
Weapon weight balancing

15 posts in this topic

Let's talk about weapon weight or volume. Some weapon in Exile (most of them from DLC like MAR-10, Navid or SPMG) have extremely heavy weight, that prevent to put them in the backpack or somewhere else except vehicles. So, when you kill someone (bot or bad guy) and come to take a weapon from the body you can't just pick it up, you need a vehicle to do that. And simple procedure turns to annoying thing:

1) Place your weapon into the vehicle
2) Take a weapon from the dead body
3) Place that weapon into the vehicle
4) Take your weapon from the vehicle
5) Repeat 2-3 as much as many bodies you have to loot

I think this is not so good.

Edited by maxud
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that was an arma patch they dont want that u can walk with an navid and a lynx in ur backpack  because op reasons...

they didnt increased the volume they just switched the option that u cant put tier 1 weapons in backpacks anymore.

with all attachments they filled like 3/4 of the biggest backpack and know it would be still the same so its maybe scriptable.

the question is do the players want to have the option again that guys can play with two tier 1 weapons like a sniper and an mg.

maybe do a special expensive backpack where only weapons fit in or a normal expensive one.

or increase the volume that the tier 1 weapons fill just the whole backpack space with all attachments so u can only carry other stuff in ur vest/uniform.

or just make it possible again ^^

if its possible to change something there and exile offers that pls do a voting and dont do a thread war like the other ones.


pls start more votings in the future if u dont know how u wanna setup things and want to need our opinion exile team and forum freaks.

Edited by Requzz

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It's like this for a reason.. your not suppose to be carrying everything weapon to fit everything single environment and engagement range. Otherwise you would have people with snipers + lmgs + close range assault rifles. It's balanced not to mention how heavy an LMG or sniper is in real life, your not superman.


Adding some super expensive backpack to carry all this doesn't balance it either, people act like it hards to make money in EXILE when its the exact opposite. Been sitting at 30k+ poptabs for who knows how long.

Edited by Rangecreed
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the question is do the players want to have the option again that guys can play with two tier 1 weapons like a sniper and an mg.

Well, that is the reason that on the server we play on 90% of users runs with Navid or SPMG, as all other options are far more weak.

What's the point in all the other weapons if they all suck in comparsion to high caliber precision LMG, especially when you cannot take 2 guns with you. I don't think it is balanced, as it's obviously not. If I could take at least 2 guns - i'd take assault riflle+sniper rifle, but now I just haven't got much choice really.

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Well, that is the reason that on the server we play on 90% of users runs with Navid or SPMG, as all other options are far more weak.

What's the point in all the other weapons if they all suck in comparsion to high caliber precision LMG, especially when you cannot take 2 guns with you. I don't think it is balanced, as it's obviously not. If I could take at least 2 guns - i'd take assault riflle+sniper rifle, but now I just haven't got much choice really.

well then u dont know the weapon balance.

so first the navid, his precision is fkng shit u cant snip over 400m distance its just not possible but u can 1 shot guys with a great bodyshot and it has a big rate of fire but a really hard recoil. the spmg is a allrounder cuz with that weapon u can snip like 1km+ but u cant one shot with that weapon guys with good gear so if u snip u need to hit them almost everytime 2times to finish them and if u dont hit the legs they will just run away or u get a headshot or a heartshot.

the lynx got apds so u do nice dmg to vehicles in range and u one shot with every fkng shot people. but u dont have a silencer so they can hear u and u have more range and precision then the spmg.

so at the end if i would really wanna snip good enemys succesfully i would get me a lynx because if they got a lynx sniper u would be fucked with ur spmg most of the time in an sniping duel.

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well then u dont know the weapon balance.

so first the navid, his precision is fkng shit u cant snip over 400m distance its just not possible but u can 1 shot guys with a great bodyshot and it has a big rate of fire but a really hard recoil. the spmg is a allrounder cuz with that weapon u can snip like 1km+ but u cant one shot with that weapon guys with good gear so if u snip u need to hit them almost everytime 2times to finish them and if u dont hit the legs they will just run away or u get a headshot or a heartshot.

the lynx got apds so u do nice dmg to vehicles in range and u one shot with every fkng shot people. but u dont have a silencer so they can hear u and u have more range and precision then the spmg.

so at the end if i would really wanna snip good enemys succesfully i would get me a lynx because if they got a lynx sniper u would be fucked with ur spmg most of the time in an sniping duel.

Please. I get 1000m Navid shots like skittles.   To say it's not possible past 400m is absolutely laughable at best.  SPMG's are a little more stable, and I can 1 shot players @ 1500m no problem.  Most players run with these two weapons just because of this versatility, adn the fact you cant carry 2 weapons.   Throw an AMS scope on one, and you are good to go for short range and long range encounters......400m+ not possible......what a hilarious statement.  Both weapons can easily perform up to 1500m with no problems.


Edited by FluffyBunnyFee
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Please. I get 1000m Navid shots like skittles.   To say it's not possible past 400m is absolutely laughable at best.  SPMG's are a little more stable, and I can 1 shot players @ 1500m no problem.  Most players run with these two weapons just because of this versatility, adn the fact you cant carry 2 weapons.   Throw an AMS scope on one, and you are good to go for short range and long range encounters......400m+ not possible......what a hilarious statement.  Both weapons can easily perform up to 1500m with no problems.


Please. test first the navid on bots in arsenal then speak. u need at least 5 shots to hit someone 1km ... the precision still sucks u need alot of luck and if ur enemys got good gear they can still survive an navid shot.

i first played navid alot but after some hard sniper battles i just thought play a sniper because if u see that the damn bullet just pass the enemy u dont wanna play with luck anymore. i did alot of missions and i needed 700+ m  like 15 bullets for one fkng npc because theyre lying down and then its so hard to hit. 

and at the end i tested the navid again on the arsenal against standing bots on an even bottom that are looking straight to u and i  hit like 70% of the time on 500 m and 40% on 1000m. if u think that weapon is op then play it but if u miss 1 shot 500m + u can forget him he will never stop running ^^

try to hit 1500m with an navid ... u hit like 1 from 10 shots maybe. or even more its just alot of luck. and i never said that u cant snip with the spmg ? I play with that weapon too and hit alot or 1.1km  kills. u write like the navid and the spmg are the same  lol

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Please. test first the navid on bots in arsenal then speak. u need at least 5 shots to hit someone 1km ... the precision still sucks u need alot of luck and if ur enemys got good gear they can still survive an navid shot.

i first played navid alot but after some hard sniper battles i just thought play a sniper because if u see that the damn bullet just pass the enemy u dont wanna play with luck anymore. i did alot of missions and i needed 700+ m  like 15 bullets for one fkng npc because theyre lying down and then its so hard to hit. 

and at the end i tested the navid again on the arsenal against standing bots on an even bottom that are looking straight to u and i  hit like 70% of the time on 500 m and 40% on 1000m. if u think that weapon is op then play it but if u miss 1 shot 500m + u can forget him he will never stop running ^^

try to hit 1500m with an navid ... u hit like 1 from 10 shots maybe. or even more its just alot of luck. and i never said that u cant snip with the spmg ? I play with that weapon too and hit alot or 1.1km  kills. u write like the navid and the spmg are the same  lol

Screw arsenal. I do it in game, on Exile DAILY.  Just cuz YOU suck at sniping doesn't mean everyone else does.  I counter snipe Lynx's and other snipers ALL DAY LONG with SPMG's and Navids. Easily effective to 1500m.  Must suck to suck.  

You don't know shit about the weapons you talk about. 

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