
Please get rid of "y u try to glitch?"

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We've got the same problem in our base. I parked a pick up and a quad, 2 meters between them. When I'm trying to open inventory, sometimes it says "y u try to glitch ?", it's annoying, because I don't understand. I don't even know we can glitch, I just want to open the inventory.

Other issue with vehicle's inventory : when selling from it to a trader, when you go back to your vehicle, you see the inventory full. (and he's absolutely not)

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with the "y u try to glitch?" issue

the Problem is if you have Parked a car in between a few meters (5 i think but dont get me if im wrong) and you open one car and try to look in the Inventory than it goes on.


1 Open all Cars/Safes in the Radius

2 just go around the Car on a side with no other Locked Container/Car

3 Just Sit in the Car


that helps alot

Edited by Artjom_Clark
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It's need a system to detect flag pole nearby, is your player GUI then owner/allowed rights on that flag. If so the system to stop you glitching through walls to get into gear (which is what this is for) is then disabled in the radius around your pole.

Edited by Rangecreed

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It's need a system to detect flag pole nearby, is your player GUI then owner/allowed rights on that flag. If so the system to stop you glitching through walls to get into gear (which is what this is for) is then disabled in the radius around your pole.

+1 Forwarded! - Check the change log! :)

Edited by Pustekuchen
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This message comes even with vehicles open. On 9% thirst and not being able to get the water out my truck was a pain! Very annoying indeed.. But re-locking it and opening seems to help that..


Only main problem im having is getting in to my safes. I have them up tight to a wall and the 3 sides i can get to i get this message. Only way i can get in, is by removing the wall to enter the back of the safe O.o   

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