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Teh Governor

Thermal Scanner Noob

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I believe that a tool that allows you to scan a dead individual, then use that tool on a vehicle he has locked in the last 15 minutes to unlock it would be a way more practical item. Hows that for TLDR Splin xD 

Edited by Teh Governor

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Wow. You should really consider TLDR version of your shout. And thermal scanner actually shows you the order of the last 3 digits, if you look at it and just use your logic, why one key is brighter then another. Problem solved.

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thanks for an explanation Splin, using them I never realised keys were highlighted with a more pronounced color, so I deleted that part of my post, my bad for not noticing. But still the practicality is lesser than getting the keys off the person and I would prefer a more fast paced solution to combat lockers.

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In fact now that I know this I think it is an overpowered tool, specially on base doors and safes. I wish a separate tool for vehicles would be introduced into the game, a more combat friendly one.

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