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select a stack - move all

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I know, this post is old.


But i would absolutely second this.

this would be awesome.

especially while performing tasks like cutting trees and put the wood into vehicles and other, similar stuff.

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YES! For the love of all that is good, YES!

Especially for dumping everything from your backpack into storage - really useful for moving wood; looting things, but needing to make a hasty/fast exit (looting a mission in PvP, for example); or reorganizing your base (good lord if that already doesn't take up the majority of a standard 4h reset schedule :/)

Edited by UBEChief

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Nah... looting needs to bear some risk. 'Take all' is convenient, maybe too convenient even. Maybe make it so that you don't have to click so many times, but implement a delay/timer/progress bar, so it still takes some time. Perhaps not inside the territory tho, keep that part 'magic wand-like' :)

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On 4.6.2016 at 11:20 AM, Alokeen said:

Nah... looting needs to bear some risk. 'Take all' is convenient, maybe too convenient even. Maybe make it so that you don't have to click so many times, but implement a delay/timer/progress bar, so it still takes some time. Perhaps not inside the territory tho, keep that part 'magic wand-like' :)

Even that would be okay.

For me it mainly is the "reduce number of clicks" part :D

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On 4-6-2016 at 11:20 AM, Alokeen said:

Nah... looting needs to bear some risk. 'Take all' is convenient, maybe too convenient even. Maybe make it so that you don't have to click so many times, but implement a delay/timer/progress bar, so it still takes some time. Perhaps not inside the territory tho, keep that part 'magic wand-like' :)

I guess you never sold a crate from an AI base or slumsbase lol....Do it a couple of times and you'll be happy to have a stack function. 

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Wrong guess ;) But the tension you have while moving individual items to the ground and then into your vehicle, all the while hoping noone has a sniper aimed at the back of your head - priceless :P

As for selling, what's the issue there - just pick what you want and dump the rest at the waste dump NPC??

Joking aside, exactly why it should stay as is or with a timer/progress bar: you get a crate of goodies to sell, it should be hard(ish) or risky. We can even pull the 'RL fidelity' card here - it really would take a while to load up X items in your car.

A viable option would be to load up (mount) the entire crate onto your vehicle, but that too should take a short while and not happen in an instant.

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7 hours ago, Alokeen said:

Wrong guess ;) But the tension you have while moving individual items to the ground and then into your vehicle, all the while hoping noone has a sniper aimed at the back of your head - priceless :P

As for selling, what's the issue there - just pick what you want and dump the rest at the waste dump NPC??

Joking aside, exactly why it should stay as is or with a timer/progress bar: you get a crate of goodies to sell, it should be hard(ish) or risky. We can even pull the 'RL fidelity' card here - it really would take a while to load up X items in your car.

A viable option would be to load up (mount) the entire crate onto your vehicle, but that too should take a short while and not happen in an instant.

IIRC, some servers do have the option to load crates into vehicles, but the way they're loaded varies. One server allowed two supply crates to be loaded into the back of a Tempest Transport (Open) (and had the two crates shown on the flatbed - this server was on Chernarus with the Slums Base), while another server (the one I'm playing on, coincidentally) had limited space in the vehicle - as in, you can have a MAS Ural with 10k capacity filled to the brim with gear, along with one crate in its virtual storage (supply crates in this server take up 75 capacity of a 100 capacity virtual storage), also filled to the brim (this server is on Altis with an AI Base that didn't allow its supply crate to be loaded, but can be lifted to a trader instead). Both versions of which don't instantly load the crates, but take a while to do so. The one where I played on Chernarus had the crates lifted and then slid onto the flatbed of the truck (which looked very choppy), and unloading them would take the same amount of time. The Altis server takes less than 10s to load, but you can unload and install the crates into your base.

Sorry for the wall of text, lol. But it does show that some servers are intuitive when it comes to loading crates. It just takes forever unloading the crate's contents into another container x_x

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1 hour ago, Sgt Smash said:

Weight/Mass could make this a pain if you are already geared up, but would be great if there is away round this.

Technically there is - it's called putting your uniform/vest into a separate container :P

Always use your backpack to make large amount of transfers, lol

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