
Kill zone!

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Admins should add an "circular" zone around the shooter for a few seconds so the shooter are forced to move after he has shot someone. that could prevent camping. ex. bases and such!

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Or just have the guy that shot you explode. I know the codecs are not as good as they once were but if you cant figure out the general direction from sound and impact, maybe CSGO is an option 

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Killcam would be cool just to see how some people kill from sick distances e.t.c. 

I'm new to exile so i still have much to discover. What other mods are good ? 

I got arma3 for my birthday last month so still learning :)

I play @ http://uk111.uk/

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Well that title was missleading. To address it anyway, no no no no no no no freaking fraking way this should be a thing. Arma always was mainly about positioning and controlling the situation. If you would get the position of a guy that shot someone, even if it is just you with a Killcam you could tell a friend in Teamspeak or something like that. And the guy that shot you could be easily flanked.

I actually thought you wanted something like a Zone where the PVP driven players could "meet" like some sort of arena which in the end would offer some sort of price.

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i played on a server/group that had a server hosted last i looked with both a scoreboard and a sort of kill-feed enabled, both were good features and it would be nice to be able to have them as part of exile, while we're on the topic.... (i think?)


the feed showed weapon used, range, name of both, the scoreboard tracked permanent K/D ratio as well as assists and other standard stuff, those parameters should never give anyone a tactical advantage unless in a group and on TS plus fast & accurate about warning them (which is a given anyway).

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also for kill cams, if you had to manually respawn to a spectator (non-combat) team (read: and die, losing progress/items) to view kill cams that happened within the last few minutes should be a way to do it without giving anyone an advantage as well, the key piece is that you're blocked for 5 minutes from changing back to player team and not able to view a person's kill cam while that player is still currently alive.

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Noobs gonna noob



kill cam would be op and abused by groups, plus arma is a simulation game not an arcade shooter

Edited by itsatrap
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