|SW| Benlav

Toggle loot spawn - user level

3 posts in this topic

I made this suggestion in our local Zenithovmen server, so not sure if the guy who runs it has had a chance to post it in here. However, has there been any discussion where a user could choose to toggle loot spawns for their character? There are a number of circumstances where I will not be interested in looting, i.e. moving from one point of the map to the next, combat etc. Therefore, if it would potentially help with better server performance, an option to toggle loot spawning would be ideal. As long as it is glaringly obvious when it is off, it could be helpful?


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I don't think it would help much. Loot spawning isn't causing a significant performance problem on any server. Loot spawning is slow because something else is slowing the whole server down.

Not only is loot spawning slow, the vehicle localizer is slow, the database saving queue is slow, everything is slow, but not because they are slow themselves. Something else is causing the whole system to slow down, which is what Exile devs/BIS are working on now.

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