Rep/PopTabs transferred on death

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Keeping rep and tabs safe after death is quickly getting old. Players are getting rich and fat and theres no way for them to lose rep/tabs other than a bug/glitch or by spending it. I recommend modifying 


so that the killer gets a percentage of the victims rep and tabs along with the standard rep increases (roadkill, etc). Setting would be in exile_server_config\config.cpp and could easily be set to zero for those that want to disable it. Could also add a _victim minimum balance requirement for it to work. If _victim has more than 10k tabs/10k rep then true so player cant lose everything.


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IMO that's a GOOD loophole. If people buy stuff it takes their money out of their wallet and makes them able to lose it. If they buy stuff rather than keep it then that just mean their stuff can be blown up. Players are running out of things to spend money/rep on and get bored. I have already raised the rep needed for base upgrades and I plan on raising the poptab prices (again) on some things but I also want a more rewarding PvP experience. Getting a few hundred rep for a kill is "meh". I want people to lose rep/tabs and get mad about it and seek vengeance. I'd like to see rep as a sought after commodity. to see rep needed to purchase certain items, and to see rep transferred on kills. I feel like only needing poptabs is good to start people off to get basic things but to get the fancy things they need a lot of rep.

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Bases can be raided. I did this the other day, it was quite simple. Got me a Strider, 9 guns, food, water, a crap load of resources, and more. I think from that one raid, i got around 10K+ worth of stuff. I don't mind keeping pop tabs forever. Thing with that is, all you have to do is force other players to start spending some by damaging their economy, base, etc.

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I don't think a person losing rep and pop tabs encourages P v P i think it reduces it. People by and large don't like losing their kit when they get shot never mind respect and tabs on top. More will avoid fighting and the result will be less P V P.

The less you lose the more active the P v P is, the downside to that is the less you have to lose the lower the feeling of danger and excitement and tension is also lower.

For me the way to encourage fighting is keep the tabs and respect ring fenced, make it easier to get back to the fight and use weapon and equipment pricing to control the amount of danger felt.

If you use pricing to govern how much a player loses you effectively have a mechanism which lends itself to all players, we all select the value of kit which is on the limit of what we dare to lose.  

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Yea I've already modified my pricing to make more desirable items more expensive but that doesnt phase the players that have plenty of money already, just the new guys that join the server. 

Also admins could set the percentage to whatever they feel is fair. Like 5% of say 10k rep/tabs is only 500, 10% is only 1k. Not really that big a deal IMO. Sell a couple cars or do one mission and make it back easy. It's not like people will lose ALL their rep, just a little bit that is easily recoverable.

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I still don't see how this promotes P v P.

I currently have about 12000 rep, i'm trying to get to 15000 to up my radius. why would getting killed and losing 600 rep encourage me to P v P more? That's going to take me an hour to get back, an hour spent just to break even.

If someone has more say 100000, why would the prospect of losing 5000 of it encourage me to P v P more.

To me the reality of this is the well equipped people, those that hit the server in the early days, the clan members that have fortunes gifted to them by their own admins, just rape the respect and tabs from newer members to the server. I don't see how the prospect of someone buming you in a strider when you have very little and costing you hours of work is going to make you think i must get out and fight more..

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