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About Mikeeeyy

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    Bug Squisher

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  1. There's no need for RConIP... just make sure you set the RConPort to <your port> + 4 and you'll be fine. Also, difficulty fix is here: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/190122-third-person-view-and-veteran-difficulty/#entry3012341
  2. It must be calling before hand now then, either that or allMapMarkers has become lazy Either way the problem is that allMapMarkers is being called too early.
  3. I think allMapMarkers is firing too early, but idk why that would have changed. I remember trying to use it on preInit on server side and it returned an empty array.
  4. SAFEZONE FIX Create a file in your mission file at the same location as description.ext called init.sqf. Then in that file paste this: call ExileClient_system_map_initialize
  5. Mikeeeyy

    ARMA 3 Update Problems!

    Create a file in your mission file at the same location as description.ext called init.sqf. Then in that file paste this: call ExileClient_system_map_initialize
  6. Mikeeeyy

    Stats reset when logging in?

    Your player saves every 5 minutes, your hunger/thirst/alcohol etc... will only save when your player is saved. When you disconnect your player is saved too, but it is fired server side and your stats are recorded client side, meaning there's no way to fetch your current stats when you disconnect. There's not really an easy fix without increasing network utilization.
  7. Mikeeeyy

    Trolls complain that I am too heavy-handed?

    I would've done the same thing, you don't accidentally spawn that amount of bikes...
  8. Mikeeeyy

    [SOLVED] Hotwire Chance change?

    Override ExileClient_action_execute https://gist.githubusercontent.com/anonymous/59909eb1fa985232cfb4/raw/37c389bd53d24cbdb12f86831ed105d0faafd7ac/2016-03-28_12-19-59.txt See line 25.
  9. Mikeeeyy

    Spelling mistake in log

    There's a lot of spelling mistakes, I think two of the devs aren't native English
  10. Mikeeeyy

    Protection Payment date calculation

    Okay I get what you're saying, basically the pop tabs lost from the overlap need to be taken away from the fee, that way you're not losing out by paying it early. I don't think it's entirely possible because there's no way of getting how much the last fee was, so you can't work out the refund. Any other way will end up in money duplication.
  11. Mikeeeyy

    Protection Payment date calculation

    But then you could essentially double the despawn time, as soon as you've placed your flag, go pay your fee and you don't have to worry about it for 60 days.
  12. Mikeeeyy

    "You are inside enemy territory!" Bug with fix

    Overwrite, if it's not working you're doing something wrong.
  13. Mikeeeyy

    [CLOSED] Garage Virtual Vehicle Storage

    Looks like it was stolen from my mission file without the necessary functions/server side stuff.
  14. Mikeeeyy

    Uniform/Vest Disappear Bug Fix

  15. Mikeeeyy

    Uniform/Vest Disappear Bug Fix

    Are you talking about mine or Chris'?