Show mods in expansion bar

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Yes this is client side so for example if you only have @Exile in your launch parameters then only Exile mod will be in green. You do not have to use Heli and Karts to get them to work in game that is why they are red but if you were to add it to your launch parameters then they to would be green. :)

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I have tried it both ways for Mark, heli, and Karts and they show red. I have yet to get them to show green since epoch, and Exile.

-mods just tried to add them into the server this time and it wasnt working. I have not tried on the -mods server part yet.

So i dont know, what can i try?

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simple upload your mark, heli, karts and curator folders from your computer to the server overwrite the files and delete them from -mod parameter or -servermod if you already got them in there after that the mods will be green in the browser

Edited by «KeXtu»

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i think we lost each other

i already have a server now if u go into arma and go to multiplayer then there is a list of servers now some servers say in the expansion box  what mods they have

now i want my server to show my mods also so players now what mods to have to play on my server



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i was answering sneakydudes questing i though your question was already answerd before... the mods in the serverbrowser show automaticly if you load them with for example -mod=@Exile;@mas18;@masvehicles;@RHSAFRF;@RHSUSAF;@TRYK;@Ryanzombies that way all mods called via -mod are shown automaticly in the browser only -servermod mods arent shown there so as long as your server HAS mods they are automaticly shown there no need for you to add something out of the ordinary

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