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Emergency Radio

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Last night while playing I got ambushed in a valley by some angry AI. All I had on me at the time was an M4 with 3 mags, Red dot sight, some food and water, and a side arm. The AI engaged me from 200 - 400m making the Red Dot hard to use. At this point I realised something I wish I could call for assistance... Yes I can use side chat, but where is the immersement in that?

Most of the servers we spawn on, you spawn with a radio. Whether that allows you to use side chat etc like in Epoch I'm not sure but can't we have like a built in "Task Force Radio" type ability to call for assistance over the radio? One Single freq you have to tune to which can only be used once every hour and only audible to players in a set radius or that has tuned in to that Freq for instance.

Here is why I think it wil be nice. For the solo player on a PvP server it might grant him the opportunity to ask for help when his base is attacked by multiple attackers, creating a PvP battle around his base or when fighting multiple guys in a city calling in help creating a bigger PvP battle. PvE players when getting over run at a mission or being ambushed by roaming AI etc, can call for help from other players. Also with the Humanity system being developed for instance this could allow for Heros to call upon other heros for assistance and the same for bandits calling other bandits each on there own freq.

What you guys think?

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That is an awesome idea. I have been trying to convince a server owner to implement a radio mod to their server. Sadly most server owners are afraid to not have a popular server so it will never happen. 


Just as a rule I would suggest that the first 4 letters of your in-game name alphanumerically A(1) / B(2) / C(3) etc. would be your personal frequency in game, as well as a certain freq as a "side chat" for general comms. 

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