins spawning crap in and shooting freshies etc etc, so many servers but none can settle in for long any suggestions anyone ???
  4. Foo

    Is it possible to revive now ?

    Having a medic assist when you have been shot to stop the bleed doesn't interfere with survival, its not dayz :)