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[Event] The Purge

13 posts in this topic

The idea:

The Purge will allow you at one Time a week, to breach in every base you want. At the Purge, Exile Island shuts down every device that needs Energy (Doorlocks, Safelocks, Carlocks) and allows its inmates to get into bases, Safes and Cars for just one restart period because all locks are open and can not be locked while The Purge is running. The Purge will be announced to everyone on the Server one Hour before it Starts or with EMail wich you can set up on your Territory at the Office trader. The Purge will last one restart Period and everything will be set back to what it was like before after the server restartet again.


Big Bases are hard to breach in to, because they have a lot of Team members. Also big bases/groups are well known and kill many times the gameplay on a Server. 

Small Bases are well hidden and not found fast as the big ones. Also small groups experience a lot of pain when they get in the spot of a big Group. So i call that Payback for small groups and they could fight back once a week.

Also it brings a cool new feature to the game. PvE + PvP

I kinda like the idea. What do you guys think? :D

FEAR THE PURGE - This can lead to a whole new experience. Players may be more friendly to each other, because its PURGE PAYBACK TIME BIATCH 

could be turned off by an Admin.

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It's an interesting idea but I can imagine players skirting around it extremely easily by simply placing walls where their doors used to be, and boxing their safes in walls as well.

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17 minutes ago, eraser1 said:

It's an interesting idea but I can imagine players skirting around it extremely easily by simply placing walls where their doors used to be, and boxing their safes in walls as well.

Hm right, but there is still action. I have some more ideas. Will Write about that tomorrow. :)

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To combat that you could also disable any building being done during that same restart as well.  That would fix eraser's concern.  Only loophole would be those who make base changes immediately prior to the PURGE restart.

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I think you overestimate what makes people be friendly to each other. The one thing that makes people more friendly, is if you need each other.

To get back to your point about the big groups vs small groups, big groups often tend to have enough people to usually have at least one member online, which will of course be available to defend the base during, or notify the others of, the purge. A small group is more likely to miss to purge, and find out next time they log in. Also, since bigger groups are with more people and have more means, they will find other bases relatively easier (using helicopters, just having more people thus a higher chance to discover other bases). So I think it will actually play out in favor of bigger groups.

But it is a whole new experience of course, makes that people will think twice about building a 'sniper base' with valuable weapons in safes there.

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What about having this occur with bases that are close to expiring as the person hasn't paid-- it announces it, then marks them all on the map and unlocks everything inside? It's all about to get wiped anyway, and it'd draw people to these bases to defend them while they loot and attack as well.

Edited by TPGDagger

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It`s a good idea, but i think that complete restart cycle is to long for a purge. my idea is when it comes random for an hour or so.(Or you can costimize it in your serversettings)

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11 hours ago, MrWhite said:

The idea:

The Purge will be announced to everyone on the Server one Hour before it Starts or with EMail wich you can set up on your Territory at the Office trader. The Purge will last one restart Period and everything will be set back to what it was like before after the server restartet again.

I don't think it will work that way. First of all many servers have player base in different time zones, so you cannot just take any time suitable for all the players (some of them may be sleeping or at work). So it's unfair. Secondly - ALL of the players will need to be online and defend their base (if they could do it), but what if the server is already full of players who got there first? If the player base is quite big it's also an issue. 

I just don't see how it could be fair for all the people.

40 minutes ago, TPGDagger said:


What about having this occur with bases that are close to expiring as the person hasn't paid-- it announces it, then marks them all on the map and unlocks everything inside? It's all about to get wiped anyway, and it'd draw people to these bases to defend them while they loot and attack as well.

And THIS is the thing that could work. Instead of just deleting the base which is boring there could be online events to fight it and obtain it's loot and maybe put your flag in it, if you can. Otherwise it will dissapear next day. But it's not the answer to your issue with raiding an active bases.

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Well the one thing with expiering bases we could check with an "Abandoned Safe Script", where a safe thats not touched between a given time period gets unlocked and marked on the map for everybody to raid. Implementation into the mod would be really cool. Also the safes last longer then the locks at the doors or something. May some of you guys know this script from A2 :)

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8 minutes ago, MrWhite said:

Well the one thing with expiering bases we could check with an "Abandoned Safe Script", where a safe thats not touched between a given time period gets unlocked and marked on the map for everybody to raid. Implementation into the mod would be really cool. Also the safes last longer then the locks at the doors or something. May some of you guys know this script from A2 :)

This would be cool. It's like a side mission and if the safe is abandoned in a base that is still somewhat functional it requires people to get satchels as well

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