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'Default' Pin Code

4 posts in this topic

I'd suggest adding an option to the XM8 to set a 'default' Pin Code.

Anytime I walk up to a door/vehicle/safe etc. scrolling onto 'Unlock' will automatically input this Pin Code. There appears to be something similar already in Exile where it will remember the Pin Code for particular items, so perhaps an adaption of this code would suffice.

In addition, if the 'default code' doesn't work, it should then prompt for a Pin Code as usual.

Also in addition: for when the 'Clan' feature is release, you could tie this into 'Clan Codes' where 'Clan Objects' will look for the 'Clan Code'. Although, I can see why some might not want that ;)


Just a thought I had after opening/locking so many doors. ^_^

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As the code hacking device is already implemented - you shouldn't really use only ONE code, because if someone hacks your door, he will get access to all of your doors\safes.

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