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Help With Vilayer Server


Hey.. i have a newly install vilayer exile server.. and i have no clue on how to work with tcadmin.. so therfor i ask here if someone can help me with installation of AI scripts, or and Zombie script on this server. i will grant access to the server so the one that know what he is doing can edit files and set things up :D

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16 answers to this question

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Make sure that before anything, that it's not a linux box, linux is known to bug out zombies and demons.

Good point. Also, if its a Linux box, i am hands off! (lol)

Thanks pople good point.

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No problem, I am experienced with AI however, I actually own my own company and have them on auto install so that our customers if they prefer can add them, they may not be missions as those require windows, but they are roaming ai which provide a bit more fun and randomness. Just watch out for Vilayer, their service is a little bad for things like exile.

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Psh, im offended you didn't come to me, everyone comes to me for vilayer help..lol jk. But dude hit me up on my TS and ill walk you through everything and we'll have u as a vilayer genius in no time.



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Server licenses is what I mean.

If you rent servers do they come with a server OS ?


Alright, I get what you mean now, we don't charge anything to set up a server, but if you are to set up a dedicated box with windows, we have an option for you to buy a windows server key from us at an extremely discounted price, and within 3-5 days you will have a dedicated box (you will not have to pay the windows key monthly, it is a one time fee. You will also not be charged for the 3-5 day setup time that we have.)


However linux comes free as that is what our mother provider gives to us.

Edited by pople177
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