Nakama 20 Report post Posted October 28, 2015 (edited) Custom action shows on player respawn, after use it kills itself...Not sure why it won't run on MP I do have this working in the editor. I however can not seem to get it running server side, I am not sure if this is because I have my event handler set up wrong, any help/information would be appreciated . Wasn't sure where to post this, put it in spawning & loadout because the action is meant to work on respawnActions.sqfTAG_showActions = true; publicVariable "TAG_showActions"; sleep 1; TAG_showActions_JIP = true; publicVariable "TAG_showActions_JIP"; TAG_fnc_spawn_Quad = { _spawn = "B_G_Quadbike_01_F"; _posplr = [((getPos player) select 0) + 2, ((getPos player) select 1) + 2, 0]; _dirplr = getDir player; _spwnveh = _spawn createVehicle (_posplr); _myHint = format ["Warning: Spawned ATVs DO NOT SAVE after server restart!"]; GlobalHint = _myHint; publicVariable "GlobalHint"; hintSilent parseText _myHint; _pause = time + 30; TAG_showActions = false; }; TAG_fnc_spawn_Boat = { _spawn = "C_Rubberboat"; _posplr = [((getPos player) select 0) + 2, ((getPos player) select 1) + 2, 0]; _dirplr = getDir player; _spwnveh = _spawn createVehicle (_posplr); _myHint = format ["Warning: Spawned Boats DO NOT SAVE after server restart!"]; GlobalHint = _myHint; publicVariable "GlobalHint"; hintSilent parseText _myHint; _pause = time + 30; TAG_showActions = false; }; MY_MENU_Vehicles = [ ["Spawn Vehicle",true], ["QUAD", [2], "", -5, [["expression", "_thread = 0 spawn TAG_fnc_spawn_Quad;"]], "1", "1"], ["BOAT", [4], "", -5, [["expression", "_thread = 0 spawn TAG_fnc_spawn_Boat;"]], "1", "1"] ]; player addAction ["Spawn Vehicle", {showCommandingMenu "#USER:MY_MENU_Vehicles";}, [], -99, false, true, "", "TAG_showActions"];ServerEventHandler.sqfif (isNil "TAG_showActions") then {TAG_showActions = false}; "TAG_showActions" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_nil = [["Spawn Vehicle", {showCommandingMenu "#USER:MY_MENU_Vehicles";}, [], -99, false, true, "", "TAG_showActions"];}; if (isNil "TAG_showActions_JIP") then {TAG_showActions_JIP = false}; if (TAG_showActions_JIP) then {_nil = ["Spawn Vehicle", {showCommandingMenu "#USER:MY_MENU_Vehicles";}, [], -99, false, true, "", "TAG_showActions"];execVM"Custom\Actions.sqf";}; Edited October 28, 2015 by Nakama Share this post Link to post Share on other sites